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Everything posted by Camel

  1. The Jabiru website under Pinstripes and Motifs has a very good selection. I'm on the Mid north Coast NSW and had a local sign writer do my stripes which I found on another aircraft and he copied, printed and stuck on my Jab, did a great job.
  2. I agree with you 100%, it is very obvious that the Coastal is safer, the crazy part is there is a VFR lane along Sydney coastline Victor One and Sydney airport is busier and bigger planes than Coffs or Newcastle. I think Airservices Just want to hang on and continue their charges, I wouldn't think they really care as their income comes from more commercial activity.
  3. Was at Taree today, very special to see so many historical planes. See their face book page. https://www.facebook.com/tigerairrace
  4. A PPL can fly an Australian registered aircraft outside Australia. Can an RAA registered plane be flown outside Australia ? Also a foreign registered aircraft can be flown in Australia with that foreign licence but can not be flown with an Australian licence even if endorsed on type ! So why would the RAA aircraft be acceptable for RPL training ? As Nickduncs84 said, just do the PPL, sounds the best way to me, then you have the lot not the equivilant to a GFPT.
  5. So the way I see it, to get airbourne in the cockpit it would be at least -2 G, is that correct? Is it not outside the limitations ? C172 PERFORMANCE Specifications and Limitations Performance figures given at 2300lbs (MAUW) and speeds in KIAS unless specified otherwise. Structural Limitations Gross weight (take-off and landing) Baggage allowance (area 1) Baggage allowance (area 2) Baggage allowance (max combine area 1 and 2) Flight load factor (flaps up) Flight load factor (flaps down) 2300 lbs 120 lbs (54kgs) 50 lbs (23kgs) 120 lbs (54kgs) +3.8g – -1.52g +3.0g – 0
  6. http://www.armidaleexpress.com.au/story/2578123/breaking-plane-down-at-armidale-airport/?cs=469
  7. Here is RAA rego info https://www.raa.asn.au/aircraft/registrations/ 10-1884Skybound AviationAR-5*Hirst270626/03/1997
  8. I own a J230, I m very aware of problems of material and design of engine and airframe, Apart from the exhaust note they are powerful, fast, strong, plenty of space and affordable. My point is Jabiru are far from perfect but nothing else really meets all the requirements even though reliability is pretty important and hopefully Camit will get Jabiru to take notice.
  9. Good to see you on the job again Dazza, thought you had given up.
  10. My wife has done many flights with me including east coast to west coast return, but she sleeps most of the time and when given the stick manages to keep the plane banked, she doesn't want to fly regular but from the sounds of things I should be thankful. She has no interest to learn to fly and says I am Plane crazy.
  11. Try ginger lollies and tablets, apparently they help so I have been told by some sufferers.
  12. Hi I remember reading this a while ago, had to google to get his story, it was on this website as well http://www.coastalleader.com.au/story/1557198/on-a-wing-and-a-chair/#slide=1 http://davejacka.com http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/on-a-wing-and-a-chair-dave-jacka.63024/ Quote,"He operates the plane by levers that he can slot his arms into to control the movement of the plane, he uses the brake by flicking a large black toggle with his hand and he sucks and blows through a plastic tube to control the speed of the plane." It's a Jabiru so single master cylinder operating both wheels, I can't see why two switches could operate each side, would need normal toe brakes one side and second set mounted so electric operated rams could actuate brake. What ever ram mechanism Dave Jacka used I sure would work on independent brake operation. Hope this helps.
  13. as Poteroo said " Why stop at the exams? The rationale for most of the paperwork needs scrutiny - RAAus is fast becoming GA!, ". He is 100% correct! Ultralight flying was meant to be simple and inexpensive. The existence of ultralight flying has created light weight 2 seat flying machines that out perform GA planes, if you want all the privileges and luxuries of GA then go there and get ready with the cost. If you haven't owned a GA plane you have no idea of cost. Keep RAA simple, do not try over regulate or complicate or it will be lost for ever. I have to deal with GA pilots who think RAA planes are toys, I can assure you these pilots are not competent or safe, with poor airmanship. Learn to fly an ultralight well and you can fly anything if you can understand the instructions. Does this explain it better. I think most FTF would be happy with this, and is very responsible of RAA. What RAA said to FTF is, "The Flight Training Facilities themselves will not be required or expected to have and implement their own individual SMS however the requirements for risk management still remain. It is on this basis that RA-Aus will continue to implement and improve its organisational SMS."
  14. Wagga Aero Club open days, Sept 13 & 14,
  15. Have sent you a message, it is very possible, the only catch is no more than ten continuos days in any one calendar month.
  16. The tank to head return hoses are 17mm and this hose is not usually available in auto parts places as they usually have 16mm and 19mm. The other 25mm hoses are available at auto parts shops. I think I quoted the right sizes as I did mine a while ago. I would buy the kit from floods so you don't pay extra freight as they will supply genuine carb sockets and diaphragms. Then buy the 25mm hose from a auto shop as this hose wasn't in my kit and varies on different installations pending where radiator is mounted.
  17. Mark, if you are after a higher Mtow, larger cockpit and like the savanah and would like to build then why would the Spirit not be an option.
  18. They were pressured to bring in a DL medical, so what do the smart ar-- CASA do, they make it harder than a class 2. Nothing changes with CASA, it is a joke, they know more about nothing than most people, when safety is concerned they couldn't care less, they just want to make it difficult for all. I know of people that continue to fly GA without medicals or AFR as they think they won't get caught and I don't think they will as again only the honest suffer. So we have ASIC to prove we are not criminals, medical to say we are fit. So the dishonest are still active and CASA sit in their comfy office chairs thinking they have made it safer. For those that have knowledge of medical requirement, I would love to know why a class 2 has to be done by a DAME, without the BS, even my DAME said there is no reason a nurse could not do a aviation medical let alone any doctor.
  19. Here is the link to info and forms. http://www.casa.gov.au/WCMSwr/_assets/main/manuals/regulate/misc/form166.pdf
  20. Extract from ERSA, there are plenty with warnings. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Animal hazard exists. Caution: High ground to W. Severe TURB in W wind conditions. Another ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Kangaroo hazard exists PJE OPS WI 5NM HJ. CTC AD operator for additional INFO. Another ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONConcentrations of birds and wallabies in vicinity of AD. If there are dangers and stated I can't see how you can place any blame, as for ALA you need permission first and pilot has to determine if safe, at private strips definite permission and heard of quite a few that you must sign a disclaimer and you may find if at a private strip you may have trouble with insurance in the case of a mishap especially if it does not meet ALA standards. If you crash your car on the road or run off the road do you think someone else is going to pay for your damage ? Many rental car operators have a clause that the car is not permitted on dirt roads, that equals no insurance on dirt roads. I use to use a kangaroo infested strip and the afternoon landing method was called the kangaroo run, fly downwind at two feet off the strip scaring roos, then climb to the right, turn left base, final and land, in other words low pass turn around and land, not good with other traffic but worked well.
  21. Camel

