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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. AHHH I'm told by those afflicted, wearing an ' external catheter " is so relaxing, no worries on getting to the loo on time . spacesailor
  2. Just imagine!. Incontinence, many men need an external " condom catheter " , Put it on before that long flight ,then relax , EMPTY the ' collection bag ' at your convenience. spacesailor
  3. Thanks Coljones . It explains why the wifes Galaxy can't be saved, ' no hdd to repair , will have to have a new ' motherboard ' . spacesailor
  4. I just found the hard drive in a ' tablet ' is a " NAND " . NOW WHO , can tell me what it means . spacesailor
  5. Not just ' go faster ' . But those extra ' gap filler's ' will make your fuel go the extra mile . So fairings and spats , will pay for themselves in the long run. 61 mpg about 98 klmtrs on 4 ( four ) litres on mogas spacesailor
  6. 2,5 mm ,on ALL radio receivers , as far as I have found . I changed my long straight cord , as with the headphones resting on my neck the plugs were dragging on the floor . Curly cord reaches my knees. I asked the forum , if it was wise, but no answer. spacesailor
  7. The BIG question ? . What happens ' if ' . you get. " resurrected " . Does your wife have to repay that insurance payout back . As long as that " death certificate " is in the hand . Legally binding. spacesailor
  8. 1/4 inch NATO. But 3.5 & 2.5 millimetre plugs ? . Were is the " Imperial " . American & French . spacesailor
  9. I changed my ' Altronics ' to a ' curly cord ' . The original straight cord had the outer plastic coming apart. I did ask on the forum, if it was any better to have the cord ' straight or curly ' . Also removed the 1/4" NATO plug for a 2.5 mm plug . spacesailor
  10. IF ! YOU chop your own props ! . You can customise them , to whatever suits your airframe , take-off, climb , cruise and economy. It appears a lot of smaller engines ' like ' a wooden propeller . Also your wallet really likes them as too . spacesailor
  11. The only difference, that make a tail wheel twitchy. Is the distance between those wheels. If you come All the way down to 3 Mars between the wheels , It Is Twitchy. spacesailor
  12. Nothing wrong with the tail -wheel, behind the mains , behind the motor . Long eze , of course . spacesailor
  13. Move the ' horizontal stabiliser ' to give a better result , on the ' elevator ' incidence. IF your design allows such adjustments. spacesailor
  14. Shouldn't the ' fuel burn ' be more important than just " piston " engine ! . I mean , a Cessna six cylinder has better fuel economy than that same ' airframe ' running a " turboprop " engine . ( Ltrs er hour. ) . spacesailor
  15. I have ' the lot ' BA , whitworth, Af , bicycle , a few DIN , & of COURSE , French Si metric . Oops sorry ! , NO Japanese metric . Plus Pipe , gas , and gas bottle spanners and all the ' taps & dies . A life long accumulated five toolbox set . Were will that lot go , when I'm gone ? . LoL not bloody going . spacesailor
  16. " Imperial " from ' emperor '. So must be French under " Emperor Napoleon " . As England has never had an emperor!. spacesailor
  17. RR Merlin Originally two straight sixes, welded together. No one thinks it's two engines . spacesailor
  18. They could have given the US , That Eiffel ltower ! As it was supposed to be for One exhibition only . spacesailor
  19. USA uses the French left hand-drive . As it was France the kicked England out of the America's It was France that changed , From the Right hand drive . And gave us ' metric time ' , 10 hour day ,100 minutes per hour , 100 seconds per minute. I still don't like it, do you ! . spacesailor
  20. " US or British units " . I believe they Don't us the ENGLISH. " BA " , SYSTEM. " British Association of screw threads ". AND England uses the French metric system . It was France that changed , From the Right hand drive . spacesailor
  21. METRIC. A French system. To rule the world . Removed the " Greenwich " meridian , the new meridian is Paris France. Removed the ' standard ' calender. The new " Republican calander 1793 " which stopped the Catholics finding their Sundays for " mass ". 10 hours a day , 100 minutes per hour 100 seconds per minute. Only three countries are imperial! . United States . Liberia & Burma. renamed Myanmar. SO Why does the USA call ' their System ' Imperial? . spacesailor
  22. AND IF YOU HAD ! . A large volume motor , wouldn't you wind it up a couple of times , just to see that 200 kmrs per hour on Your dial . Yippee Thanks, Australia for letting us revheads have ONE road . UNREGULATED FOR SPEED . Stuart highway NT It maybe restricted now to 130 klmrs p hour . SHAME ON THEM . Nò more ' expensive ' Bentley GT's going faster then light aircraft ! . ( 330 klmts p h ). spacesailor
  23. OR ,!!!! Work Against CASA's Bureaucrocrats. It may send a message ! . Or are they really ' that thick ' . I don't like Bureaucrocrats, & won't play with them . spacesailor
  24. SO , what IS the secret to immortality ? . When I was skinny they tried to Fatten me up. Now, I look Good at 95 klgms . The same people want me ' blooody ' skinny. I'm Not fat !. Just short , for that crook BMI . spacesailor
  25. I went to a ' heart specialist ' . When I asked ' if ' there was something wrong . They answered. It's all in the cloud. So I cancelled my next appointment, & I feel much better for it.( never had a heart test since). spacesailor
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