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I'm a bit over 60 and about 5kg overweight, and of course I fly a Jabiru.


So I did some sums to see what was the biggest risk... being a member of the RAAus or being 5kg overweight.


You can easily look up the mortality rate for RAAus and the membership numbers.


You can also look up total mortality figures and the extra mortality of being 5Kg overweight, but these figures were US ones.


Well on the figures I found, it is 27 times more likely that you will die from the overweight as from being an RAAus member.


Suppose that half of the RAAus members actually fly,well it is still 13.5 times as dangerous to be a bit overweight as to fly our planes.


So of course we should pay heed to all the safety stuff, but we should also keep a sense of proportion.


Anyone care to repeat this and check out my figures?


Cheers, Bruce



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My body mass index puts me as Obese 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif - my height says I should be 80kg yet I am 107kg but I have always been "big boned" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif - now I know I can go and fly more - just need to get the Gazelle's MTOW upp'd.


Interesting stuff mate and I would sure like to know if that analysis is correct :big_grin:



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My body mass index puts me as Obese 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif - my height says I should be 80kg yet I am 107kg but I have always been "big boned" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif - now I know I can go and fly more - just need to get the Gazelle's MTOW upp'd.Interesting stuff mate and I would sure like to know if that analysis is correct :big_grin:


I'd get as many hours in as I could if I were you.........Tubby.


Tomo it's like a big slippery dip - seems to beOK while you're climbing the ladder but one days it;s "Oh Sh*t" and you're grabbing the sides all the way down.



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Turbo, don't tell him, no-one told us, let him find out the same way we did. One day you wake up and its all, over its too late. You are old, fat, and still haven't done half the things that you wanted to.


Just kidding, life's great, I'm fit, healthy, active, I fly heaps, and I have a beautiful gf and I have two aeroplanes, and I'm in the middle of designing two more. I will not bend to the dictates of time. I refuse to accept conventional reality and choose to substitute my own.


Live hard and fast and don't take no for an answer.


Cheers Qwerty,


Emeritus Professor of Philosophy



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My body mass index puts me as Obese - my height says I should be 80kg yet I am 107kg but I have always been "big boned"

Hey Admin, like me, you don't have a weight problem but a height problem. I would be the ideal weight if I was just 1 foot taller.





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Hey Admin, like me, you don't have a weight problem but a height problem. I would be the ideal weight if I was just 1 foot taller.:thumb_up:

006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif - I am already 6ft...crikey 7ft, would that also make everything else on me proportionate ;)



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Guest burbles1

Big blokes can fly...sort of


Well I'm an odds-on favourite - both an RAAus member and with a MTOW of 120kg. I've also been able to pass a Class 2 medical twice despite being well over the recommended maximum BMI of 35, so I'm not concerned healthwise. Had a few times where I needed to dump fuel to do 1-hour lessons and not exceed MTOW with an instructor - so I'm not looking forward to doing dual x/c, with the likelihood of refuelling at each leg.



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The Body Mass index is a crock. Nearly all the Physical training instructors (RAAF)were in the overweight catagory.They didnt have a ounce of fat on them ,just muscle. THe BMI seems to only work for slight build people. If your medium (like me) or heavy build, you never seam to fit into their charts. I reckon, the best way to tell how you are going in the weight department. Is to go to the bathroom,get naked. Stand up straight, tilt your head down to your chest and look down, if you can see you toes, or your old fella. I think your doing OK. If you cant, i might be a good idea to lose some weight. HA HA cheers



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Body Mass Index.


BMI is as you say. IF you start to work out, you put on a bit of muscle, and even though you have lost some fat, you end up heavier, as muscle is more dense than fat. They tend to work on girth now. The pinch test still has some validity. Nev.



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What about the pinch test though Dazza?

I think it is alot better system, than Body mass index. Although those caliper type thingy things look a bit out their. Only had them used once on me.(The response was Daryl ,you have a little bit of weigh in the middrift, my response was , I know but i like my beer and bourbon). HA hA



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