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Everything posted by djpacro

  1. More spinning today.
  2. I would never go on the Big Dipper at Lunar Park.
  3. Training in stalls in turns etc is required per CASA's new Part 61 MOS. Beware of breaking the law wrt aerobatics as CASA has redefined it. Not on the RPL test however.
  4. Too hot to go flying.
  5. Too hot to go flying.
  6. No adverse yaw with the Airtourer and its flaperons. I haven't flown a Callair - I bet that Herb Andersen would appreciate Contact Flying's feedback. My last Pitts was an early model S-2A with differential frise ailerons - "spades" added more recently and it feels and rolls as good as many Pitts.
  7. Aeronautical engineer (aerodynamics, flight test, aircraft design & FAR 23 certification) and aerobatic flight instructor/examiner.
  8. Aeronautical engineer (aerodynamics, flight test, aircraft design & FAR 23 certification) and aerobatic flight instructor/examiner.
  9. These notes about Spillman's work may help explain the thrust extracted from some surfaces. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=X4pkFU-iRD0C&pg=PA146&lpg=PA146&dq=spillman+sails&source=bl&ots=t63ZlVF0Ol&sig=kB8NZL9whQgRIXIs6qqRpZo1wr4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp_8mrzMvJAhUDiKYKHSRaCpcQ6AEIJTAB#v=onepage&q=spillman%20sails&f=false Like many things we can change the datum and it is actually quite useful to talk about negative pressure wrt aeroplanes because the static pressure on the upper surface of the wing (in normal flight) will be less than the static pressure inside the cabin of the aeroplane. Static pressure under the wing will likewise be higher than pressure inside the cabin. So, it all depends on your frame of reference - sitting inside the cabin if you put a tube into the wing connected to a hole on the upper surface near the leading edge - put the other end into your mouth - you will feel the suction.Reminds me of a test I as asked to witness many years ago - the engineer connected a manometer up something like that tube - whoooosh - all the fluid was sucked out. He turned and looked to me, disbelieving what he had just seen. You need a suction gauge, I said. He was a mechanical engineer.
  10. Ahh! Aspect ratio - one of my pet subjects. Span loading considerations have benefit. Wing loading considerations have benefit. Doesn't leave many benefits to consider for aspect ratio alone. Who would've though that we'd be discussing stuff like Biot-Savart and Prandtl here.
  11. NASA does a pretty good job with their educational info online for school children.
  12. I flew the Airtourer and Austers at Lovely Banks, don't recall the Chipmunk. Lovely Banks disappeared very many years ago.
  13. CASA is the problem - from the new aeronautical knowledge standards in the Part 61 MOS Schedule 3 Unit 1.3.1:"2.2 Bernoulli’s theorem and Coanda theory 2.2.1 Apply Bernoulli’s theorem of constant energy flow to describe how an aerofoil produces lift, limited to the variation of kinetic energy (dynamic pressure) and potential energy (static pressure) as air flows through a venturi or over a aerofoil. 2.2.2 Explain Coanda theory and the effect on lift production." Only CPL, aerodynamics is not required in much depth at RPL and PPL level so, I agree, pilots do not need to know much detail. It wasn't quite as bad in the old Day VFR Syllabus: "6.3 Bernoulli's theorem 6.3.1 Apply Bernoulli's theorem of constant energy flow to describe how an aerofoil produces lift. Note: Limited to the variation of kinetic energy (dynamic pressure) and potential energy (static pressure) as air flows through a venturi or over a wing. Student should also be aware that the upper surface of a wing generates the majority of lift." "Pre-PPL background knowledge only PPL basic principles should be known CPL should be known in considerable depth." Yep, had to be tested because that is what CASA has mandated in their rules so Australian providers of pilot theory must, unfortunately, present info consistent with that.Some people read vague snippets of information with limited applicability in the good book Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators then quote it out of context as general theory. Incidentally, that book of 400+ pages is free online at the FAA website http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/media/00-80t-80.pdf
  14. good practice in wind tunnel tests to have a moving ground board for ground effect nope, Bernoulli is exactly right, the only problem are those who misrepresent his theory
  15. and https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/151111-amb-airspace-changes-wef-12-nov-15.pdf with phone number to ask further advice - they prefer to speak to people earlier rather than later.
  16. I meant to state: only partly consistent - unable to correct the text now that I am home from hols and reading all of this on something bigger than my iPhone. My style is more like that of http://www.dylanaviation.com/ I like his philosophy: "To be a flyer, students need to master only two skills: do not cause the airplane to stall and control yaw. Specifically pilots should know how to turn an airplane. Until the FAA requires CFIs to teach and pilots to master and demonstrate that skill, I fear the bad safety record will continue."Jim of Contact Flying, by contrast, seems to be more like http://billquirkbooks.com/blog/2014/06/30/landing-insights/ who is in Alaska and somewhat critical of the technique by Mountain/Canyon Flying in Idaho - I lived in Wyoming for some years and did some backcountry flying in a Husky in Idaho etc. I'm certainly not of the "elite Alaskan pilot’s aviation sphere".
  17. Had to wait until I got home to flick through my copy of the book - that extract was a general comment - he then went on to explain how the lag may be demonstrated with that 30 deg bank exercise.
  18. Good Kaz although Kamloops didn't need to apologise in that situation - he was just going down a particular track with the discussion and I suddenly turned it on its head.Incidentally, the situation that I described was not an inverted stall although we were inverted at the time i.e. we had a positive angle of attack.
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