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Everything posted by bull

  1. really lost the plot when he discovered that Turbo and the wreck where not on the ground but still valiantly struggling to gain height as steam started leaving a vapor trail behind the old holden. Turbo looked down and saw a ....................
  2. amazingly out of the dust arose the mighty wheezing holden as Turbo slowly climbed out not too sure what to do about the tree branches stuck on his leading edges of both wings [avref] the old holden was slowly climbing at full noise and the speed slowly increased to 60kts ,,but that was not the only thing to increase,the old holden together by a screw in the back seat suddenly decided to let the temp guage indication increase as well. As the needle on the temp rose so did Turbo,s temp and his ........... ...............
  3. with much ado attacked the old hz station wagon that was NOT the car they where allowed to do either,[it was the airport managers car ]as OT was late in delivering the panelvan!! Anyway after hours of cutting smashing and banging[not just steel as the local rsl girls came over for a look] the creation was pushed out of the shed [Similar in design to this flying Pinto ..AVREF] ....and the wings where fitted. Now Cappy volenteered to be the test pilot but turbo beat him in a rock verses sissors thingy and strapped himself in,as he .......................
  4. a panel van,Loxy had a nice sandman back in the day! Not as good as my old Valiant Drifter,my we had some fun in that ,back in the day.....Drifter said OT ,did it have a rotax? Nah i think it was a 318 v8 but it sure flew [avref] faster then a ............
  5. 2 stroke oil from Bull,s jackaroo? And WTF was a jackaroo doing in his dream?f&^k knows how Bull comes into it either but as he slowly wiped up the oil he heard a noise ,turning around from under his bed covers arised a...........
  6. fun they had in the clapped out old spitfires they had to train in ,remember that day that cappy,s wheels would not come down that was .......
  7. do a Benny Hill walk in the park,,like he did whilst learning to fly spitfires with Benny Hill himself. [this is believed to be the Jedi rat and a young Tubs and we think a young Bull back in 42 but not sure] But the reality soon hit as he needs help nowadays to just go to the toilet ,[another story altogether that one ,,thew] aand he decided that he would.............
  8. with the a little funny. Hey thats CHIEF ENGINEERmister rat said Tubs [totally getting into role,,lol] and you will address me as such from now on ok?
  9. was that the vodka never seemed to run out until just before the...........
  10. he needed the extra coin to pay the deckies overtime to hose down all the spew,,,and that,s without mentioning the human leftovers spilled throughout the cabins and decks. This has got to stop said Chief Tub ,lets leave the hoses..................
  11. maybe get one trip in without a breakdown ,,,might get two depends,said the chief engineer Ensign Tubs...
  12. It was not so much the fact that the fake media had now turned full circle on itself and the story was in dire danger of being lost and requires the help of long time NES,er,s to recover to humour /laughter and indomitable wit of the Mighty Cappy and co ,along side the equally mighty Turbo and his Turbine ind,s world wide[loves the chineses] .....now someone please.........
  13. spinach,as she grew up watching popeye the sailer man and it became a hereditrary trait.The scene was punchered by the sound of her teeth as she tore into the can [no can opener] ripping several.......
  14. microwave for radiation levels and such too. The best part of his skills is the way he can make a...............
  15. was some long lost cousin or lottery winner or such. Now Pricktator Dan had decided that the legion could be the way porward for Vic/pol ,some new rules and more open points of contact could stop those pescky hoons that are doing donutes in the front of Cappy,s grandmother ,Jules. Oh it is terrible some nights ,she said ,they are always doing it and doing it and.........
  16. retired from the foreign legion, but thats a whole new story branchline for the NES and will be kept for later... Anyway Tubs did not know whether to !1:run or 2:greet the rello,s and smile at the Blonde lady like she.
  17. our hosties,opps flight attendents have been around the bush and are very very very experienced . And in first class the "full service"can be had for......
  18. engage in unspeakable acts with Cappy as they used to do back in the day! But alas the jet start job came with a ..............
  19. Blue oyster bar with his new found piloty friend, now the night grew longer and the debuachery increased to the point that the........................
  20. seeing eye dog,,now this dog also flew the plane for him now and was always......
  21. Wheres mine? i been here since turbo stuffed the evinrudes ,way way back in the early days when turbo still had his f16 before the accident that..........
  22. some magic ingrediant, cause no matter how bad they taste i can not stop eating them! Now this..............
  23. heard island ,and thats a long way from............
  24. They where always classed as..........
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