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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. Same here ! . So, no giving spare seats to our forum members. Up next is a helicopter. Do we try again ! , It , is , for charity. spacesailor
  2. Jowett Jupiter Absolutely beautiful. spacesailor
  3. I have , and it was FUN . It was also " roped to the back of a V8 ford ! . Yes ! , it was a 'glider ' ( autogyro ) for dual training role at Eastern Creek . spacesailor
  4. At $ 200 s an hour dual . Your own plane makes sense for hour building. That's the break even price to sell your dream machine or ,hire someone else's dream machine. And don't forget the dollars for your club membership! . I can't fly but just love my " Dream machine " . So should I sell it . Just because I don't use it . The Dollar spend IS in my favour, as it has NO outlay at all . spacesailor
  5. AND YET, This government has spent $ 75.1 MILLION on this ' voice properganda ' to ' Force ' us to vote the way They want . No care for those that are homeless, or WHERE could They do more GOOD for Australians in general .. NO apartheid should be allowed in Australia. spacesailor
  6. Whereas the soninlaw in a happy camper ! . Lived in Sydney & had houses in Melbourne and Brisbane. NOT all in that same basket. LoL . Sold four mortgaged houses , then bought two outright closer to home . Another acquentance sold All his Sydney properties , then bought outright , 5 Hobart houses , were he currently lives, With his new yacht . Only for the wealthy end of town ! . spacesailor
  7. My soninlaw put the deposit's on at least four houses to lease them out. two in Melbourne and two in Brisbane , As all those were Not in his vicinity. He had to do the yearly inspection and maintenance by staying in a hotel with meals included . When he returned to Sydney , all his receipts went to his Accountant . Who promptly deducted All from Any tax he had from his Electrician business . PS . He lived at \ with his parents . So not a lot of outgoing expense there . NOW is a GreyNomad . with two Sydney rentals supplementing his retirement AND Happy . spacesailor
  8. What could be FAIRER The fact my son inlaw , Pay's LESS INCOME tax . ( negative gearing). He buys a New Ute, and lawnmower, as well as his fuel cost are covered . Then all the interest on his loans ! , ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. We the highly Taxed owner occupier ,get NOTHING . IS IT FAIR . spacesailor
  9. From the forties , till the latest motor off the production line . The chance of a breakdown has Allmost disappeared. How many here Still carry tools & spares. I DON'T. Routine maintenance beats waiting for the stoppage, every time . BUT I still have problems,! , with 25 year old battery terminals failing to charge , one of a dual battery system . Another dead flat battery to adorn the garden . Until I need more lead for something or other . spacesailor
  10. The 1938 VW Beetle type 60 , was designed by '' Ferdinand Porsche " .in 1935 . So must have been a good design to last that long . The ' new ' half VW ' MOTOR , can have many refinement's, including : " Nicasil " ! , ( Nicel Silicon Carbide ) electroplating . with " Electronic ignition " , on two ' spark-plugs ' per head . which seems good for a " half " 1935 designed motor . spacesailor
  11. The ' twins ' can land on " warehouses " like the one in Melbourne. spacesailor
  12. BUT To change " same for same " should Not be MARAP . As there Is No change ! . spacesailor
  13. MUCH BETTER . THAN. A Chinese Super cheapi that when unboxed ! , fails to ignite the " firecracker banger " , Then those " cords " that hold you to the canopy , Hope it's not recycled old rope ! . spacesailor
  14. Just tell them !. No ' New Bolly prop ' , but will keep the OLD one . Please return remittance. I wonder what the response will be. spacesailor
  15. I will miss watching the aircraft ' coming & going " from Mascot airport. The airport on " Mr Badgery Creek land . Will impact most of Western Sydney I learnt to fly Autogyro's there . spacesailor
  16. December 23 2005. That was the last " flat four air-cooled " VW MOTOR PRODUCED. In. Sao Paulo Brazil. spacesailor
  17. The VW is the only motor that has stood the test of time ! . 1938 ish to 2000 . spacesailor
  18. Well !. One microlite flew into an ' airshow/flyin ' i attended , ( Rylsone ) Looked good , but a little small for standardAustralian heavier bodies. spacesailor
  19. Not quite right. Truckies often run red lights, but , do Not get fined . ( 0.04 second for me $ 480 fine ). Only those hidden camera's get them . Discresion by they police for ' Profesional drivers ' . Was the reason spacesailor
  20. The END of !. LITiGATION . Do like NZ , were they made it illegal to SUE . Simple ! , even thro I lost out . By their gross incompitance . They refused to put a lock on a door , containing ' boiling salt ' . Or to put said door at a differant place , to leave an escape for the worker . NO compensation at ALL . spacesailor
  21. BUT ! Why must a property owner " own " the aircraft flying on his land ? . I have been offered a NT property ( north of " Gemtree " ) to look after the house-property. AND fly too my hearts content . spacesailor
  22. Answer I have tried three " jumpstart " packs . As answered " hook it up & crank the motor, thats were the excess current heated the cables, & disconnected by melting the soldered terminals . The third one I do not " crank the engine " with it connected. Only top up the couple of volts in the ' starting batteries ' from the 8 amp ( 8000 mah ) jumpstart . spacesailor
  23. Lithium jump starter packs are good , If you buy Quality , Thats the problem , hook-up your jump-pack then watch the 'power cable detatch by the heat meltiing the 'soft soldered ' connections . The way to work them is to ' charge the leadacid battery , then start the motor . spacesailor .
  24. A ' lead-acid ' , Accumulator is 2.2 volt , A bank / Battery , of 6 accumulators will give you 13,2 volts . Simples. spacesailor
  25. When I started! , ALL CARS had the ' winder-key ' through the " bumper " , ( staring-handle ) to start the motor whenever the battery power was low . Most aircraft could be ' hand- started ' , SO ! What is needed now ?, perhaps a , " super-sized " jump-starter !. spacesailor
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