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Everything posted by bull

  1. consternation across the nation ,KISS was not impressed at all and like the the ayatollah of rock and rolla, Bull was also in shock and the crew from the blue oyster bar [bob for short]and Cappy,s other frequently visited establishment the..............
  2. Would be quick , blink of an eye,,My condolences to all family members of the passengers and pilots at this sad time,, 😲
  3. ...the shit from my pants and then realised i,m still on the ground with two 250lb bombs bouncing along beside me ,,now this made all my previous effort of cleaning out my pants a waste of time because the flow was........
  4. .but Bull piped up and said ,,yeah your right old turdy is very good at being "low"[avref] to the ground and the many times he was knocked to the pavement in his younger days gave him excellent insite into the intricity of pavement construction and.............
  5. .disaster as the pies from mysore where world renoun as the best pies in the country and to have cold mysore pies was akin to.....................
  6. electricity supplied by an old holden 186 driving an alternator, but as usual this was out of service ,so they had to resort to the backup pedal power set , now if you have ever seen the Turbine spies recruits you would know they are NOT in peak fitness so after the first ten minutes both CT and Turbines best spy cappy where heart attackcandidates : leaving no one to man the radio as both where passed out and................
  7. us having to be reminded of the subject at hand ,and that was a "crashed"230 and it was now suspected the order to continue flight operations over the 230 was to hide national secrets. Now this was something Turbo was right into and soon had.................
  8. BREAKING NEWS......The raid on CT,s farm produced nothing but a couple of unregistered ultralights ,but no jabiru,s and they now headed towards Cappy,s place of residence as the crashed jab was found to have been a 230 and Cappy was known to own one [according to RAA records leaked by a whistle blower]and it was seen to depart his home strip 20 minutes before the arrival of the errant 230. And now the Border force found on google earth his plane could not be seen anywhere on his strip and..........
  9. ............... ......for the next week or so there was many many landing incidences amongst our 380 brethen as tyre after tyre punctured from slivers of fiberglass and aircraft got stuck on runways all over the world, stopping international and local traffic to zero flights as the aircraft where removed and all that attended where grounded for inspections before they could be returned to service costing millions,this caused an international furore and a task force was established to find and procecute the errant jab pilot. Now Border force was forced to get involved and they where soon seen to be readying for a raid on CT,s farm for some reason ?Well ,now thats one for the books said..............
  10. crashed jabiru,,and leaped out of the little machine to a ..................................
  11. entwined with the latte set and this scared him more then the impending landing of the now flying dingy as the wave crest launched him and the dingy into............
  12. Discovered that Turbo was one step ahead of him as the whole statue disintergrated in a load explosion !!! Cappy,s dingy became the fastest clinker dingy in the world as it rode atop of the wave crest heading towards his..........
  13. one morning whilst having latte,s with Turbo apon leaving they spotted the Turbo statue up to it,s waist in water and all hell broke loose amongst the Brighton woke subset and they started leaving in droves. Now old Turbo knows a good wicket and started buying all the waterfront properties for less then half their value . Hmmmm said Bull this seems suss i better have a look at this turbo statue. Well after an extensive survey Bull discovered that Turbine inc had mounted the statue on a submersible barge and secretly over night had sunk it to his knees ,to bring property values amongst the Brighton woke down to make a killing when he refloated the barge . Cappy stood up and said..................
  14. spike protien specialist,custom designed too said Ah Choo,why we can and have already..................
  15. all the friggin RAA costs to fly me bloody jackaroo ! almost need a carpet bag full of cash now to fuel up the mower,,,,how can i mow me lawn if i can not handle money cried Bull. Well you could..........
  16. enough to irritate the monkeys ,[hence the monkey pox thingy] and are now planning more to come [secret photo of the top brass in pox discussions ],,,,,,Well i,m gunna stay away from any one now said Bull [especially Mavis as it is spread by skin to skin you know ,,wink wink ] and don,t even think about shaking my hand cause.............
  17. spell "men"woman' etc now it is impossible to determine the gender of some creatures and this was causeing some...................
  18. ..................Uluranorise and connect with thier ..................
  19. ......apon federal politics as after he successfully coaxed the jacka up to 70 ft and flew down the valley and landed as he needed to change his underwear but now wonders which toilet to use cause some numby wearing a red labor shirt helped by something in a big pink wig has taken all the signs off the toilets! Cappy stood up and said Bull old mate this elbo bloke might be ...............
  20. .but this would clash with the gumboot wearing persona of the average taswegian. Now the Bob Brown foundation is calling for a ban on the wax as it could infringe apon the.........................
  21. ..local university and had stumbled on the answer to his finance problem [he was broke too many pokies] he now approached the student with a counter offer of 15 % of gross takings and his school/university was to remain as a silent partner ,[Bugger sharing half with the old dragon ,he could be heard muttering]....Now Melovturbo had done a quick [2 min] google search and had found Turbine investments and financial counceling is facing 14 federal warrents and the baileff is running around as well,So he decided he would..................
  22. face me about cutting me in on his product i want 20% or you can not use school equiptment or build on school grounds........Now 20 % might sound high but where else can u get free power and tools and with the science club fund i,m sure we can fund the start up ok? Now this took Melovturbo [,a student from Ukraine] by surprise and he sat down to talk to his financial adviser,Cappy from Turbine investment and aviation company ,after the talk Cappy stood up and said.........................
  23. made a anti aircraft missile and as soon as he heard Turbo,s engine he looked around and got lock and fired ,,shhhhzzzzz went the missile heading straight as a die for turbo,s HZ and..........
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