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Everything posted by johnm

  1. Per previous postings: ............ where the RAA website re registration update reads: 'Despite the best efforts of the staff and board of RAA last week and over the weekend ............' It should read: 'Despite RAA percieved understanding of this dilemma, we (RAA) have failed to comprehend the registration requirement plus other requirements ('other requirements' enter your best guess). Since this matter has occured 'X' times before (enter your best guess) RAA has decided to meet with CASA (could be the other way round) and will endeavour to expedite the dilemma's solution and conclusion The RAA upper echelon apologise for this oversight and confirm this in no way reflects on our dedicated staff - staff merely followed protocol set by (enter your best guess). RAA believe this matter will be resolved by (enter your best guess) Once gain RAA confirms that there is no real important particular issue that flight schools, registered aircraft owners, sellers or their purchasers need to be made particularly aware of. Until further advice from RAA - good luck
  2. Its good logic Mr Rat .......................... I'm with you on that (maybe as said - those incidents have not been reported (can't think of any other reason ?))
  3. LANDLORDS ....................... settle down please - you were put on this earth to provide fair and economical hangar space - so us subsevient's can enjoy flying You are openly price fixing and you'll end up before da judge However ..................... if you decrease your rent by a minimum 10% (more would be better) - this action will not be taken
  4. problem fixed ! .......................... and 'lil old motor runs smooth as facthunter suggested - it was the seat - photo is underside of the top portion of carb - the circular brass thing is the seat cleaned / lapped ? all this up - valve now seals against the seat why did the rubber seal and seat leak in the first place - don't know what caused the scratches on the seat - don't know (at attempt 2 a cotton bud was used to lightly clean the seat)
  5. we will have to develope a code book and distribute via this membership ....................... and commnicate coded we can be the free agents .......................................... CASA can be the .........
  6. new pasenger delivery system ................ qantas considering this unique idea to increase profits hope this link works ? ..................... (aerial commute goes badly wrong)
  7. 68 volksy - this is not the voice of experience .............. but they say debt (a loan) for a club - can be a killer you may have no choice but to loan are there no local Council run airstrips you can establish to ? - or are you to close to the big smoke (the big city)
  8. It can be the egos ................ also, however, some people see this fantastic asset - a beautiful big hunk of green grass and a good club operation .......... it can go dowhill from there power to all club members
  9. to me - an aero club (or a club of flyers) is a great way to promote aviaiton if outsiders can see a successful club - there is a fair chance outsiders they will then get interested - this must be good in all organisations there is the political side - you don't have to get interested in that part of it ........... if you don't want to If I look back at my old aero club (1/2 a lifetime ago) - yes they probably had more comraderie - but that was probably because of no internet (and facebook) - you actually met people face to face (not thru a puta) The concept of the club is the best way to go - you can't take a computer with you flying (mind you all the gadgets these days - that last statement might not be true) I agree with 68volksy - a Council should support an aero club - its part of the community. If a club can establish good ties at a local airport then the asset is more secure for flyers (and visiting flyers) If you don't .......................... support your local club and at least show your face around the perimeter of the building - become more socail for the sake of aviation if there is no club where you are flying - START ONE - NOW !
  10. i'm wrong there ! fletcher woul carry about 1000+ kgs - i'll slink off and take another 'red' pill
  11. C of G yes - overall weight would not be a problem ................. say 8 + 1 = 9 POB @ 100 kg = 900 kg I'd say a fletcher could lift easily twice that weight - turbine poered probably lots more
  12. thanks FH we'll bore in on the seat and will check level in the hangar
  13. Boffins with a rotax 912 (about 700 hours) - high wing aeroplane - with the fuel cocks left on .............. the passenger side air cleaner is saturated with fuel (over say a 2 day period) and there is a small quantity of fuel on the fuel tray this leads to a rough start - lots of fuel one side - not the other have replaced the internal horizontal float pins and the rubber seat valves - but problem still persists (might need a closer look at the seat valve again) is there any other reasons for fuel on the fual tray ? thanks
  14. thinest book at library ............ 'copulation technique down under' author: Guernsey printed copies: 2 reprints: 0
  15. johnm


    pretty quiet here so .............................................................. boo anyone spilt their coffee ?
  16. CSCOTTHENDRY & KYLE COMMUNICATIONS Great idea and good support Kyle If you get bogged and need money - I'll chip in $ 50 I reckon you have put the avistion authorities safety boffins to shame ! Great safety idea - cscotthendry .............. please take a good rest before you hatch another one
  17. johnm

    RAA mag

    Sherri its a degenerative conversation forgive them ..................... they know not what they do if they were sheep they would pack into a fence line and smother
  18. glyneoz - its because you are too close to Canberra ..................... a lot of wind gets generated there
  19. A Scotsman walks into the Bank of England in Central London and tells the manager that he is going to Australia on business for two weeks and needs to borrow £5,000. The manager tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so Hamish hands over the keys and documents of a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the log book and everything checks out. The manager agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's General Manager and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the rough looking Scotsman for using a £120,000 Ferrari as collateral against a £5000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, Hamish returns, repays the £5,000 and the interest, which comes to £15.41. The manager says "Sir, we are very happy to have had your business and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow £5,000?" Hamish replies "Where else in London can I park my car for two weeks for only £15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?"
  20. flyerme don't worry about the spelling mate - its what someone says and means; tis what most of want to hear .............. not how its said their wouldn't be one person on hear that hasn't made a spelling mistake somewhere along the line ....................... or would there ??
  21. good conversation and thread ................. its interesting how you can read some comments and initially you can disagree with a view point ......... but further on you can end up agreeing with it whether you are in error or not Flyerme (regarding them clouds) - thanks for the thread - you've created a good safety conversation ........................... and we all learn from that (or we are reminded what we have learnt)
  22. Andy@coffs thanks for that - big subject and lots of parameters .............. no doubt Can't this website arrange collection of proxies - or even conduct a pole to see how many would contibute Seems to me lots read this website so a good 'war chest' should be able to be created ? Or is that a 'no no' & would that antagonise (assuming that the right word to use) RAA further ?
  23. turbo I'd suspect the MAJORITY (me included) don't know these issues - I'd say the majority (me included) will willingly support the betterment of flying Your sumary certainly defines some issues - clearly - thanks ? I've seen some posts that talk about the potential to stop planes flying - are there any specific posts on the subject ? - are there great numbers of planes not or potentially not flying - how big is this problem ? I don't thing Ian has brought my Assoc into disrepute ................. do you think Ian has !
  24. Trouble with this, is ............ its the politics of it all Yes I know our fathers fought in the trenches for these rights but this constitution stuff is as thrilling as the inside of a ping pong ball Perhaps this site could have an indicator like the forest service - Fire danger - 'High to low' RAA board performance - 'Great - not bad - OK - alright - poor - woeful - where the guillotine' I wish there was an easier way that members could voice their opinions without the complications of interpretations, legal advice (god forbid) etc etc I'd be picking the majority out there (me included) don't have the stamina to get involved in it - I'd also guess the majority (me included) don't know the characters on the board or have full knowledge of the real 'nitty gritty' ............... this also lessens any intrigue or complusion to act ?
  25. thats a crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy pilot ......... makes circuits around the field look a bit ....................................... ordinary
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