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Weather or not you should go outside!


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Stay safe up there guys and gals in Qld & NSW I hope the worst is over for you all with the rain, now as for the river rises be damn careful and don't take any risks as it is not worth it.Alf in Vic

Hear, hear



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I just went & dropped off some DVD's to the shop at Robina Town centre (Gold Coast). I only live 5 minutes away. Trees down everywhere, a bit of carnage around. Good news is that it appears that the worst is over.The sky has become alot lighter in the past hour & the wind has dropped off as well.

I think I may have spoken to soon. It is very windy & raining heavy again.



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It's coming through Port Macquarie at the moment, real strong wind and rain, went to look at my farm strip and it's nice and wet. Windy enough to blow a dog off a chain



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Saturday night seemed to go on for ever, the wind seemed worse than some cyclones I have seen and it went on all nigh.

G`Day,Richard, 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif, Sorry about your situation! Most important thing is to stay safe!


Over the years Fran and I have had our fair share of misry caused by the forces of nature but from the system thats causing so much damage at the moment,all we got was some heavy rain and fairly strong wind but no damage. The Mulgrave river rose very fast and cut Ross road off from the highway but it went down fast as well and we were only cut off for one day. It was no problem for us at all and we have two boats on the property,if we need them and we may well need them yet as Cyclone Larry and Yasi both hit here in March.


Here`s a little story someone might like. A few years ago we were flooded in for several days, just at the time of a state election. There was enough dry land on the main strip to be able to saftely get the Drifter in the air. At that time, Ron Biondi`s strip was high and dry and right across the road from our local poling booth so I flew both my parents and Frances out so that we could all vote.





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Guest Maj Millard

Frank, You deserve a public-service medal for doing that !...especially into Rons' err... strip !??...I'll keep you in mind next time Australia day comes around. Hope all is well up there by the way. Cheers to you both ....................Ross 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif


Oh by the way, I've been doing a bit of Drifter flying lately in my old Drifter, after the current owners fitted a new engine......found I've still got what it takes...009_happy.gif.56d1e13d4ca35a447ad034f1ecf7aa58.gif



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G`Day Ross, 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Goodonya! I read you post about you flying your old Drifter! I`ve never for a moment doubted that you would still have what it takes and I sincerly hope you still have it for many years to come.


Cheers and all the best.





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I'm not convinced Queensland was intended for long term human habitation. Good for a visit when the weather settles down though.

You're talking as in any part of Australia was intended for human habitation...if the animals won't get you, the plants will. If you manage to avoid both the sun will most likely get you.

And even if you manage to stay safe from the sun, there's still other attractions like bush fires, hurricanes, floods, etc.


That's one of the reasons I've taken up flying while I'm in here - at least up there I'm far away from all the nasties, I'm fully clothed (in a trike flying jump suit) and well ventilated by the big fan on the back.


The only problem that I need to worry about is coming back to ground...be it either in a normal fashion or the unexpected and unwanted one.075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif



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Was supposed to do my first Nav yesterday, YSBK to YWOL, but needless to say that was rained out... kind of a bummer i guess but it'll happen when it happens. I just feel for all those people I have seen on the news being pulled off their roofs into rescue choppers, I hope this subsides soon and damage is minimal.


i fell back on Plan B and did another home brew, a Coopers stout this time! 026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif



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I havn't got to Gundy's place since the rain, but the water got very close to his downstairs level. Hope that was all it did. We were told to evacuate by the police, but when I asked where to they said Boyne Island. Said I would rather cut the neighbours fence and drive to the top of the hill, so they let me stay. It got to about1.5m below the house, so no worries.


Bundy is copping a hiding, worse since 1942 and a lot of local roads are cut. A friend of mine at Turkey has a mess of a road to travel, he is Gundys father and shares my hangar. Luckily the airstrip is dry and useable.


Im'e glad I don't live in Northern NSW.



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G`Day,Richard, 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif, Sorry about your situation! Most important thing is to stay safe!


Thanks for that Frank, after having seen what happened to other people we got through it fairly lightly, just a busted wind generator.



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Some pretty serious weather events out and about in SE Qld at the moment, stay safe everyone and I hope you have your aircraft in a hangar and not out in the elements! Some pretty high winds around.Be careful! Don't drive through flooded water - pretty embarrassing when you get swept away or you wreck your engine! That's the nice way to put it...

And if you see a sign that says "Road closed" don't go past it even to see what the water looks like. I was told by a road worker that if you are caught by the police past a "road closed" sign it is $133.00 and 3 points.



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I heard Gundy on the radio today. he was turnijng away helpers and sending them down the road to people more unfortunate than himself. Water with sewage was up to his floorboards I heard, but havn't been down there. Funny thing is friends who have a beach shack right at the river mouth weren't flooded and they are much lower. Obviously the widening mouth allowed the level to drop. Friends upstream of the dam are still cut off, some people walked in there up the railway line, but no trains.



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Guest Maj Millard

Good for the cotton down the road Tomo ?....how did you and family fare there at your place ............................................Maj...033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif



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