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Everything posted by johnm

  1. 2 yearly aircraft rego please (minimum) 1/2 the workload and red tape and twice as much fun
  2. An airstrip / airport to me is like a road, a footpath, a beach, a river, an open space, a local hospital, a council run caravan park or a golf course It is a public / community asset - it is not like McDonalds or KFC It has a use for the betterment of society and the community. All members of the community will not use it - but, they might do at some time. Airports perform ambulance and search functions; etc etc. They can make the community safer. Thay can promote the community and some also say thay stimulate the local economy. They certainly provide employment Aviaiton is an important part of 'time poor' lives. Airports are the grass roots of where the people in the pointy ends of airliners have come from I think it is inappropraite to charge each individual that uses an airport an individual cost - it should be seen as a community cost I'll predict that if 'user pays' continues to be applied to airports ............... they will be proved to be uneconomic - they will then close and then be occupied by buildings like houses, McDonalds or KFC .............. then, people will realise that more airports will have to be established because there 'aint enough of them
  3. the worship of the all mighty dollar Lets: - meter rubbish bins - put tolls on the footpaths - license dog kennels as places of habitation - put tolls on vehicle xovers - meter fishing rods - double the rate if they are on a quay or fishing off a beach - charge an additional fee when you get a traffic ticket written out - put tolls on all public toilets, parks and any open space - put tolls on all crown land, forests etc - place tolls on all railway, airline, bus seats (just the ticket price if you stand) - put tolls on all entry doors / gates / trapdoors / rope ladders of places of enjoyment - put tolls on all places of burial - if annual payments are not made the corpse will be delevered to the next of kin - place tolls on all hospital beds (just the medical fee if you stand) - place tolls on all medical centres, dentists, urologists, porn shops, brothels (you'll probably be walking out happier so you should pay for it) - etc - etc
  4. dangerous topic this ............ unless you are getting skrewed like prwood (how could it get any worse ?) airport owners were put on this earth to allow cheap flying for us all to think that someone has to pay $ 2,750 for a recreational pastime ................ is a rip off lets hope the other airport owners don't go crackers like prwood's airport owner I'd imagine prwood's airport owner would have coin operated toilet paper dispensers in their own house (user pays) JM
  5. thanks all ............................ I'll try for Tyabb
  6. can't find a previous thrread on this but ......... where are some local recreational airports from Melbourne CBD preferably close and maybe public transport going past (might be asking to much there) I have a free day to roam this week and would like to log an hour in Vic :) thanks
  7. Summarising ................................. ??: annually we have birthdays - this is a good idea ............. when we get older it reminds us we are getting older - when we are getting close to 104 we know time is running short annually we do our aircraft maintenance (or at 100 hours) - this is also a good idea and does not seem to be a contentious rule / idea (not too many people disagreeing here) annually we register out planes with RAAI - this is probably not a good idea and this is probably a contentious issue. An aircraft owner probably needs to annually report the hours their plane has flown and landings (and maybe other data) - but not this current tedious system - every 12 months (annually) !
  8. ( Remember the (not so) Secret CASA Motto "We are not happy until you are not happy") ............. and ......................... 'the floggings shall continue until morale improves'
  9. TP - have sent in 2 sets of different photo's over the past 2 annual rego events and you could be right - my aeroplane does feel less prone to drop from the sky Come mid april if there is no rego renewal in the post - aeroplane definietly won't be able to drop from the sky
  10. The information that you supply for annual registration does not include any safety requirement - apart from hours flown and number of landings I don't think the current RAAI annual registration regime is a safety mechanism ?
