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Everything posted by Bosi72

  1. I just realised this video have a sound and is actually staged 🙂 Regardless, if I'm at 8500ft and engine stops, and have that big aerodrome is in sight, I would still head directly towards the aerodrome, then spiraling down (until I can play high key/low key). Reason: those mountains where you can clearly see the trees could generate some strong winds called "mountain waves" (I'm sure you've heard about them), winds that could push you down sooner than you've planned, then as you said "stretching the glide" may be too late. I like your rhetoric "did you learn anything - unlearn" or "no no". Ah you must be a very smart person ? I hope you are not instructor using that method when teaching the students.
  2. Everything you know is wrong. This guy explained everything...
  3. Every landing is, and will be different. There will be wider/narrower/longer/shorter runways. Also I found landing on grass in Tyabb different to landing at bitumen. When landing on grass, in addition to looking in the distance, I had much better landings when looking at the concrete taxiway to the left (when landing on 17 grass). Good idea is to memorise the picture and reference lines before taking off, but note, that will be different when flying into another aerodrome. How far to look in the distance? When you're driving a car on the road with broken lines, you will see they become shorter and shorter until they become a single line. That is the point where you are not looking too far in the distance, and you can still see the side lines (eg. runway edges). The wind will also fluctuate with every landings, then part of the day plays important role.. e.g. night landings are different beast, especially when practicing emergencies without lights. Keep flying, there will be ups and downs, but every flight makes you a better pilot. Cheers
  4. From this altitude, I would be heading direct towards the airport then spiraling/circling down. But could be the camera not doing it a justice, or pilot practiced there before. In any case, well done !
  5. Not sure about Jabiru, but for many GA aircrafts, the standard is PAR36. I found John Deere tractor LED's in combination with RF chokes very effective, low consumption, low temperature, low stress on switches/wires, much higher lumens than regular filament lights.
  6. Well done Mike! You could probably also make ~400m of 15-33 runway to accommodate easterly/westerly winds. The key is in practice, and "the feel" comes with more practice. Have fun and enjoy your paradise! ps: lockdown was never about the flying, it was about 5km away from home and since you already have the airstrip on your property, you can fly as much as you want providing you don't land unless in emergency.
  7. Two different technologies. With adsb you won't be able to see aircrafts not equipped with adsb out. With a radar, you could see everything, all aircrafts regardless of equipment (except F35 and alike), plus large birds and flocks. When flying I am not interested in anything further than 10nm.
  8. I don't think there's anything to be subsidised. You can buy a good gps for $200, a good vhf radio for $200, yet they sell eg. old garmin 430 for $5000 onwards... Subsidising is in my opinion one of the reasons for increased price (eg. solar panels, batteries, etc...)
  9. I am disappointed to see technology in General aviation hasn't move much forward over the past 20-30 years compared to e.g. General boating. A $1000 boat radar can paint an another boat up to 24nm at ~12deg angle. I don't see why boat radars couldn't be used in aviation. 12deg angle at 24nm is plenty for detection and evasion. Sure we don't need military precision, nor technology inside radar guided missiles, but yeah it has to be TSO'd, Certified which translates into a lots of $$$..
  10. Hey Mike, then it must be you flying with Jason the other day, we met at the fuel bowser. No worries about the accent, me too is Jimmy Grant so my accent is not "pure" either 🙂 With regards to skids vs. slips, I found this video very helpful. When I turn base to final, in addition to ASI I also glimpse at the ball and don't turn below my aircraft safety speed Vs1 x 1.404. You'll be good, just keep flying. Have fun! Cheers
  11. I see she's going to suck the last cent from his bank account, including kidneys, liver and last drop of his blood... But yeah, she's right..
  12. Did you win an auction on the weekend?
  13. As long as you have a Permit to enter Victoria, and no further restrictions, should be fine.. https://www.service.vic.gov.au/services/border-permit/home
  14. Maybe birds (both large and small) should be required to carry an adsb too? Some high-tech drones can actually "see" birds without adsb/transponder which is technology designed primarily for >surveillance< purposes.
  15. I hope they won't start charging $ to justify increased workload..
  16. I found it as additional safety feature, however not bullet proof, neither reliable. I have seen aircrafts appearing then disappearing from the screen, then mine doesn't start transmitting data out before ~700ft, then I had overheating issues.. Regardless, I have seen a number of aircrafts on the screen prior to identified them in the air, and I am sure many have seen me too. Other than above, the integration with EFB's is looking "cool", providing some features found in $$$ expensive glass cockpit aircrafts.. Sorry for the poor photo quality.. That's Samsung Note 9 and SkyEcho 2 right above
  17. Regardless of technologies, lowering airspace to 1500ft can lead to higher risks to pilots/aircrafts not wishing to enter controlled airspace. That also gives less opportunities for emergency landing in case of engine failure. I believe lowering to 3000ft could be a better option.
  18. The numbers on charts are corresponding to aircraft altimeter when QNH correctly set. Same as when instructed verbally by ATC, AWIS, i.e. no time for pilot to do calculations whilst in flight. So they are in feet AMSL. However I think there are spelling mistakes in that proposal.
  19. . I instructed a lawyer. With all due respect, and knowing lawyer's rates is not very economical way forward. If I was instructor, or even now when flying as a private pilot, there is no law that would force me to fly with someone that I don't want to fly with. Full stop.
  20. Is anyone coming to: https://rfaca.com.au/aust-light-aircraft-championships/ and/or http://www.aerobaticsaustralia.com.au/ACC_WP/events-calendar/
  21. I think they were very specific. Wherever you see E LL 8500 on any chart, will become E LL 1500. Other E levels remain unchanged.
  22. In my case the gadget overheated, hence suggestion for an external antenna option so that the gadget can be placed in shaded and ventilated space. There are multiband antennas on the market so 1 antenna can be sufficient.
  23. My SkyEcho2 died in today's hot sunny day. If SE2 had an external antenna jack, then it would be better.
  24. I flyed in 3 aircrafts with SE2 in my pocket. I entered ICAO HEX and a rego, then I saw myself and other traffic in EFB, FlightAware, etc...
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