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The Never Ending Story


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"Please - I know this is fantasy, but please keep the story within believable bounds Ahlo" said the Rat, who had to pay for a beer once.


"Yes I did" the Rat confirmed "And I am proud of the fact that I put two bob on the bar as an extravagant shout for the entire crew, particularly when considering that a Schooner was 2 fathings back in those days .......... but it wasn't that long ago."


"Geeeeeez you blokes must be old" said Sarky.


"They are" said Nanna "But don't knock those old experienced blokes, Sarky, as they can ......



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....always tell when someone is obfuscating, even when the door is closed.

"I wondered where that smell was coming from" said BartwhoXXXXslast,...


"What we should do is.............."



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quickly get off the subject before we are pounced on."

Some people had realised that even their name was suspect when it came to ob.... ...... .. . . .



"Don't be ridiculous" said Ahlocks "It's going to be 42 here tomorrow. Hot enough to melt a recycled beer can in a hangar and certainly too hot for skating. But it will be ............



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Suddenly (and with some force) the door slammed open...a horribly disfigured man, clutching a garden gnome and(curiously) with a bulb of garlic on his belt, pointed at them and said, "if you two dont sort this out now , I'm going to............

.... ban you from this Forum."


"Ooops" he thought "I wonder if that is Ian or the Slartiphartblaster clutching that gnome. Oh well, at least it is all cficare's fault for exposing them for what they really are, a .............."



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So nice to see Ahlocks back here after he spent time recently to investigate whether his Szara was going to do a 601 on him. But all is well, the SS is safe and Ahlocks is all chipper again.


Oh really Thompson :Disappointed:...Do please try to keep up. One doesn't mix seafood with tender spars. :rolleyes1: ..Makes 'em taste funny

..... and they can't be ..............


The computer of my Aunt is running a stress analysis program on some wing spars, out in the garden.


PS Tomo the Homo (sapian) might cop a serve at the Great Eastern for branding one of this site's kingpins as a SlightlyStoutTrout



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Ahlo was in a chirpy mood; he'd just realised that the spar in his beercan (and let me tell you not every beer can has a spar) was one of the good ones.


But he thought he might put some gaffer tape on it just to be sure.


"WHO TOOK THE GAFFER TAPE!" he yelled to anyone within earshot in Ahlosville.


A knot started to form in his stomach.....



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Ahlo was in a chirpy mood; he'd just realised that the spar in his beercan (and let me tell you not every beer can has a spar) was one of the good ones.

But he thought he might put some gaffer tape on it just to be sure.


"WHO TOOK THE GAFFER TAPE!" he yelled to anyone within earshot in Ahlosville.


A knot started to form in his stomach.....

"I've only got thousand-mile-an-hour-tape" yelled the Skipper trying to help his mate. "And stop tying knots with Gaffa tape, (as a few Speedway guys need to hold their roll-cages together with it before the next race)"


'That's no good to me" responded Ahlow "I need 95 knot tape (or 105 knot tape on a powered descent ........... or better still, lets all hit the sauce and just rivet a few more VB cans around the spar. Nobody will know and we'll ................



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...say we got the calculations on a forum where rocket scientists regularly exchange their day's results, that'll impress any inspector.


But this didn't placate Ahlo - he started fiddling with an old lock, and Ratto very quickly jammed his front gate open....



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...But this didn't placate Ahlo - he started fiddling with an old lock, and Ratto very quickly jammed his front gate open....

"As well as being a consistantly good bloke, one of the good things about Ahlow is that he is consistant with his locky work too, so it takes him as long to fit 'em as it does to open 'em (but it does cost you a quid if you get him to work by the hour, so all of my contracts with him have been Job-&-Finish)" whispered the Rat through the side of his gold fang, so my access will be OK for a while, the spaying will get done, the animals will be safe and .............



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Stop the fuss, add a plus... err hang on...


No fuss Tublowplanter, just was a bit slow off the mark in refreshing the page... comment was intended about # posts back...


But this is the Never Ending Story, and it goes off on a tangent more often than not... aviation terms are becoming a thing of the past, AND Bigpete has disappeared 049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif


Whats the wor... NES coming to...?





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