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Everything posted by bull

  1. They where always classed as..........
  2. ..bullrush cremes,[as they added some meth to it] and suddenly the work output of Tasmanians doubled overnight but.........
  3. jackaroo was unarmed. Now apon recieving the premiership of the colonial island of Tasmania Bull signed executive order after order and turned the state around from a festering pool of tree huggers and pink hair barman to declaring that Tasmania is now a country and will become autonomous . and Pricktorians will need to have a police clearance to enter the country any other state we believe you. Now you can just imagine the responce from scomo as he................
  4. after Bull moved the decompression lever and the perkins died the swooner found that he or she or whatever [disclaimer: Bull reserves the right to not recognise this LGBERTBSA stuff as he has enough trouble remembering the bone airstrip[avref]letters YB SOMETHING N]and is overloaded with too much gender tech and will get back to the story] the swooner could.....................
  5. Wondered about the longevity of the perkins in aviation ,Well said Bull whilst i was a commercial fisherman many years ago we once had the exact same model perkins powering a generator on the boat and the best we could get out of a perkins was 35000hrs before tbo so you should be right .Now Turbo was not known to be slow and he was seen applying for a deisel fuel tax exemption cause he rarely used roads ,oh except that time i...........
  6. old road roller with a 4cyl perkins diesel which will fit if.......
  7. down so it drowns [yes bull is back after being ostrasized and banished to the no posting bin for something that has nothing to do with me,,lol] now drowning a rover was not really that hard as even a light dew make them stutter and fail. What wet rovers has to do with martian settlement and ..............
  8. and the suitability of a Nissan engined Morris minor to the tarks set for it by those old bold pilots really................
  9. Now Now this put the cat amongst the pidgeons as like old forresst gump old Ahlocks wasnever suspected as he was always regarded as how do you say:noncomprendo sort of thing and..........
  10. becoming a member of obscure aviation related [sometimes] threads like our beloved NES and .............
  11. But don,t you miss the scream of an OS46 in a power dive to a low pass ??? 😎
  12. clean up his mess.. ..Well as you could gather the NES is sort of back to the original intent ,A story with no ending that flows with the words,changing characters and dramas and never ending storyline changes.. A bit like after Turdo cleaned up his mess [had got really quick at it now] he was elected to...
  13. ..an old motel in Yarrawonga or somewhere that was famously burnt to the ground during one of junior Turbo childhood escapades. [ This incident is recorded in one of the very early pages of the NES when he was test running his F16 that he got on ebay] that is owned by his family and is now growing in popularity as "THE" place to go {if you know what i mean} So after the alcahol started flowing Turbo started relating some of the adventures he had at that motel ,and about the time he and a couple of.........
  14. was everlasting until one of those T72,s had been stolen by OT [CT,s brother] and he was last seen heading towards Canberra muttering something about Raa and it,s payback time! Now old Putin had not read the whole NES and was not familiar with our famous member OT and said,,,,now thats a turn up for the books ah,camberra commies copping some grief might have to take over australia next.... [This is supposedly OT stealing the tank but unverified]
  15. ..dyslesic monopoly where everyone started as millionares and the winner was the first to go broke.......[beaten to the punch again by the master turd ,,,my apologies to all.....
  16. he had hidden his golf clubs to go with his balls. After collecting his clubs he proceeded to..........
  17. This caused some serious consternation amongst the left in Australia as the depiction of violence and harm depicted as a greeting for a religious holiday was breaking the bounderies of conduct in the NES and some thought should be put towards sanctions against this member :skipper: was being called for amongst the fringe members of the NES [you know those that never contribute to the story ] ...Now .................
  18. and these flight paths from the cold war where somehow sent out in the digital sport pilot mag and was causeing all sorts of grief at those in power at RAA as errant members where somehow ending up as new drones for Ukraine albeit piloted versions with low penetrating power. Penetrating power! said OT ,why i heard that turdo has the ................
  19. Yeah the bloody things always spew the contents all over the place when you open them. Now these new fangled..............
  20. .and this brought out the team from channel 7 ,s and Cappy[event organiser] was soon surrounded by camera men and had a microphone shoved in his face as .................
  21. Going on all your posting about members and rings etc ,,,hmmmmmm room for concern there maybe?.......
  22. was immedietly pounced on by Turbine industries trained killer attack dogs from the local pound,[documentery of the event starring Turbines finest stray attack dog] ???Trained by.........................
  23. and stubby shorts and thongs on at the time! Now this created a pretty picture when he landed just after . Holy toledo turdman that must have hurt?......
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