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Just because you're a pilot. . . . . .

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I wonder if any of you have had the same bullcrap from family, friends and associates regarding this abominable disappearance of the Malaysian 777 aircraft. . . . . . . ????


I have . . . .!


Just because you MIGHT know a bit about the subject of "flying" They seem to believe that YOU know a lot more about what is happening, more than the media at any given moment. . . . . .


It has got so bad that,. . .when I called in at my local butty box van this morning for my usual bacon and egg butty, I was rounded upon by all and sundry after Debbie ( the butty box operator) said "HEY,. . . .phil is a pilot, . . . he's bound to know something. . ." . . . .well I bleeding well DON'T.. . . . . . Today, I made the mistake of wearing my Staffordshire Aero Club jacket, respelendent with a tiny badge on the front with some wings in a Staffordshire knot visible. . . . .what a bloody mistake that was,. . . .it was as though I had hidden the bloody 777 myself,. . . ." Come on phil. . . .you MUST know what happened to it. . . ."


I wonder if any of you poor forumites have had any similar problems. . . .?


I've flown Daks, 727s, and a brief period on 707 freighters,. . . . . I've NEVER flown a 777,. . .not even in a SIM. . . .but that doesn't bother the grockles. . . . if you FLY . . .then you MUST know what happened. . . . . . .No. . . .and also I have no theories either. . . . . . . a lot of big brains and experienced pilots out there also have absolutely NO IDEA what happened to this flight. . . . . . Speculation is futile ( I think the Borg used to say,. . . .er,. . .or was that resistance,. . .I can't remember. . .)





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I get the what do you reckon question, but there is little expectation that I would know Phil.

Well David,. . .the people you know are obviously more intelligent and worldly than those whom I have to deal with on a daily basis. . . . . .

These people are those who don't believe a word they hear or read in the media, . . .but if they smell someone who they think ( wrongly in this case of course ) is in any way closely involved with the subject,. . . .then that person gets jumped upon. . . .( my personal psychological view anyway. . . .)



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Whilst I realize that there have been a number of recorded incidents where pilots have decided to commit suicide using their workplace as a platform,. . . ., whilst taking a load of innocent passengers as well, ( And may they burn in hell eternally for this. . . .) and I wonder if these events could have been prevented by the presence of a third crew member in the front office, ie, a FLIGHT ENGINEER. ( Anybody remember them ? ? )


I never understood the rationale in the removal of the FE from the flight decks of large transport aircraft, since the aircraft become more complex, and this can only be due to airline economics, Certainly not safety orientated, since, with more and more automated systems becoming available, I can understand why the bean counters at the airlines would assume that any serious problem would be easily solved by only TWO flight crew,. . . ( proved wrong on several incidents ).but with a flight engineer present on the flight deck, these problems would be Possibly sorted before they even occurred, giving the two pilots the freedom to just fly the damned aeroplane and not have to be concerned about the temperature of the batteries in the electronics bay or the crap blockage in the number five bog.


In my view ( and I must remind you, this is my own personal opinion ) the deletion of the cockpit flight engineer was one of the worst mistkes ever made by the international airline industry, and I'm sure that the pittance they have saved over the years, will nevr make up for the losses thay have suffered as a result,. . .some of which will never be known,. . . but just think about this,. . . .IF the recent disappearance of the Malaysian aircraft turns out to be a pilot suicide flight,. . . .do you honestly think he could have gotten away with it with , not only a first officer but also a FLIGHT ENGINEER in the cockpit,. . . . . Hmmmm. . . .I seriously bloody well doubt it mate. . . . . .


End of rant.


Kind regards to all,. . . .





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go on Phil, spill the beans 100_please.gif.86b3bfbc115b0271e90584d59019e59a.gif, we're all fellow aviators 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif, what did happen to the 777? poking.gif.62337b1540bd66201712a53e2664c9b4.gif 075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif

No,. . . .Sod the lot of you. . . . . I'm NOT going to tell you where I've stashed it until I get me ransom money. . . .. . . . . but can you hurry up please,. . .I mean. . .feeding 239 people is costing me a fortune at the local McDonalds. . . . . . . . .



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Well David,. . .the people you know are obviously more intelligent and worldly than those whom I have to deal with on a daily basis. . . . . .

No, it's just that they know David well and realise there's no way he knows anything.


. .I mean. . .feeding 239 people is costing me a fortune at the local McDonalds. . . . . . . . .

