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The Genie and the crying Irish boy. . . . . .

Phil Perry

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I was taking a driving holiday around Southern Ireland a while ago, and on a quiet country lane just outside Dublin,. . .I noticed a young lad sitting on his bike at the side of the road crying terribly.


I pulled over and said to him, " Hello mate,. . .are you OK, what's the problem ? ? ?"


The lad replied . . ." Me Mam's just died. . . ." and he continued sobbing uncontrollably . . . ..


I said,. . . "Oh dear. . . that's terrible,. . .would you like me to go and find the local priest . . .? "


He said . . .






















"Oh No, thank you mister dat's very nice of you,. . . . . . . "
















"But Sex is the last ting on me mind at da moment. . . . ."




A man was walking his dog along the beach when he stubbed his foot on a large green bottle, partially buried in the sand.


He pulled out the cork and a genie suddenly emerged in a puff of purple smoke and said to the man. . .


" Glory be to Allah and a thousand years of good fortune be upon you and your bloodline for releasing me from this evil prison which has constrained for five hundred years. . . . . ."


The genie continued. . . . ."For this I will grant you any wish, . . . .anything at all. . . . ."


After recovering his composure, the man scratched his chin for a minute and said . . . .


"Well,. . . . .I'm a bit partial to me old dog Shep here,. . . . . . . as you can see he's getting on a bit,. . .twelve years old now . . . .he's got no teeth,. . . .only one eye,. . . . mange all over his coat,. . . . only one leg at the back end,. . .and he's incontinent,. . . . . . . If you could put him right, I'd really be obliged. . . . . . ."


The genie had a good look around the dog,. . .looked underneath him, . . .behind him,. . . . .checked his fur,. . . .looked at his teeth,. . . . . . and finally, . . . . he said. . . .


"Listen mate,. . . . .that's going to be nigh on bloody impossible,. . . . . . . . . I don't suppose you have a another wish I could look at . . . . . .? ? ? ? ? ? "


The man scratched his chin for another minute and then said,. . . . . ."Well,. . . . . .


I don't suppose you could fix things so my mate Phil Perry told the truth for once,. . . . . . .? ? ? "


The genie answered almost immediately,. . . . . . .




















"Tell you what,. . . . . . . .
















Let's have a better look at that dog. . . ."





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