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Phil Perry

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We used to have "DARWIN" Stubbies. Nev

AAAAAHHHH Yes Nev,. . . . .


I remember Darwin Stubbies. . . . I visited my mate Kev in Darwin just before Christmas one year,. . . .NO,. . he wasn't a flyer, just a really good bloke I'd met in Jakarta. . . He showed me around the town ( ? ) and told me all about the suicide months ( ? ) and about his girlfriend ( from Thailand) who kept bringing her parents over for three weeks at a time and. . . .never mind. . . . He introduced me to the joys of the Darwin Stubbie,. . . Jeeze,. . they were a little bit , er,. .larger than our southern poofter stubbies weren't they ? ? ? Good Beereducation though. . . .


I had to go back to Melbourne anyway, as my Wife said that if I didn't get my rearside back soon, . . .she'd seen a good looking single bloke up the road who owned a car sales yard and. . . . .


Anyway, I finally got back,. . .using friends who had light aircraft,. . and various blokes who flew commercially. . . . on Christmas Eve at around three thirty in the afternoon, and I took the cheese and kisses shopping in Melbourne's fine city.


We had a bit of a bloat at a caff just around the corner from Young and Jackson's pub, and very nice it was,. . .a great big steak buried in chips the way I liked it. . .then we got the tram back to Burwood where I'd parked the car.


My mate Namor ( That's "Roman" spelled backwards. . .? no, I don't know either. . . ) and his missus came around, plus two next door neighbours, and we all had a brilliant barbie, and all got completely smashed.


When the news came in the next mornng that Darwin had taken a really serious hit from cyclone Tracy,. . .we were gobsmacked,. . .and it took three weeks to find out that my mate Kev was missing, believed dead that it brought it home to me how bad it really was.


Anyway,. . .Kev had got a work offer in PNG, and had left Darwin a few hours after I had,. . .so he was not in fact, dead at all. . . . . But I didn't find this out until a few months later, after me and the missis had done him a good "Wake" at our place,. . .I suggested that he paid for the beer that we had wasted in is honour. . . .he never paid, the tight bugger. . . . . nor for the barbie meat either. . .! HOWEVER . . . .he DID bring a dozen DARWIN STUBBIES the next time he visited us. . . .what a guy !


So Nev,. . .next time you think of mentioning Darwin Stubbies,. . . . expect some poor bugger's life story mate ! ! ! ! ! !





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Mate of mine was working on a mine at Tennant Creek and stared his holiday on Xmas eve. Drove to Darwin and registered as a refugee to get a free ride to Sydney, where he was going anyway.


But when he went to go back to work he couldn't get a flight or drive through the road blocks as the had him down as a refugee. He lost a few weeks pay to to save an airfare.



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Phil, I reckon your life story would be bloody interesting.However if you wrote it in your own inimitable style, it'd run to more volumes than the Encyclopaedia Brittanica!


(I'd still read it.)

Well,. . .you know me cobber,. . . .always brief, concise and to the point,. .. I mean, no sense in using one hard hitting, well constructed paragraph when a chapter will do just fine. . . . 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif



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Phil, you're a bloody character. We need more like you.


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Please send a couple of bucks for internet top-up to all members viewing thread.


( only kidding)!



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A couple of weeks following the cyclone there was a dooco on Ch9 ( Melb ) about the event,. . they showed a few things which really illustrated the strength of the wind,, the most surprising ( I thought at the time ) was a shot of a large refrigerator embedded into the framework of some kind of steel lattice tower structure, might have been an electricity pylon, dunno,. . the fridge was horizontally embedded approximately 15 metres up this structure.


I tried to get one of those fridges into a van once,. . Jeeze they are a bit weighty . . . must have been quite an interesting wind. There were also pics of pieces of straw embedded endwise into timber fence posts, now I've seen the old "Shooting a wax candle thru a barn door" trick, but bits of straw ? Phenomenal wind strength to do that.


But I'll never forgive Tracy for destroying the Spitfire restoration project which was, allegedly in a hangar, which itself did not survive the cyclone. .. that's just not fair.


( Bet it would have been OK if it had been in a DGL Fox steel shed - you can pay me for the Ad-plug when you come back to the UK next year David )





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Yes thanks for that Phil....I can tell you guys that Phil is a real gentleman and a funny guy...he's not a real POM you know..he's more an Aussie at heart and he is hiding in England because his wife won't live here...I am defiantly looking forward to talking some more with you Phil when we come back to the good old mother country on our next visit...keep the great stories coming Phil they always brighten my day....thanks mate. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif





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After nine days feasting on Chinese in Kunming China.First meal I russled up when I got home.

Beer just out of the picture.





Looks great Phil.


But if you tried feeding it to my kids there'd be world war 3. Sausages have to be served with bread, sauce, and salad. Carrots can only be eaten raw. Cauliflower is treated with deep suspicion and rejected (especially if hidden under a bechemal sauce!), onion cannot be seen anywhere on the dish, and potatoes are only acceptable if in chip form...



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Looks great Phil.But if you tried feeding it to my kids there'd be world war 3. Sausages have to be served with bread, sauce, and salad. Carrots can only be eaten raw. Cauliflower is treated with deep suspicion and rejected (especially if hidden under a bechemal sauce!), onion cannot be seen anywhere on the dish, and potatoes are only acceptable if in chip form...

Gotta agee Marty. Probably showing my age.


The fact that I enjoyed and finished the lot puts me well above current generations.


And yes, did post to friends on Facebook, surprised you saw. Red.



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And yes, did post to friends on Facebook, surprised you saw. Red.

Didn't see it there, but it seems most people post pic's of their breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack.



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Is that breakfast, or just combining all 3 meals??

Not quite,. .. the pile of yank pancakes with syrup is just out of shot to the left, and the ice cream to the right. . . . ( Florida Breakfast yum yum. . .)



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Didn't see it there, but it seems most people post pic's of their breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack.

No Peter,. . . . I think you're getting mixed up with Fizzogbook posters,. . . our club events member Glenn, flies his Savannah into a different airfield every weekend, and the food he and the Missus had is always photographed and posted . . .it's a standing giggle for everyone else. . . .


Are you saying that this disease is internationally endemic ? ? ? ? 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif



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Looks great Phil.But if you tried feeding it to my kids there'd be world war 3. Sausages have to be served with bread, sauce, and salad. Carrots can only be eaten raw. Cauliflower is treated with deep suspicion and rejected (especially if hidden under a bechemal sauce!), onion cannot be seen anywhere on the dish, and potatoes are only acceptable if in chip form...

Sounds very reasonable Marty, . . . but on the other hand, MY kids were really FUSSY. . .



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