Round up a couple of stray dogs and rice, that'll keep em going for a few days.



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No,. . . .Sod the lot of you. . . . . I'm NOT going to tell you where I've stashed it until I get me ransom money. . . .. . . . . but can you hurry up please,. . .I mean. . .feeding 239 people is costing me a fortune at the local McDonalds. . . . . . . . .

Tell the truth mate - it's parked in your shed isn't it.


Best one I heard, a mate saw on Fox news the other night (don't ask me why he was watching that rabid sh*t in the first place - probably just to laugh at them) - their "sources" have assured them that the 777 in question is parked on the ramp at Tel Aviv at the present time.


Hopefully the objects in the Indian Ocean can be verified soon and the families of those on board can get some answers.


Round up a couple of stray dogs and rice, that'll keep em going for a few days.

They LET you stay in China??



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Roof Rabbit is OK. Don't know about eating poor old Fido though. Man's best friend. The poor dopes will love anybody.


Regarding the F/E's I recall a KLM DC-9 Captain I met saying he didn't like 3 person crews because there are " ALL THESE people you have to WATCH". That was , I thought a different way of looking at it. (He might have been the one at Teneriffe, later)..??


I would have to say that the 3 man crew on the B-727 had the best integrated crew procedures I have ever encountered. In abnormal and emergency procedures there was a double check on everything, with the other person minding the SHOP.. It's probably similar on the B707 and the B747 Classic.


Of course it can all be for nothing. Like when just changing the landing gear light bulb being such a serious job it caused a DC-10? to fall into the everglades with Three 3... 3.. people all watching it. You can make an aeroplane foolproof, but FOOLS use such ingenuity getting around it.. Nev



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Sister post on Facebook to get my take on the 777,,,,,, I very seriously put forward the possibility of aliens( with the required anal probing fixation) ,,,,cop a bit for not being serious,,,,mmmmmm,,,,in my experienced ,,,,I have no f**king idea! serious enough for ya!



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Roof Rabbit is OK. Don't know about eating poor old Fido though. Man's best friend. The poor dopes will love anybody.Regarding the F/E's I recall a KLM DC-9 Captain I met saying he didn't like 3 person crews because there are " ALL THESE people you have to WATCH". That was , I thought a different way of looking at it. (He might have been the one at Teneriffe, later)..??

I would have to say that the 3 man crew on the B-727 had the best integrated crew procedures I have ever encountered. In abnormal and emergency procedures there was a double check on everything, with the other person minding the SHOP.. It's probably similar on the B707 and the B747 Classic.


Of course it can all be for nothing. Like when just changing the landing gear light bulb being such a serious job it caused a DC-10? to fall into the everglades with Three 3... 3.. people all watching it. You can make an aeroplane foolproof, but FOOLS use such ingenuity getting around it.. Nev

I love the saying FOOLPROOF,,,,come up with something foolproof and the world will come up with a better fool! :-)



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...These people are those who don't believe a word they hear or read in the media, . . .but if they smell someone who they think ( wrongly in this case of course ) is in any way closely involved with the subject,. . .

...an inevitable result Phil, of the decades of sensationalism, gossip and half-truths they have been fed by that same media.

It is our shame that one of our countrymen was a major cause of this decline.



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Hey Bex.Going your way on my third gold trip early September.

Any chance you are nearby Kunming?



Nearby is relative I guess but yeah, not too far away - look up Chengdu, Sichuan province on the map just above Kunming.



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650 kms is a bit far for the golf buggy.


Perhaps another time.


Interesting to read about the irrigation system you have, sounds an interesting area.


We should have had that project established in our Murray Darling basin years ago.


Another story!!!


Keep well







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Interesting to read about the irrigation system you have, sounds an interesting area.

I wouldn't mind someone from the forum to drop in and verify my projects for the odd "Doubting Thomas"!


The irrigation system is incredible and the reason Sichuan Plain literally exists as it does today. They say it can't be replicated in modern times due to both the sheer size of the labour force that was used and what it would cost today.





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Quote="spacesailor, post: 418467, member: 6426"]Hi, Phil Next time say, " its in Australia under wraps as it was full of illegal immigrants".




OOOOOOOOOH . . .now Space,. . . .Don't start that one again please !!!



