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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Yeah, next thing you know the grubby media will be telling people that gravity is dangerous and they shouldn't jump off cliffs. Those sheep that think they need planes or parachutes because of this imaginary "gravity"... pfff
  2. These guys seem a bit more advanced - they're already running scenic flights.
  3. You haven't mentioned one factor that is supremely important to the government. There's an election coming up. If they make the target too out of reach (eg 80% of entire population) and then don't reach that before the election, they may lose power. Which is more serious to them than the virus itself. So they negotiate it down to 70% of "eligible recipients" then hope like hell they can reach that before the election.
  4. Being a tightarse, I'm leaning towards the lead acid. As my wife said, I could lose 5kg to make up for the battery. (Notice she didn't volunteer...)
  5. Ask not for whom the bell tolls (or whatever the saying is). While it's natural to want to punish those who cause these outbreaks (like that NSW muppet who flew to Tassie without a permit and later tested positive - we'll probably have one here soon) - in the majority of cases they are doing things that in an of themselves are totally unremarkable, in times that are anything but. Are they guilty of thoughtlessness, even stupidity, and possibly selfishness? Most likely. But if they have any self awareness at all, ie not a total sociopath, then they'll know that their actions led to a lockdown and the majority of the state they live in despising them for that, and that's probably a worse punishment than fines or even minor jail time. But I would be very uncomfortable with the state punishing non-violent, non-malicious behaviour with draconian fines and jail time. We've all done stupid things from time to time. Could be one of us having a brain fart and dropping in to a family member during a lockdown.
  6. Weight vs money by the looks of it.... The two recommendations so far: SSB Powersport XR Series High Performance AGM Part Number RB16CL-B: 6.6kg $154 delivered EarthX ETX680: 1.86kg $690 delivered So one is almost 5kg lighter but over $500 more expensive. If Skippy's is from 2013 that's 8 years, so no difference in longevity.
  7. This stuff is complicated. I've never done any wiring before except for a power point or light fitting. From everything I'm reading it appears that the battery has to go straight to the starter relay (without switch or fuse between) because the starter motor can pull huge amps when turning over. So how is the capacitor wired to the regulator? Thanks for your patience guys - I am a total newbie when it comes to electrical stuff. Making wing ribs is child's play compared to this.
  8. Thanks guys - I'm in the checkout at Element 14 now - while I have free delivery (the mounting bracket tipped it over $50) - is there anything else I should be getting at this point in time?
  9. This one? https://au.rs-online.com/web/p/indicators/0209119/ Thanks Bob.
  10. Hi Sav owners, I'm installing the Sav wiring harness and instruments on my 701. Noticed that the wiring plans show the fuel header warning light and test switch installed on the far right side of the panel. Seems to me that if I have a warning light telling me I have 18 minutes of fuel left, I want that bugger right in front of me. Have any of you changed the position of this? Or is it noticeable enough where they position it? Thanks, Marty
  11. Hi all, While the weather is too cold for painting and fibreglass finishing, thought I'd get stuck into the electrics. What is the best battery option for the 912? I think placement is going to be in the engine bay - the Zenith build pics show it behind the passenger seat but given mine is a 701/Sav hybrid, that's where the header tank is going. Some folks are apparently using EarthX Lithium batteries, which according to their website http://www.earthxmotorsports.com.au/ are often recommended by Rotax and recreational aircraft companies like Sonex and Kitfox. Apparently they have battery management systems to stop them exploding. Anyone using those? Any and all comments appreciated on pros and cons - cost, weight, safety, cranking power (I believe 25 amps is recommended - is that right?) etc etc. Thanks! Cheers, Marty
  12. It worked in that movie with Denzel Washington. But that was a movie.
  13. What a craftsman! Love his workshop too.
  14. People love talking about their stuff Spacey. Just tell them you're interested in electric cars and they'll chew your ear off for hours.
  15. Done any 701's yet Mark? (Very similar to early Sav I guess).
  16. It's early days of EV. Hats off to the early adopters, but at the moment the price is too high for my wife and I. She wants to get an EV after her 2009 Hyundai i30, but I reckon she'll have to wait for about 4 or 5 years, when the price is equal or lower than petrol/diesel. So yes, right now you'll get some range problems, you'll get a few people going back to petrol, you'll have a lack of infrastructure, etc. But it is the leading edge of the change so at the moment only the richer or truly committed will go for the pricey EV's. In a few years the wave will roll on and new IC vehicles will be the exception rather than the rule - that's when we'll jump in. Just like when TV's went to flat screen - I first saw a big plasma TV in Myers with a price tag of $40,000. Who's going to buy that? Fast forward to today and you can pick up a bigger, better resolution LCD TV for about $600.
  17. It'd have to be a deaf and blind bird who couldn't get out of the way of that thing. Seriously though I reckon the software would be set up to recognise the uncommanded loss of an engine and compensate with the other 7.
  18. Just one more thing to say - Alabama: very Republican, heavy Trump support Vermont: Democrat.
  19. I guess the problem is accessibility - if the switch is on the firewall for example then there's either the chance of hitting it with your foot or not being able to reach it in an emergency. Where did you mount it? Would be interested in the details of your isolator.
  20. Don't people put a battery isolation switch in their aircraft? I was in Repco today looking at this - https://www.repco.com.au/en/globes-batteries-electrical/electrical-accessories/switches/narva-rotary-battery-master-isolator-switch-with-removeable-keyed-knob-contacts-rated-100a-12v-61036bl/p/A9758517 Would like to hear from the electrically qualified here, would it be a good idea to have that going straight from the battery before going anywhere else?
  21. @Flightrite - sorry if I misunderstood you - but if you have a read of what you said, it's easy to do. Kind of like "The boy helped his uncle, Jack, off a horse" vs "The boy helped his uncle Jack off a horse".
  22. Well mate, I'm sorry if you took what I said as a personal attack, but your post immediately prior called people who got the vaccination "lunatics" - so you did kind of throw the first stone. And while you're enduring lockdown, consider this - the government's mistake was not organising bulk purchase of Pfizer when they had the chance, because you don't put all your eggs in one basket. But the only way you're NOT going to get lockdowns is when you get a certain percentage (probably 85-90) of the population vaccinated.
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