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Clifton fly-in coming up


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The Clifton fly-in is on 11th March.


Run by Darling Downs Sport Aircraft Association, It's not an air show but it is great friendly destination to catch up with flying friends.


Food, camping, parking, tie down area are all available.


Funds raised go towards 2018 Junior Flying Training Scholarship.


For pilot information check www.loneeagleflyingschool.org.au or phone 0429-378-370



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Clifton Flyin in always makes me feel sad. I lost someone very dear to me in an accident on his way to the fly in. It comes up every year and brings back the memories. I have to attend this fly in one year.



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The strip is good. Some aircraft have started arriving. At present, we can see clear air to the range. From here we can't see what it looks like anywhere east of that.



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Saturday night there was a very nice, sociable dinner attended by about a hundred. Sunday was a good day, mostly sunny. In spite of the brisk wind across the airstrip, we had over 50 aircraft arrive. I think the coastal weather was unpleasant and this probably discouraged some flyers.



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I was one of those coastal guys fueled up ready hit the skies this morning and hoping the weather was going to clear but wishful thinking and by 9.30 decided to can it. Buggar.



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Sorry we missed you and all those


Others who decided that good airmanshiip dictates that caution overrides enthusiasm.



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Is there an RAA meet and greet? Can you ask about fee rises if you get a chance

Yes Trevor is on the board and only a a local call or short drive away from you if you wanted an answer!Wayne



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A bunch of aircraft from Maitland, Cessnock, Denman and Scone flew up to Quirindi for breakfast, then headed for Clifton. Some went via Armidale, some via Moree and I went via Warwick. We had a great time meeting up with old friends and making new ones. Thank you to Trevor and the great crew at Clifton!



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Here are a few photos I took over the weekend. A stiff crosswind gave all pilots a workout and they all did a fine job handling the conditions, I saw no bad landings. Congratulations pilots.


The photos of dinner were on the Saturday night in the club hangar with the new sealed concrete floor, ceiling insulation and lined back wall. We had 11 motorhomes visit for the weekend.







































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