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Roof Rabbit is OK. Don't know about eating poor old Fido though. Man's best friend. The poor dopes will love anybody.Regarding the F/E's I recall a KLM DC-9 Captain I met saying he didn't like 3 person crews because there are " ALL THESE people you have to WATCH". That was , I thought a different way of looking at it. (He might have been the one at Teneriffe, later)..??

I would have to say that the 3 man crew on the B-727 had the best integrated crew procedures I have ever encountered. In abnormal and emergency procedures there was a double check on everything, with the other person minding the SHOP.. It's probably similar on the B707 and the B747 Classic.


Of course it can all be for nothing. Like when just changing the landing gear light bulb being such a serious job it caused a DC-10? to fall into the everglades with Three 3... 3.. people all watching it. You can make an aeroplane foolproof, but FOOLS use such ingenuity getting around it.. Nev

Having completed an F/E rating for 727 and done a few hours,. . .I have to agree Nev, very good system,. . . .I can't understand why the airlines removed the engineer from the cockpit, what with the exponential increase in complex systems on most new types, . . . are they that short of money REALLY ? or are they just plain stupid. . . .this question, and particularly any ANSWER is obviously way above my ( then ) pay grade. . . . but it still doesn't make any sense.. . . .Extrapolating from this, it is then possible that when a Warp Drive Starship is finally invented, it ought to be crewed by just one bloke / girl, since the kit will be sufficient and super clever enough to handle any emergency, (Apart from human psychology problems of course,. . . . ) Breaking news. . . .Starship Australis One has just flown straight into the sun for no apparent reason,. . . .the single pilot was heard to say that he was a bit pissed off with the management, but we don't think he would really do such a thing with ninety three thousand passengers on board. . . . . CASANASA management are looking into his forum and facebook records for any clues. . . ."


Hmmmm. . . . .



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Israel's views of missing MH370??




America is withdrawing from Afghanistan, one of their command and control system (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by Talebans when the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill top bases. The Talebans ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons and packed into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014.


The Talebans want money. They want to sell the system to Russia or China. The Russians are too busy in Ukraine. The Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all the American drones will become useless. So the Chinese sent 8 top defense scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it.




Sometime in early Mar 2014, the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia, thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection. Meanwhile America has engaged assistance of Israeli intelligence, and together they are determined to intercept and recapture the cargo.




Chinese calculated that it will be safe to transport it via civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and half hours, and American will not hijack or harm civilians. So MH370 is the perfect carrier.




There are 5 American and Israeli agents onboard who are familiar with Boeing operation. The 2 "Iranians" with stolen passports could be among them.


When MH370 is about to leave Malaysian air space and reporting to Vietnamese air control, one American AWAC jammed their signal, disabled the pilot control system and switched over to remote control mode. That was when the plane suddenly lost altitude momentarily.




How can AWAC can do it ? Remember 911 incident ? After the 911 incident, all Boeing aircraft (and possibly all Airbus) are installed with remote control system to counter terrorist hijacking. Since then all Boeing can be remote controlled by ground control tower. The same remote control system used to control the pilotless spy aircraft and drones.




The 5 American/Israeli agents took over the plane, switched off the transponder and other communication system, changed course and flew westwards. They dare not fly east to Philippines or Guam because the whole South China Sea air space was covered by Chinese surveillance radar and satellite.


The Malaysian, Thai and Indian military radars actually detected the unidentified aircraft but did not react professionally.




The plane flew over North Sumatra, Anambas, South India and then landed at Maldives (some villagers saw the aircraft landing), refuelled and continued its flight to Diego Gar CIA the American Air Base in the middle of Indian Ocean. The cargo and the black box were removed. The passengers were silenced via natural means, lack of oxygen. They believe only dead people will not talk. The MH370 with dead passengers was air borne again via remote control and crashed into South Indian Ocean, making to believe that the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed, then blame the defiant captain and copilot.




American has put on a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort in the South China Sea while the plane made their way to Indian Ocean. Then they came out with conflicting statements and evidence to confuse the world. Australian is the co-actor.




The amount of effort put up by China, in terms of the number of search aircraft, ships and satellites, searching first South China Sea, then Malacca Straits and Indian Ocean is unprecedented. This showed that China is very concerned, not so much about the many Chinese civilian passengers, but mainly the high value cargo and its 8 top defense scientists. Don't believe the story ? I don't expect you to but let's wait and see how the episode unveils ? Or perhaps it will never be known until the next Snowden emerges.






Cheers Scotty



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