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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. righto whats your address ross? Kit is on its way :)
  2. hopefully i can join you one day in a SuperSTOL version. she looks good mate, just need some 29" tyres :)
  3. its official, i hate you :P ever been told you look like George Clooney?
  4. I'm very jealous :( but happy for ya mate
  5. wait is that you? lol i see from your profile you are from WA
  6. wait is that you? lol i see from your profile you are from WA
  7. Good stuff mate... always good to see some other 'youngins' flying
  8. Your right mark, i thought you where referring to normal highlander specs
  9. Your right mark, i thought you where referring to normal highlander specs
  10. Mark go to the just aircraft site the details are all on there mate
  11. very impressive planes these.. look up taildrfun on youtube. he is also on wings forum and backcountry pilots forum i think
  12. very impressive planes these.. look up taildrfun on youtube. he is also on wings forum and backcountry pilots forum i think
  13. I believe that the media needs educating about the difference between reporting and doing an opinion piece. Having mentioned this in another thread, I'll not reiterate it in full, but if there was less effort put into sensationalizing, and more into getting the facts, less controversy would occur. The use of emotive words, instead of descriptive words plays a key part. High powered.. Narrowly missing.. Disintegrated.. Dangerously low.. Instead of 200hp.. missed by 10 meters.. Broke into 3 pieces.. 500ft above the ground.. If the facts are not available, simply say so. In my eyes, using all this emotive language simply shows the reporters views towards something, not what the actual news is. 200hp, my be, in fact, a low powered machine, depending on what it is. And again, this is not limited to aircraft accidents/incidents. Pick any subject, and op-Ed pieces are passed off as news. My 2c
  14. gday mate, and welcome. With you on the carbon cub :)
  15. I agree whole heartedly mate, and I always try to maintain standard nomenclature, although you always come up against situations where you are not quite sure how to say what needs saying. Well, I do anyways.
  16. I'm unsure which generation this is referring to, but for the record the gentleman in question was pushing 60 by my estimate.
  17. Ive heard some shockers of radio calls. One particular one @ bowen one day the guy said three different rego numbers (not one of them was correct btw), and his joining call was, and i quote "Gunna fly overhead, and have a look at the god-damn wind!" and then seeing another savannah taxiing (me) transmitted again and said "hey, an S model sav is it? hows it go mate?" I didnt reply, even after he repeated the question. I think he got the idea then.
  18. ah righto.. ea 81's are the baby ones, H6 is the 3.0 six.. probably would be.. sounds like a weapon. After working on Subie motors for a few years as a mechanic, i would have no drama putting myself behind one in the air. Great cars, great motors, and great quality control in my experience.
  19. Sounds like virgin should have not committed that far with an aircraft already having taken ownership, as it were of, a runway. Assuming correct radio calls on the light ac's part.
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