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Everything posted by kgwilson

  1. Luddites continue to push the myth that EV batteries catch fire all the time. The reality lies in the statistics. From US insurer AutoinsuranceEZ Per 100,000 sales Petrol car fires 1529.9 Hybrid car fires 3475.4 Pure EV fires 25.1
  2. i just bought some David Clarke H10 compatibles on Ebay, $22.45 delivered (seem to be the same as the Ali Express cheapies) & installed them today. Just as good as the originals I reckon. I think the only difference is delivery time.
  3. Weight is the major issue but energy density is improving all the time and there are numerous companies that have attracted a lot of investment and are in the prototype phase for short range domestic air travel. Batteries catching fire is also blown out of proportion. Battery Electric cars are 100 times less likely to catch fire than petrol/diesel cars and about 300 times less likely to catch fire than a hybrid. Battery fires get the attention of the press but are mostly from electric scooters and small items that have poor management systems or are being charged with an incorrect charger.
  4. I've flown Coffs coastal a few times. There is usually not much traffic if any at all. If there is circuit training on 21 they can send you over the water but mostly straight down the beach at 1000 or below.
  5. Battery technology and battery management systems have improved dramatically in the last few years. CATL the worlds largest battery manufacturer are saying that with appropriate battery management & conditioning the 64kWh battery in my EV should reach 1 million km before degrading to 80% of its original capacity. The car won't last that long. So if this technology is available for training aircraft then battery replacement will not be an issue.
  6. There is only one authority in the world like CASA & that's CASA.
  7. Everyone who joins SES is required to undergo a police check but what it entails is unknown to me. This is instgated by the people from head office in Woollongong. So far no-one (at our Unit) has been refused and it usually only takes a few days to get the result.
  8. It is only one of a number of documents you can use to prove ID. ASIC is only 40% or 25% proof (if used as a second document) of ID so it isn't considered very strong proof at all..
  9. Proof of identity requirements vary from State to State and organisation to organisation. Most government agencies require documents that make up a total of 100 points, with each having a specified value. Birth certificate, Citizenship certificate and Passports (including foreign) in NSW are worth 70 points & then there are a whole lot of others including drivers licence, WWC card, Pensioner concession card, Doctors reference, Tertiary education photo ID, DVA card, and even an ASIC/Maritime security card worth 40 points for the first and 25 points for the rest. As well as that there are 14 other things like utility invoices, rates notices, bank statements, insurance policies, trade cards etc worth 25 points each. So an ASIC is as good as a drivers licence, student ID or a doctors reference as proof of identity.
  10. Absolute rubbish. There are more airfields that are classified as ALAs than there are other aerodromes. They have no security, are unclassified, unregistered, often with no fences and are meeting places for pilots of all persuasions who couldn't give toss about security controlled aerodromes that they do not frequent and in numerous cases have never been to in their entire flying career. I assume that you know Tyagarah is an ALA. Try turning that into a security controlled airfield. I'm sure the council would be happy to throw $10 million or more at it for fencing, another couple of million a year for operating costs and for what benefit? All that would do is get rid of most of those who operate from there and reduce the number of visitors to virtually none.
  11. It is not compulsory to have an ASIC and if flying at an aerodrome that is not security controlled, whatever that means, what regulation requires an instructor to see this useless piece of plastic?
  12. I opened the video and saw it was an hour long and closed it again.
  13. Sovereign Citizens not only ignore all and any rules, they make up their own to suit themselves. It is a perfect system for them.
  14. So I fly in to Coffs without an ASIC, taxi to the Aero Club, go inside for a cuppa. Ask someone for the gate code, fly home. No problem with ATC or anyone else there but due to an ill conceived and enacted system that does not enhance safety in any way this is Illegal?
  15. Have you heard the term "Get a Life". This is a forum for opinions on all sides of an issue and anything goes. It is when the poster is attacked and not the issue where the line is drawn. Personally I welcome debate with any CASA, State or Federal representative on security at certain airports or airfields. In fact i already have spoken a number of their representatives and told them what I think. In some cases I have agreement from them but they are bound by their employment contact to tow the department line officially.
  16. Analogue ASI, VSI, Altimeter and Compass have the advantage of not requiring any power, gyros or anything else to operate
  17. It seems to me that a lot of decisions by government agencies are made based on a perceived possibility rather than any evidence to suggest the decision is necessary. For example the need for an ASIC card at regional aerodromes. No other country has considered this necessary, not even the US where 911 happened. It's part of the bureaucratic mentality we have here in our public service, more particularly CASA. In the UK a survey of pilots and evidence based information gathering found that a class 2 medical for private pilots was a scam & provided no benefits to safety at all. It just increased bureaucracy and costs so it was scrapped in 2015 with no adverse effects since.
  18. I'm not writing anything off. I still fly my Jab 3300 powered aircraft and will continue to as long as I can. Venture capitalists look in to the future and it is not with fossil fuelled technologies. They will not invest in those industries any more. There are massive strides in renewable technologies and batteries are only one part of the equation. If only 2% of the new inventions & proposals get up they will blow everything we are currently at (including what's in my new EV) out of the water and on to the scrap heap of history. The transition will continue for decades. That is if we don't destroy everything first.
  19. Yeah, it must be part of a job creation scheme to justify having such a dumb useless system.
  20. I like the fact that you can opt for Steam gauges. The 230 price has skyrocketed lately largely due to the cost of all that glass & flash instrumentation plus the commitment to Gen 3 spares is a good reassuring statement. Continuous improvement is the best option engine wise, rather that a complete new generation especially as petrol powered ICE engines are in the twilight years of their existence.
  21. No it achieves nothing apart from an industry and a better way is what the rest of the world does, nothing.
  22. I bet they never even thought of or considered that possibility. They were too busy creating a hare brained scheme to rip pilots off and create a new industry with no precedent anywhere else on earth.
  23. There is no logic to determine artistic taste. I reckon it looks good.
  24. Sir Humphrey would have no problem explaining it in one 500 word sentence so that no one would ever know what it was about. And actually no one does know anything about it, they just rake in the fees & move on to the next gullible victim.
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