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60 minutes.. Poor form

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Did anyone catch the 60 minutes ep last night re the malaysian airliner?


I must say, 60 minutes years ago used to be one of the more, umm, trustworthy current affairs shows.


But last night I was horrified as I watched them milk the current Drama for every drop of beat up, forced emotion from those poor people. It was shocking to see the poor widow going through her torment, on the show with an apparently 'caring' reporter there to comfort her in her grief, as long as the cameras kept rolling.


Further, they interview an 'aviation expert' who makes the claim:


" There is no evidence of any fire, system failure or anything else. There is however evidence that it was a deliberate act!!!... Seriously?? WTF!!Does this expert have acces to info that the rest of the world havnt seen?


What a complete beat up. It was like reading a forum thread where everyone had an opinion.


And then, to top it off, they chuck the reporter in the simulator and recreate the last seconds of the flight, as the jet stalls and plumets to the water. What, in the world, was this meant to prove? Why, would anybody think that should be included in any serious report on the accident. The


My god 60 minutes.. You have taken the cake for oversensationalising, cheap, inaccurate and irresponsible reporting.. Disgusted!!!!!


Rant over



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I didn`t see the program but I agree about the evidence! Unless I`ve missed something, none of the objects picked up by satellites have been identified as parts of the aircraft! Nothing but assumptions at this stage.


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"Infotainment" has replaced professional reporting and analysis. That is the result of governments insisting on applying market forces to the media. The push from the Victorian Liberals to privatise the ABC should be ringing alarm bells.


We should value the few reliable sources we have left, and keep on their case when they drop their standards.



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Did you notice the "expert" in counter terrorism from RMIT who said that it was undoubtedly done by the pilot? Apparently the pilot decompressed the aircraft, pulled up to 42000' while everyone else died in 9-15 seconds, then he flew merrily along on his way to the deepest part of the ocean so that no one could find the wreckage.


All that analysis from an hourly satellite ping and a few radar returns - this guy is good........


I wonder if he can tell what colour I am thinking of......



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"Infotainment" has replaced professional reporting and analysis. That is the result of governments insisting on applying market forces to the media. The push from the Victorian Liberals to privatise the ABC should be ringing alarm bells.We should value the few reliable sources we have left, and keep on their case when they drop their standards.

Yeah funny one, as if the ABC is unbiased or reliable.



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The idea of a non commercial entity is that it is not beholden to the views and interests of it's sponsors, and therefore CAN speak out. At least the possibility is there. 4 Corners wins a lot of awards. Nev



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The idea of a non commercial entity is that it is not beholden to the views and interests of it's sponsors, and therefore CAN speak out. At least the possibility is there. 4 Corners wins a lot of awards. Nev

Left wingers like the ABC, no prizes for guessing why.



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Left wingers like the ABC, no prizes for guessing why.

All right Teck, you've pushed my buttons. A recent independent investigation found some bias in only 4 out of nearly a hundred ABC reports.

A similar investigation of Murdoch's media and most of the commercials would find a definite agenda, wholesale distortion and even fabrication.


Which media do you trust?


I'm prepared to accept that many people at our national broadcaster are a bit left-leaning (maybe it comes from being better informed). It is to their credit that the ABC usually gives equal time and space to the right side of politics- even the lunies. You don't often see that balance from commercial media.


Can I suggest you become a regular viewer of MediaWatch on ABC TV. It will entertain you with the shortcomings of our media outlets. It's hosted by an outsider who will give stick to Auntie when she deserves it.



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With all the criticism from tony for being anti Australia (Meaning him) one should state why the ABC was started. Most government shows are propaganda for the government (Italy Russia). The BBC and ABC are not. Both are hated by Murdoch. so they must be OK. Tiny thinks it should be the Abbott Broadcasting Commission, or be closed.. Under Mark Scott (appointed by Howard.) It only appears Left these days, as others go more to the Lunatic Right Tea Party mentality...Nev



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The only successful thing the left has done in the last six years is drive a wedge between our society, we are now either left /green/union/climate believer or right / capitalist/ill informed idiot,,,,,,,,I find it sad that we've allowed a bunch of politicians to divide our country, there are people that I would be embarrassed to see face to face over some of the crap I've seen posted here , yet ,say , ten years ago it would never have been a consideration, and ,regardless of which way you vote , it's a sad state of affairs when we put our political affiliation ahead of the people around us,


Matty, ,,,,,,,LNP voter , anti illegal immigration , not completely sold on the climate thing , really can't stand the Green Party,,,,,,,,but if you want to enjoy a beer and a chat I'm a funny bugger, who loves aeroplanes and doesn't take himself to seriously( sounds like I'm after a date) ,,,,,,,,,and ,,,,did I mention I like beer!



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The only successful thing the left has done in the last six years is drive a wedge between our society, we are now either left /green/union/climate believer or right / capitalist/ill informed idiot!

Totally disagree. The divisiveness came directly from the Tony Abbott opposition and was ably abetted by the toxic Murdoch media and shock jocks like Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, and Andrew Bolt pretending to be "journalists". You only have to listen to the criticisms of the current crop of Conservatives by elder statesmen like Malcolm Fraser etc to realise how far to the Right the current cons have gone. They're so extreme they border on Fascism. Even John Howard criticises them.



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60 minutes has about 30 seconds of intelligence these days - and that is one of the commercials.

I remember back in the day when there was a saying about 60 minutes, it was. "60 minutes- 48 minutes of BullSxxx plus 12 minutes of commercials. lol



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All those current affairs programs are crap. One program once blamed Ham Radio Operators for a fake mayday call that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Why Ham Radio? - he (shame shame shame) could never explain. Dickheads on 27Mhz CB were the culprits. (I might add that Ham radio is now so dumbed down it is basically just CB but that's another story.) Also, same guy ran a story about a fellow who sold his mates caravan and pocketed the money. The program forgot to mention the caravan was abandoned on the fellows property and was sold after five years of trying to find his mate and get him to remove it. Do yourselves a favour, watch Southpark - it's closer to reality than any current affairs program.



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With all the criticism from tony for being anti Australia (Meaning him) one should state why the ABC was started. Most government shows are propaganda for the government (Italy Russia). The BBC and ABC are not. Both are hated by Murdoch. so they must be OK. Tiny thinks it should be the Abbott Broadcasting Commission, or be closed.. Under Mark Scott (appointed by Howard.) It only appears Left these days, as others go more to the Lunatic Right Tea Party mentality...Nev

Didn't take long for the red raggers to come out of their lairs



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The sad fact is that so many things compete for our attention that few of us take the time to really look at an issue.


4 Corners so often does a good in-depth analysis, but how many people will sit through the whole 50 minutes?


60 Minutes compresses a complex situation into 10 or 12 minutes, and we feel informed. Even that superficial level of reporting is too boring for many viewers, who seem to need dramatisations and flashy graphics.



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