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Rich kids playing with jets. . . . .

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This B O R I N G vid was sent to me by one of my more B O R I N G Rich kid . . .I won't say, friends, just . . .people I know,. . . . .


This little excercise was from his visit to Sun and Fun in Florida last week,. . . .the bloke had a 20 minute flight,. . .though he admitted that they were on the ground taxying and obtaining clearances for around eight of those minutes,. . .for the princely sum of £800.00 . . . . . . . he then went on to say that he was so impressed, that he went and had ANOTHER FLIGHT for the same price.


Geee,. . . .it must be great to have money to burn. We met earlier this evening at the local "Flyers Arms" curry night,. . .and the others present made me aware that he had to return to base rapidly, as on the first flight, the pilot pulled way too many of them gee gees,. . . .and it made him violently sick, following a heavy breakafast of Bacon with sauteed potatoes and pancakes, with syrup and ice cream. . . . ( wonder who cleaned up the cockpit. . .? )


The company providing the flights apparently, usually provide a three camera video, but the Gopro units inside the cockpit failed and he only got the wingtip cam for all his money. . . . .


Incidentally, . . .I'd better mention the aeroplane, it was an Albatross L39, made by a company in the Czech Republic,. . .with a name like Novotny,. . .or summat,. . . . and if you're sad enough to watch the video. the thing cruises in level flight at circa 420 Knots. . . . .


I guess this stuff is all relative,. . .but there is another bloke I know who is selling an MW6, 2 seat aircraft for £1,500.00 with a permit to fly. . . . so what would YOU rather have ? ? ? a joyride, or your own aircraft. . .?. . .good question.


(" All a matter of degree Perry Minor my boy. . . ." as my old English teacher used to say. . . .)


But that was in another life. . .


BTW,. . . . I shouldn't criticise the bloke too much,. . .as he bought a crate of YELLOWTAIL red wine and handed us all a bottle, but since there were eight bottles,. . .and only seven of us,. . .I got 2. . . . . . ( got to keep my end up. . . )


Phil ( hic )



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I've seen those things racing at Reno, 550MPH 50-100' of the deck at full throttle. very impressive

Yes mate,. . . .but Apparently,. . .they DON'T do those sorts of speeds when they are flying tourist grockles, as the fuel bill would make the flight a non profit jobbie,,. . even with the el-cheapo cost of paraffin / kerosene / Jet A1 in the USA,. . . but I have to agree, they are a lovely machine, and it's a shame we don't appear to have any on the register in the UK,. . . . (AFAIK) . . .could be wrong there. . .usually am,. . .I just LOVE being non-controversial. . . . bit like you really. . . . .


And as for them low flying in the States,. . . .can you just Imagine. . . .this being allowed in Australia or the UK,. . . .Pylon Racing. . . .stuff like that. . .?. . . . doubt it. . .America is the only place you are EVER likely to see that sort of thing, as they are still beset by the sentiment that you are responsible for what you do,. . .and the state won't stop you if you want to get dedded at high speeds whilst skimming the ground and having a lot of fun. . . . . .



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Geez Phil.. IF you got some of our fairly good wine you would die of appreciation. It doesn't have to be Grange. You only get the "pushed" brands which everyone judges us by (unfortunately) I guess if this was widely known we might have hordes of pisser's coming here and drinking it all and overstaying, like the convicts did. Nev



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At the risk of sounding like a wine slob, did you know that ALDI in Australia entered several of its under $AU10.00 wines in a wine and food competition and this was the result:




Perhaps you should divert past Waitrose and touch down in your local ALDI. You'll probably have to badger the Manager to stock some good wine.





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Phil,At the risk of sounding like a wine slob, did you know that ALDI in Australia entered several of its under $AU10.00 wines in a wine and food competition and this was the result:



Perhaps you should divert past Waitrose and touch down in your local ALDI. You'll probably have to badger the Manager to stock some good wine.



OME,. . . .glad you are back safely from your trip for ANZAC Day,. . . . .they had a bit of a "DO" here in Cannock, which I attended, and really enjoyed speaking to some of the oldies there.


I'm sorry I have not replied to your PM yet,. . .will do,. . .still messing around with paperwork for Mum's funeral, coroners stuff and allsorts.


On the Aldi thing, YES, I'd seen the report in the national papers that they'd won a couple of awards for quality wines, . . .I pass by their Cannock store on the way to the foodbank. . . . . the wine is cheaper there, but you can't choose. . . . . Oh and by the way,. . .we have not got a Waitrose within a thirty NM radius of where I live,. . .nobody around here has the dough to shop with them. . . just for rich people and pollies. . . . .





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Mate of mine over here has a L39 that he uses for joy flights. I was meant to have a crack last year but wasnt very VFR friendly on the day so had to sit out... One day tho.



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since there were eight bottles,. . .and only seven of us,. . .I got 2. . . . . . ( got to keep my end up. . . )Phil ( hic )

Two bottles of wine ain't gonna help with that Phil...



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OMG,. . . . . look at that second photo,. . . . the 'G' forces on teeth must have been horrendous. . . . .look what it did to their topsets . . . Ouch.


Actually,. . . the bloke on the left is a doppelganger for my younger Brother Graham "The Bike",. . . . apart from the positive Gee force denture damage that is,. . . only he doesn't wear shorts,. . .usu


ally attired in recycled cowskins emblazoned with the Triumph logo . . . .


  • 082_scooter.gif.e6a62d295b0b59b8276038871473d864.gif





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A mob called "Into the blue" at Biggin Hill are offerering a nice ride in a two seat Spitfire,. . . 20 minutes airborne, for only £2,750.00 ( wozzat in bux . . . ? )


Sod the L39. . . . !



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Who studies these things?? 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif

Listen. . .why don't you go back out into the shed and bang a few more clecos into that flying skip you're building ? ? ? ? ? got to be more rewarding than taking the pi$$ out of clapped out pommie alkies. . .?


  • 096_tongue_in_cheek.gif.d94cd15a1277d7bcd941bb5f4b93139c.gif





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Listen. . .why don't you go back out into the shed and bang a few more clecos into that flying skip you're building ? ? ? ? ? got to be more rewarding than taking the pi$$ out of clapped out pommie alkies. . .?

  • 096_tongue_in_cheek.gif.d94cd15a1277d7bcd941bb5f4b93139c.gif

"The Flying Skip"... I'm tempted to paint that on the nose now. Hmmm... perhaps not.


If a clapped out aussie alkie can't take the p1ss out of a clapped out pommie alkie, what's the point of the internet?? 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



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"The Flying Skip"... I'm tempted to paint that on the nose now. Hmmm... perhaps not.If a clapped out aussie alkie can't take the p1ss out of a clapped out pommie alkie, what's the point of the internet?? 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif

Just think back t othe bad old days pre-interweb. . . you send in your hand written fold and stick airmail letter to the post forum, and the ascerbic wit contained therein has gone stale after the three month mail turnaround !. . .yes,. . .the interweb keeps it fresh,. . .AND, BTW,. . .all the Zenair 701s and Savannas in the UK are affectionately known as flying skips,. . . .not just your particular one Marty . . .what about painting ( or stickering ) "Skippy" for your noseart ? ? ? that would get them guessing ? . . .wouldn't know if you were a dumpster or an Aussie. . . . .



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Very interesting post.


I certainly could think of better things to do with 800 pounds but I guess its all personal choice and if you have the 'play money' for this then why not.


Another way to blow some cash would be to do what Andy did in Russia - Check out 37:30 of this youtube video for Andy's flight.


Would you trust that the jets are maintained well enough to do this?





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