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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. Agreed Skip. The only thing I’m very cautious of is handing over too much power to government and relinquishing our freedoms. Remember, we we still a democratic country, and yes I want leadership, but with checks and balances. And just to restate. I’m not anti nor pro vax. I’m just a normal dude.
  2. Yep. There a few sources I trust, that’s for sure. A bunch i don’t as it becomes very clear of the agenda. It’s amazing how polarising it is. It’s the new religion and I’ve seen friendships end over it because one person has a different view. We just need to all respect the next persons right to believe in what is best for them. We don’t tell people which mythical creatures that apparently lives in the sky, they should believe in. we respect their faith and smile and say, good on you. If we don’t hang on to that mutual respect we are doomed, and sadly the fear mongering from the main media is appalling. But it sells I guess.
  3. And what might that be mate? I’m not allowed to think for myself. You dont think I deserve that respect. I’ve probably lost more people I know from Covid now than most of you. SEEYA!!
  4. Just to be clear - I don't have a view either way. I am certainly no expert. Just looking at the data and trying to understand it. But understand this..... 2 weeks ago, my friend (double vaccinated) caught covid. Gave it to his mother (double vaccinated) She died. (over 70) Today, one of my flying buddies tells me his wife (Double Vaxed) is now in hospital fighting for her life. (over 70) Like i said... Just trying to make sense of the data without influence from so called Drs and Scientists who are paid for the pleasure.
  5. I get that. But that was not my question. Let’s look at a scenario…. they don’t want to let unvaccinated in a pub. Ok Goodo. Let’s roll with that. 99 vaccinated people in there, and the next guy walks in also vaccinated but has Covid. what was the point of keeping the unvaccinated out? Was there any benefit to that? Now I can already hear people say “it reduces the chance.” Ok. Reduce but not eliminate so we can pretty much guarantee one of the vaxed will have it (it’s delta after all) so the actual level of chance is unimportant. So again. What was the benefit of keeping the unvaxed out if the vaxed can still spread it? Simple question.
  6. I guess the first question is. If I’m in my 40s. What is more of a risk? My flying me aircraft or dying of Covid? Of course the government does not want me getting it and passing it on to someone who is 70. Sure. But the vaccine does not prevent that, so what is the actual point then?
  7. I’m not saying we do nothing. Don’t get me wrong. Of course Covid is a problem but I think the response needs to match the threats. These images attached are again from the governments own site and data. Make of it what you will. But let’s discuss. I would like to hear what we all think of these graphs. Source - Health.gov.au https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2021/09/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-1-september-2021.pdf
  8. Source: Australia's COVID-19 Delta outbreak is pushing frontline hospital staff to the brink (6 Sep. 2021) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/covid-hospital-health-care-workers-stress/100423832 dude I have plenty of family in the health system and ambos. Don’t believe all the crap you read. Keep perspective.
  9. Let’s get some perspective lads. This straight from the ABS. link below for you. IN AUSTRALIA There were 5,043 deaths from respiratory diseases between January and May 2021. NOT INCLUDING COVID. There were 766 deaths due to influenza and pneumonia recorded between January and May 2021. NOT INCLUDING COVID. 20,143 deaths from cancer occurred between January and May 2021. Why are Covid deaths more important? Source. ABS https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/causes-death/provisional-mortality-statistics/latest-release
  10. Let’s bow we go the way of Denmark. These Covid passports are going to be a PITA. https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/coronavirus/denmark-becomes-first-country-in-eu-to-drop-all-covid19-restrictions-as-nation-passes-70-per-cent-vaccination/news-story/da8aebff81793d807a017fed4ec3772c
  11. Again... just thinking out loud, and like a good aviation student, thinking about the what ifs..... So here is the scene.... 100 people allowed in the pub. Stats say... Less likely to get it and pass it on. So what... 1 in 100 chance? Cool... so now we have one person in the room with the other 99 that is infected with Covid. Then what? The other 99 now also have the possibility of getting it, and now taking it elsewhere! Do we know if this is a REAL possibility - Israel will say it is. Just doesn't make sense to me. But maybe I overthink things too much!
  12. Less likely is very different to can't! If you are sitting at the pub across the table from someone with it for 3 hours, I am pretty sure we know the outcome!
  13. So here is a question... and I am just playing devil's advocte here... The Gov is saying if you are not Vaxed, you can't go to the pub. Why? If vaccinated people can still carry it, and still pass it on - what's the difference?
  14. I am not sure we are ever going to reach 100% vaccination.
  15. It's all over the news man! https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/nsw-records-1542-new-cases-of-covid19-nine-deaths-after-announcing-lockdown-exit-plan/news-story/bf28c66b26e6d28330b8008ab78f488a About half way down. “All of these individuals had underlying health conditions, three were fully vaccinated,” deputy chief health officer Marianne Gale said. “Three had (received) one dose of a Covid vaccine, and three were unvaccinated.
  16. I hope you are right Skip. Saldy yesterday more people died Vaxed than unvaxed. Let's hope that is not a trend!
  17. Well, All I can say, from someone who experienced this last year when we were locked down.... Never again will I allow myself to go for months without getting in the cockpit to remain recent and proficient. Last year when that happened, it could have ended very differently. I won't go into details, only to say, CASA have recent and proficient policies for a reason. I will probably get flogged by some of you for this, but myself and my organisation are continuing to work (we deliver training to government and other essential services) and I can tell you, me driving to the AD to go for a fly, is the least of your concerns! LOL! You do you... I will do me. 🙂 Enjoy!
  18. I don't want to be "that guy" but I am just identifying that it can't be as stated above. There are many reasons why people leave their home. Work Education Essential Utilities Medical Care Givers Zoo Keepers that need to feed animals The list goes on and on and on. To single out one person (ME) and state that I have contributed because I drove from my house to my hangar in a community that has never had a single case, is a bit insulting.
  19. Hmm but by your example, then we should be at home in the dark, because in your "true lockdown" example, nobody could leave home to run the power station. Deliver food to woolies. Run the TV station. So you see, there are plenty of examples where people MUST leave their home.
  20. Wow. That’s a bit of an event mate. So what I do in these situations instead of looking for the issue, let’s eliminate some stuff. Carby icing. If it was icing, I’m thinking it should not matter what tank you use, as it’s all happening in the carbs. So I would rule that out. you say you did a fuel drain with now water. So we can rule out contamination. UNLESS what you drained was all water. I’ve seen that. Can you rule out the vent. Not yet unless you check now that it’s not blocked. So could be. One last thing is… after you swapped tanks did you go back and replicate the problem? Because it may well have been a lock that sorted itself as you coincidentally changed tanks.
  21. Very cool man! Something similar is on my list. I have a Bristell currently which is great for zooming off into the blue to go somewhere at a decent speed, but I also wanting something fun that I can plod about in. Good on you mate! You will have a blast with it I am sure.
  22. NICE!! I upgraded not that long ago - what ya gettin?
  23. Oh man. I ended up in a rabbit hole of CDC and Pfizer websites so I can’t tell you the exact link but I took a screen shots of the document. See attached. I will dig and see if I can find the exact site. The problem is main stream media will not fact check stuff. I have a very good friend who is involved in one of the biggest. They just run stuff. If another network runs it, so will they. If it’s a lie, they will simply repeat it. Sad.
  24. I don’t know mate. Mine is working perfectly. 460 hours in and still going good.
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