  11. Agree with you there FT - its the time (mind you it's nice not to have money falling out of the holes in your pockets) ...................................... the hearse does not stop at the bank on the way to the cemetery
  12. I'm with you Andy & GG (there no point in an annual registration - every 2 years would be less of a burden but still irrelevant) My main gripe is the laborious annual event ..................... I was trying to get rid of one ground hog day I wonder if we should try reverse physcology and suggest that registrations should be 6 or even 4 monthly .............. 2 or even 3 times a year ! Imagine that administrative utopia
  13. I wonder why aircraft owner have to go through this rego every interminable year I guess we do it with cars but aircraft rego seems that more complicated - having regard to the current rego fiasco I guess in the interim RAAI has to keep tight reigns on the horsey When ? the ship gets in order I reckon we should go FOR A TWO YEAR REGISTRATION (MINIMUM) It will be half as fun but half as painful, but.
  14. '...................... mistakes - like the spelling and grammar on this site' eeeeeeeyyye - we're all guuilty of dat !
  15. watch it Phil headline could be ............................. 'pilots continual use of Lucozade to counter rampant effects of Shiraz (and other harmful ingested liquids) concern authorities - 'random' on the spot blood sugar tests being considered by aviation officials'
  16. .................... blurted philisophical statement arriving soon: 'is it not that all the generations gone by, think that the generations after, can't cut the mustard' ..................... its a human trait - you see it everywhere (a fair bit when you are a younger and a fair bit when you get older - its just that sometimes you go from being the criticised to being the critic) - don't get me wrong - the wise are allowed to criticise
  17. 'The flight, which left Brisbane at 10am, was three-quarters full of men, with some women and children' In the newspaper report it states that the plane was 3/4 full of men with some women and children ................... I presume there must have also been animals ? (or something else) in the cabin as well ? I guess its lucky that the plane was not 3/4 full of women or the incident could have been a whole lot more serious ?
  18. forgive me father cause I have also sinned 'this fly safe' message is important and I remember about 30 years ago in NZ I flew say a hundred miles from home and on the return journey next day I picked my mate up - say 50 miles from home in the ag C152. we both probably had 130 hours each It was flat cropping land (in the hawkes bay valley) and my copilot said he would like control and immedialtely attacked a crop - I think we were cropdusting ............... we could have been top dressing - both trades we aspired to .......... but never got any apprentiship sit was a big crop - I'd estimate 20 to 40 acres and we did one application run - in the direction of home - at probably 20 - 50 feet trouble was - with 20 / 20 hindsight we did not know what we were flying into - we did not know what was ahead (even if we were allowed to be there in the first place) ................... luckily, there were no wires and we climbed back up to safe cruising height - our first (and only) pretend ag operation completed - but were we STUPID. That one application run that we did could have been very violent & tragic as mentioned above I reckon it was that tunnel vision - I have never or will ever do that again
  19. its also hard to understand how aviation insurance companies tolerate this R44 situation ......... as well
  20. 30 years ago I learnt with one GA club and had various instructors - it was always enjoyable and the chief instructor always looked over the other instructors - they did not send me solo till I had 17 + hours ! and I did not care - I trusted the decisions that the instructors had to make Probably 8 years ago I started ultra lights and they sent me solo after 3 + hours (without looking at the log) Like Motz implies ? - I think us mere pilots should always trust & appreciate our interaction with our instructors - if you don't ........................... go find another - otherwise you don't get your monies worth ...................... and the skills you are supposed to be learning will suffer
  21. DWF the Tecnam Bravo operating manual is easy to locate on the web ? ........... and down load if you pm me (I don't know how that is done) I can supply you a copy ? all the speeds are there ................. clean climb out is 68 kts - cruise climb 75 - 80 kts ............. etc I'm not an instructor so I'm not saying any more
  22. expanding on that last comment ............. Damkia
  23. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. Keep going Ian - we all shall surely follow
  24. thanks FH - in your above post you have given some small insights to a 'non-instructor' instruction is important - it would be good to get some insights into instruction issues - might not happen ............ but it would be good instructors might never contribute, or as tplanner suggests .......................... information could spiral into a seething morass of opinion
  25. The thread should be closed - just for the instructors Having said that - flying is gas, strip, plane and instuctors - instructurs are a very important part of the whole thing It would be interesting & informative for us non instructurs to have 'read' access only - to see what instructors issues are Having said that - would instructors post threads if they can be viewed by all and sundry ?
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