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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... however, expressed cynical doubts. "We both know what a CT Turbo is, eh mate?" said bull, using punctualtion for a while "So what do you reckon he will really pay to get us across? $20, you think, then pocket the rest?" However, before Cappy could answer, expressing similar doubts about Turbo's ethics, both Cappy and bull realised that they had given Turbo too much credit/benefit of the doubt, because out of the mulga stepped El Chappo who had visions, & had done a deal with Turbo, for on-selling bull and Cappy as high-priced sex slaves ............. well, that was until he actually saw them anyway. El Chappo spoke "Sacre Bleu mon compadres, I don't theeeeenk that will work, that CT Turbo has ripped me off again, so we weeeeeell just use these two to .............
  2. ..... to play the loveable & heroic (Cappyref) part of Puss in all but the 1st of the Shrek movies, then adopted the name of Antonio Banderas to .....
  3. ..... having to wait 24 - 48 hours down near bull's south end, waiting for the file & hacksaw to reappear out of his ..... (Cappy had been out of ammo while bravely defending the Empire at the Kyber Pass .......... while Turbo had been on the turps with that CT up near the Kyneton Pass, in the company of a few of the DG ladies of the night [What a pair of CTs])
  4. .... Cappy, the Pete Best of the Kingston Trio, and ever the super loyal friend to bull and his coffee lady main squeeze, decided a breakout was justified, so he ......
  5. .... rietor of the farm sent .....
  6. Meanwhile bull was down on the farm, impressing his mates. https://www.facebook.com/reel/254967660584341?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  7. ..... started & finished every sentence with "OK" and Turbo naturally thought he & his damaged foot were in like Flynn. "OK, well that is a bit of an issue" said .....
  8. ..... "Shelf" on the shelves, "Ground" (avref) on the green, brown and grey bits, and "Sky" (avref) on the blue and white bits. But that is when Turbo became confused, because ......
  9. ..... a good hard look at itself and reinvented itself over the October long weekend, in a way that even Dan Gryder needed to report on, because it was man-dated (erky perky) that there must be Aviation Music Festivals, tie-dyed overalls, man-buns (or man-bun wigs for the bald blokes) and signs in every aviation workshop say "Only Lay-Me if we both give permission", and soft non-blokey Barry Manilo type music was enforced in every aviation (avref) workshop ..... then finally, CASA issued workshop posters showing a hunky Albo over the words "The Prime Minister urges all Lay-Me's not to get their tools out in public". As a result of the above, accident rates went .......
  10. ..... dirt under their fingernails and a very questionable set of morals. "What else would you expect from a group who proudly use the term "Lay-Me" and who mostly wear uncoloured overalls, without even a ......
  11. ..... that each wanted their aircraft to be distinctive and several squadrons of pink F-35s and Raptors looks a bit over the top when dog-fighting (now called cat-fighting) with a couple of hundred pink MIGs & Sukoys. The other result was that war became very regimented, as once all of the female cycles coordinated, the war needed to be called off for a week every 4 weeks, not because the ladies needed to lie down & rest, but rather that during that week they almost always failed to obey the Geneva Convention and instead they would rip the heads off anybody, male or female, that showed themselves. Cappy, in his capacity as a QC, now KC, has often given legal and precedent advice to the Allies since WW2, and in a recent report he advised ....... "The next lot of Nuremberg Trials are going to be very nasty & Milosovic will look like a choirboy, because all the ladies will ......
  12. ..... 2 separate dunnys to be dug in every trench, plus .....
  13. ..... one of the crusty old (Turboref) founding Members made the statement that would live on infamy "We don't need no stink'n sheilas in this here club and further, I reckon that .....
  14. .... whether women should be allowed inside the airport boundary or be required to continue to stay north of Saleyards Rd. The vote was close, when ....
  15. ..... the boots & the scooters and the chalk that made the line, were all knocked off by some kids who had done their shop lifting and car stealing training in Townsville before graduating to the mean streets of Deni. There was a rather weak attempt to control the thefts by the Deni community, however they were soon told that it was actually all their fault and that white privilage was to blame for all ills. "Once we get reparatations and a treaty and take all the white-fella cash, then you really gunna see Australia go ahead in leaps and bounds, just like that old man rainbow kangaroo over there, that ......
  16. .... is a great Elder (well, he is as old as dirt anyway), and he can remember when this was last tried on, at ....
  17. ..... heck as he are a entrepreneur and arranged for the Land Council to buy up all the grass and sticks within 1500 kms. We make kill"n on dese ceremonies, eh? And den we ....
  18. ..... have a Voice. "Don't worry " he said "As I'm a big fan of Lidia Thorpe, so she'll get me into the Commancheroes for nix, plus I'll make $1200/hr from the new WA heritage and ground inspection BS legislation, where us Track mob will be the dominant clan, and we will ...
  19. ..... professionally, on behalf of a syndicate of wealthy .....
  20. ..... cooked, cleaned, supplied the tissues, and .....
  21. I think what Turbo posted is fine is fine, bull, as even back then, while she couldn't read or write or type, punctuate or use capital letters, she described herself as she, her, lady, woman, chicky-babe, female, sheila, chick, honey, baby, hottie, darling & barrel girl.
  22. ..... getting into the barrel on command, and also .....
  23. .... "Ich bin ein Berlina", and as a result he was pursued by Lee Harvey Oswald, Marilyn Munroe and .....
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