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Everything posted by jackc

  1. Well, after reading all these posts I feel very good about wanting to wear a Parachute, in case my plane comes apart in severe turbulence, don’t see my Thruster liking it at all.
  2. Works for everyone UNTIL someone gets turned into a Rice Colander……..
  3. As far as I am concerned i need to go through an onerous and costly process to get one…..they can place it where the Sun NEVER shines……
  4. Ran that flight plan for my Thruster…….it said my fuel tank was too small 🙂
  5. I ordered skins from Wingtech today, but sadly they will be no more as they are closing down end of this month and Alan is retiring, no one taking the business over……..I was the last order I was told 😞. So, I am not sure IF there is alternative company they can be purchased from. Maybe a sailmaker somewhere could do them, but probably need the aircraft as they would not have templates. Hopefully Wingtech inventory may find it way to someone willing to do them. Might end up using Bunnings silver tarps DIY fitted 🙂. That would be flying on a wing and a prayer!! Insurance? PSB Insurance are contacting their underwriter and will know tomorrow what is happening.
  6. No, not yet but close……just waiting to hear back from my comprehensive insurance changeover from my other aircraft that probably won’t be flying for a while. I ordered and paid for a new set of skins today, even though the ones on it are in very good shape. My Garmin Aera 660 GPS and mounts came today, along with some nav charts I wanted. So I need to set the GPS up and load some ALAs as waypoints. An aviator’s work is never done 🙂
  7. Unfortunately I am in the position that I cannot build……I have little time left on this earth and want use some of it to fly with….before I can’t 😞
  8. Nullarbor Roadhouse has runway that used to be the driveway in off the highway years ago to the old original roadhouse, I worked there back in ‘76.
  9. Thanks for that:-). They are all in boxes that came with the plane, never pulled them out to look. That makes them handy anyway. Was looking to get a new set from Wingtech before they cease manufacture?
  10. Thanks 🙂. Worth a shot, have a spare set of skins that came from the plane originally, need to check their integrity and can experiment with painting them and see what happens. Not sure WHY they were originally taken off?
  11. THEN the game addicted youth join the services and play the games for REAL….. What carnage could result? But it’s a War they said…….
  12. Because he CAN 🙂
  13. Last week I went out to a local gliding club airstrip looking for a temp hangar….. I thought they would be flying that day…….all I saw was what I thought was a post WW2 airstrip, buildings looking forlorn and unkept, shredded windsocks … The whole place looked abandoned 😞. I was in that club 35 years ago, it was dynamic with lots of activity etc, but many of the people from those days have probably passed on and gliding does not have the attraction of iPhones etc……. I believe there are 7 members left now……..and they have hired out some hangars to store building materials? Not sure how that fits in with Aviation?
  14. Only gone against my Ju Ju once……’98 leaving Heathrow in a British Airways 747 to come home…….weather was foul to the point that I thought they would hold/cancel. I always booked seat 59A on those trips! My logic was IF it crashed, tail section usually breaks off and I may be saved! Well we took off and the wind was horrible, snow flurries etc. the plane wallowed into the sky like a lame wing duck, after an eternity. Here I am thinking, we are too slow to be flying? Wallow wallow etc…… It took over 60 seconds before the plane started to stabilise…….the longest 60 seconds of my life…….. IF one of the engines even sneezed, I think it could have been over. Fortunately the rest of the flight was fine.
  15. No doubt prices are up there, but maybe could become cheaper in the long run? Hopefully it boosts the lower cost sector….. https://www.geigerengineering.de/en/avionics/references?fbclid=IwAR3fs8L1SeDKKBeOeN6l7QT3rwazPVqXt9PwFeXVL_MnEMFQsjpmlRor8EY
  16. Interesting, did see in the log that Longreach Aviation did a partial engine strip to decarbonise pistons and ring grooves etc…..did not take close look at entry, not sure IF rings replaced? Now you have said that……have to plan a trip, have 68 litre tank 🙂
  17. Everyone has different ways of dealing with bad juju, I won’t even take a motorcycle out for a run IF I don’t feel right…..I have lots of friends once……they threw caution to the wind and they are here no longer for various reasons . I could get out of bed to morrow and get fired up to fly the Thruster to Longreach? Why? because I may feel like it……but today? I did not want to get off the ground higher than a milk crate…..
  18. Engine did not make sufficient power, reject the takeoff……no wonder as it was a sick engine, a leakdown test not part of its previous maintenance?. Any troubled flights previous?
  19. Been a hot day, to be worse tomorrow. Wind very light SE most of the day in the local area. Would have been good for running some hours up…..
  20. This is the suggested oil the previous owner of my 582 powered Thruster was using……
  21. So I had possibly intended to fly today, had to go out to where my plane is and do some paperwork on it, get condition report, take radio/intercom out and check it all over before use. Last night a very good friend msgs me and says, ‘please don’t crash your plane tomorrow, as I don’t want to lose my best friend’ I slept on that a bit upset and duly drove the 80km out to the airstrip this morning.. Whilst it may have just been an ad hoc fly around the block…. I said to myself NO……….not going anywhere in any plane today……I just had bad vibes. So I obeyed my inner self and did not do it. IF for some reason what ever it is, YOU don’t feel like flying…….THEN don’t.
  22. Mate, I spoke with Eric at Flightstore and hit him with a few questions relating to loading waypoints from PC……got the answers I needed so I ordered one with mounting options etc. He said to call back IF I had any grief. Bought a few bits from them……very helpful So see what happens when it gets here 🙂 Let you know how I go.
  23. Looks like a good choice for an EFB 🙂 https://ipadpilotnews.com/2021/09/pilot-report-flying-with-the-new-ipad-mini-6/?trk_msg=HT8U8G4F2V2KVFH3ATRAG4BI3G&trk_contact=7L9GVJVQRP61LH2PQECD4EKS0K&trk_sid=KE2RH5VLDOFIAAT74JAIRG3DRK&trk_link=JLHHDQUTL19K19O6RFG9NQSTGC&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=READ+MORE&utm_campaign=FF21094A&utm_content=Fast+Five+-+October+2
  24. https://www.eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-webinars?mkt_tok=OTEwLVNFVS0wNzMAAAF_3GzcPOJgPYfsIMOlSSxVvA-ou_2C5LBcM8dKgqKqKsH7VCyxIavbjvw-3FUyRiChUlVA85uyY_k1liKir5hizLUfF0GnS6Llm911nLZop2ZB_wu
  25. https://www.eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-news-and-aviation-news/news/09-24-2021-flight-training-bill-clears-legislative-hurdle?mkt_tok=OTEwLVNFVS0wNzMAAAF_18APxfx3iqy_j6NFSAUxsSGJi0mcfM6ECitAF2jsS0ccTv9jSjlwlcbWA1puSn9r8qloh3cYbOxWI9PH1vxu2ma84u9hBWXHrqgQ0ryvwuNpxg
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