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Everything posted by Bosi72

  1. I think many people think it will solve all their fears that ATC will somehow provide safety and separation. According to AIP ENR 1.4-8, only IFR from IFR separation is provided. Unfortunately there were recent accidents when separation wasn't provided even to IFR flights.
  2. Personal experience: I use SkyEcho2 and whilst I think it is useful technology, it is not bullet-proof. My SkyEcho2 starts transmitting above 500ft, then I have seen the other aircrafts randomly poping up and disapearing off the screen, therefore I don't fully trust the device. Regardless, still useful gadget, however VFR is VFR. A certified ADSB assume Mode S transponder + "extended squitter", which is very costly exercise, many times more than $900 Skyecho 2.
  3. To my understanding Mooney pilots were denied entering controlled airspace.. Existing class C will remain the same.
  4. The area affected is where the current LL Class E is 8500ft and plan is to be dropped to 1500ft. I believe this should be at least 2500 or 3000ft to allow those wishing to remain in Class G and fly hemisphericaly (1500ft east/2500ft west). The picture from the brochure is not fair as 1500ft is represented as 1/3 of total airspace, where in reality it is 2.5%..
  5. Current proposal to lower Class E from 8500ft to 1500ft. https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/lower-base-class-e-east-coast
  6. I would try first with cleaning all contact points, checking shields in ignition system. Check grounding. Corroded contacts may cause arcing and interference. If above doesn't help, try ferrite chokes eg. http://www.microair.com.au/admin/uploads/RFInterferenceuseofferrites.pdf It's a work that needs investigation, good luck !
  7. Skidding from base to final. The low speed is not much relevant as is angle of attack. This video may help in explaining differences between skidding and slipping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKfG3lWCZ80 However, equally dangerous is engine failure after the take off without sufficient runway if nose is not pushed down immediately.
  8. Welcome to Straya! I've heard Amercan accent on 128.0 the other day. Let me know when you're at the aerodrome and want to go for a spin. Cheers
  9. Welcome aboard. A number of schools fly both GA and RAA aircrafts. https://www.raa.asn.au/fly-with-us/flight-training-schools/qld/ If I fly both GA and RAA, how can I be against myself? 🙂
  10. Congrats on your first Aeros flight! Food wise, no much advices here other than piloting (not being a passenger), hydration and light food. They say high sugar levels help with G's, finally something good out of my diabetes 🙂 Focus on flying, ask instructor to follow up by touching yoke/stick when demonstrating. My weak points are tailspins, 2 or 3 in a row at the end of a lesson can upset stomach, but I think it's mainly because eyes closed before recovering. Which aircraft you fly?
  11. That would be his/her last flight with me. Sending subliminal messages about killing/dying is very rude in my books. There are other and better ways to correct/overstress whatever bad behaviour/habbit is in question. I do have regular friendly flights with other pilots as well as instructors to confirm that my skills are still current. I also pickup their habits as learning is two-way street, we all learn from each other, and it never stops.
  12. My gut feeling would be around price of two and a half cars. The only issues from my memory were wrapping around wings and tail as when it starts peeling, it doesn't block/interfere controls. Still, 5-6k's is 3x less than regular painting quoted at $20k for c172. https://www.mobilecarvinylwrap.com/price-guide?gclid=Cj0KCQiAlsv_BRDtARIsAHMGVSZBX5rUkOAQzNOf-iQrPf5xT30cTyiAJYDW3D6DT7yvyWp6TcOM3wUaApsnEALw_wcB
  13. My point are your paragraphs of "subliminal messages" such as "you are going to kill yourself", or to crash water/land, or whatever. What can happen to me in the mountains, the same can happen to you in the city, or in a "perfect flat" rural farm when at the very last moment realising there is a powerline in front of you... My apology for returning those messages back to you, but we all know what can happen when the engine stops for real. Stopping engine for real, and on purpose, to establish a speed which varies +/-5 kts from POH depending on circumstances, is again beyond my comprehension.
  14. Best glide speed is not a slow speed. You will have authority over aircraft when flying Best glide speed.
  15. Engine doesn't know if it's flying over populated city or over the mountains. Best gliding speed (and minimum sink speed) are approximately half way between Vx and Vy (e.g. 55 and 65kts) and beside aircraft aerodynamics, it depends on weather (eg. wind) and weight. However, you need to fly in some serious weather (or weight) to be outside 55-65kt range. To me, it is sufficient to know Best gliding speed from POH, and to fly around it depending on situation. The fact there are number of accidents related to >simulated< engine failure tells me enough this is not a joke. A good outcome may be once you master engine off landings, you could do every landing with engine off and save some $ from fuel or Hobbs meter..
  16. If you fly at best gliding speed the aircraft will fly the furthest distance. If you fly faster or slower than best gliding speed, the aircraft will always undershoot. The same applies when the engine is idling or switched off. The key is to know your best gliding speed. Simulating engine failure by switching the engine off whilst in flight is beyond my comprehension..
  17. My ipad lost Gps signal in flight and I switched to paper charts.. On the other side I miscalculated winds/hdg/gs on paper, thankfully Efb picked up human error.. I now carry a backup Efb..
  18. speaking about AD's, this came to my email inbox last night.. http://services.casa.gov.au/airworth/airwd/ADfiles/UNDER/JABIRU/PADJABIRU-003.pdf To my understanding this is at proposal stage.
  19. The Atsb report related to the incident.. Pdf in the report contains maps, photos, etc. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2011/aair/ao-2011-126/
  20. In case of carby icing, the procedure requires to pull the carby heat out, mixture rich, and ensure the fuel and switches are on. Propeller windmiling may restart the engine when ice melts. Therefore I don't think the prop will stop when in flight unless big issue inside engine. Another story.. My o300 engine requires leaning when taxiing, so one day during the landing roll I pulled the mixture knob and engine stopped. I quickly pulled the starter lever, cranking, but nothing.. Lucky the exit was not far away and I managed to exit and clear the runway.. It took me another 30sec and fuel priming to start the engine and continue taxiing.. Lessons learned. Do not touch mixture knob from circuit to taxiway threshold.
  21. Hi Waraton It is Bob Tait. I found his books written in language easy to understand, but again there may be other books from other authors that I'm not aware of. https://bobtait.com.au/raa-products-page
  22. CASA transfer ownership paperwork around $130 (one off). Hard stand parking around $1.5k per year. 3rd party insurance around $1.2k p.y.. MR around 2-3k. 50 hourly oil + filter change ~$200 (do it yourself). Avgas around $2 per litre. All above are Ozzy $. With ageing aircraft expect unexpected costs, and also you will want to improve your aircraft.. If it's for business, then it will be tough (according to people doing business with their aircrafts), but if it's for pleasure, then it doesn't matter much. Regardless, ability to take your own keys whenever you want, without asking anyone for booking, availability, etc - priceless.. Enjoy your aircraft!
  23. You never know.. there's always a chance of EMP destroying your gnss, ipad and phone at the same time 🙂
  24. I use both BT and PPE. BT has online forum which is ok, but found PPE Facebook group more responsive. So far so good. Regarding exams, aspeq.com is testing provider for Casa where you can do exams outside of school, but not sure about RAA process.
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