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Everything posted by jackc

  1. https://www.eaa.org/eaa/aviation-interests/~/media/5DF51DF31576409AB310FA7C5DBA34D7.ashx
  2. Those wake boat owners probably started with a tinny and a rusty old HQ ute, over time they upgraded and went bigger and better. Aviation has no ‘entry’ level anymore, RAA is heading for GA territory in training and aircraft costs. In what ever pursuit we have followed in life, we started at the bottom. Aviation has no ‘bottom’ anymore 😞
  3. That long in Aviation, Fred Flintstone must have been his CFI 🙂
  4. It’s not about starting an opposition organisation to RAA. It would be nice IF RAA would accommodate the FAR Part 103 regime? I suspect organisational egos would not allow it. It’s not about offering to start an alternative to RAA. Its more about a parallel organisation with the common interest of Aviation, being in association with RAA, CASA, SAAA, AOPA et al. IF the organisations could all work for the common good of ALL aviation, that would be a bonus:-)
  5. IF the process is doable without any increase of risk in failure, I would do it. I asked Wingtech and they said it may be possible with more research. Maybe I will go there just for the research aspect and see what I find…..
  6. I would never want GA even IF someone offered me a free plane 🙂 Must admit I have had more than passing glances at Cubs, Aviat Husky’s etc 🙂 I am sure IF medicals are made unfairly onerous the people would break rules as they do now…..but maybe even more. If a person can legally drive a car…..then that should be good enough for RPC forever and a day as it is now….. IF RAA want to make life difficult in the future for medicals…….and I would like to think they would not go there. Just abandon them rip your rego numbers off your plane and go fly the thing IF the rule makers make it too hard. Many thousands of square kilometres in Qld to fly and not be seen by the regulators…….happens now anyway, but could become more common IF regulators make life hard.
  7. And this is why we need a U.S. FAR Part 103 category for a Foundation Aviation sector. RAA Flying Schools are up around $320 per hour dual instruction with $150k plus aircraft value now…….. I am sure the principle is workable in Australia…….but RAA would sh1tcan it with a vengeance to protect their ‘patch’ Flight Training and aircraft are at a cost that many more budding aviators could afford. Its almost worth forming an organisation to lobby for a FAR Part 103 aligned sector in Australia. Publicity and lobbying politicians etc to see IF it’s a possibility. We would not even think of using the RAAUS model. I know this will draw flak, but it’s almost to a stage where I feel like putting my money where my mouth is and start something……
  8. Nev, the Hirth 23 has a 1000 hour TBO and is a current model, carby or fuel injection? https://hirthengines.com/2-stroke-engines/23-series/
  9. jackc


    Can you treat skins to tighten them?
  10. Hermits don’t want to be seen 🙂. It’s called flying under the radar. One day in future times we will need to be stealth flyers as we become a hunted species 🙂 I am just getting in early!!!
  11. Trouble is….I cannot become an L1 without an RPC…..stupid I know. So, I will do all my work have it inspected, correct where needed and get engineer to sign off on it. Changing the RAA to what it always should have stayed would be harder than trying to tow start a concrete 747. First up we need to analyse the RAA and look for its benefits AND deficiencies, THEN we need to see IF a plan can be made to make it better….might even benefit members 🙂 Slutting, moaning and groaning here does nothing…… We need to make a plan and a heap of us roll up to Canberra and seek a meeting. Just let me know when to hire a coach and do a pick up run from Qld to Canberra. Anyone wanna come for a ride, lockdowns not withstanding 🙂 NO guts…..No glory, No legend…..No story!
  12. Well, the first reason I don’t have something flyable is because of the lack of cred the person had, who worked on it. Nothing to do with me except I have to fix things properly, you know that’s me the stupid old unqualified fart who has no cred as you say, Turbs. Well let me tell you FIGJAM describes me accurately in the eyes of people that know me:-). So, yes I bought another plane so I can fly ASAP, does that show initiative or what? Being a doer? I have made personal representations to multi million dollar corporations, Govt Ministers, Defence Dept, Peak Bodies, the list goes on. MORE than you have had hot dinners. All done in person, not whimpy emails and phone calls….IN PERSON……in many parts of the World I might add. Remember Grasshopper…..the letters FIGJAM 🙂 The RAA? yes they are making changes but it’s all secret squirrel stuff until it finally comes out in print, they don’t like consulting members very much as they make these changes…….the very failings of a good peak body.
  13. What we know is the good old days, have flown the coop……we will never get them back BUT, we can make the best of what we have today and put our shoulders to the wheel and keep going. Aviation is suffering cost increases like everything…….I have tried to raise interest in a Foundation Aviation sector in an effort to interest young people in Aviation, but alas……my ideas have led to some people hitting me with a barrage of surface to air missiles 😞 Aviation has more than its fair share of unethical spivs, navigating around these people is a problem……just ask me. Recently had a horrible broker experience. Our peak body, the RAA seems to be making more rules and adjustments as time goes on, I suspect driven by some personal egos, but I may be wrong. I bet that IF i asked to make an appointment with the CEO to discuss some matters, offer some suggestions etc, it could never happen. WHY? Because I am probably looked on as a dumb arse who has been on the scene for all of 5 minutes. I have a saying……even the ‘Garbage Collector could have something to contribute’ Me? Just keep my big mouth shut and pay my membership……end of story. That’s probably what RAA would like of me 😞
  14. jackc


    So, is there anyway of tightening them? Or are they made loose fit by some makers and that is as good as it gets?
  15. As soon as I get some answers I seek on the Garmin Aera 660, I think it will be a good choice. I want to be able to load in heaps of ALAs as waypoints as I will mainly be flying the arid aviation wastelands.
  16. Now for another crazy off the planet paint idea 🙂. My Thruster came with a spare set of skins, I need to somehow get them tested to see IF they are serviceable. IF they are OK I was going to try and ‘paint’ them with this paint scheme. So, any ideas IF this would be doable?
  17. Sorry, I forgot about this posted subject some time ago. Well, Spacey…..why not grab that offer and just do it, OR sell the plane to someone else and put the money to something less grief stricken? IF there is an RAA acceptable path, just use it….. Remember this……
  18. Fear not, for all my life I have been a lone adventurer roaming the wastelands avoiding human beings from high density population places 🙂. I will be staying away from busy air strips and generally keeping a low profile in the air, I need to be totally confident with lots of hours before I even look at a tarred airstrip. Because they are usually where lots of planes hang out 🙂 Desert fly-ins might be my deal!
  19. There must be reasons, maybe we need to hear from RAA about it. IF other jurisdictions have ruled against them? Then we need the peer reviewed data from those places. Not some just pissed off 2 bit paper plane making engineer?
  20. So, I have to ask WHY RAA have made that determination? Are they OK in other countries?
  21. I have come to think this is the answer I am happy with, I am desperately trying to avoid using an iPad in flight. A basic cockpit with Aera 660 GPS, a basic Icom A16 radio, carry a whiz wheel and charts for on ground planning…… And do see and avoid from this 🙂 iPad with ERSA and other stuff for ground use only.
  22. Kolb USA also have some Part 103 models…… https://youtu.be/eqnuGh515PY
  23. Which ever way I look at it, I will be stepping through a regulatory minefield in concrete boots! So just have to see what goes and see what can come of it……
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