    Jabiru USA video

    I'm wondering why you are not using Genuine Jabiru engine parts but instead using Cammit parts ? I believe this is the basis for all argument as there are better products available or should I say better products for a particular application, as an example the USA jabiru is equipped with different instruments to suit their market. I would like to do what you are doing but it is not legal for me, it would be a great option but Jabiru are being stubborn as usual, read the UK link I provided and you will see they are promoting use of Cammit engine parts (experimental). The comment made about me rubbing Jabiru the wrong way, by a couple, well let me say that Jabiru rubbed me the wrong way and that is poor customer service. Grandalph and FT, I see both arguments and you are both right. If Jabiru listened to both of you their product would improve but as others know they don't listen to many.
  23. Here is the technical stuff. http://web.archive.org/web/20100821175414/http://www.bees.unsw.edu.au/school/researchstaff/ramp/shuroofinal.pdf I worked many years night shift travelling to work on roads where eastern grey roos were everywhere, never hit one and for what it's worth I used the cheap plastic stick on deer alerts available at car accessory shops, they were a couple of dollars, I believe they work, I won't argue their worth as I may have just been lucky but I'm talking many years, 35 km to work, kangaroos always visible and able to travel at a reasonable pace. I would use the cheap stick on wind whistle without hesitation. The Shoo Roo and the deer electronic device I probably wouldn't bother with. Be easy to stick a few under the fuse, they did fall off every now an then.
  24. Camel

    Jabiru USA video

    Firstly, I own a J230, I like the performance, space and looks. I think Jabiru did well to get this far, but I'm sure they will be on a very rough path if they don't do something about their customer service or should say total lack of. Also the failure to address engine design faults which Cammit have identified and done something about, I look forward to their success, yes I have taken the time to speak to Ian at Cammit. I would not recommend anyone to buy a Jabiru without telling them how poor their customer service is and the design faults which become obvious to experienced pilot maintainers, L2 and LAME's. If Jabiru had good customer service and reliability they would be a success, they are sucessful now but going downhill fast, recently a very experienced L2 with a heap of Jabiru experience said it was getting worse referring to the jabiru engine failures and their causes being related to the quality, this is a fact supported by others and found in a UK website http://www.jabiruworkshop.com These are similar problems we hear of here as opposed to Jabiru,s attitude http://www.jabiru.net.au/images/jaba/Contrary_to_local_rumour.docx. Yes the J230 is my choice of aircraft but it could be a great aircraft, I hope Jabiru lift their game. I would like to see Jabiru listening and working with Cammit and others, going to China is not the obvious fix in my opinion. Don't brand me a Jabiru BASHER as I know the facts, own one, maintain one and wish them well but would like to see them on the right track with reliability and quality.
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