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Everything posted by kiwiaviator

  1. OK. Have an answer from Tecnam. They have added a resistor to the resistor voltage sense line to up the charge voltage due to the lithium ion batteries higher nominal voltage. So it is apparently normal although I hope it does not have downstream effects on our avionics etc
  2. Our club had a new Sierra delivered at the beginning of the year. It was noted that the voltmeter reads anywhere between 14 and 14.9 v and varies a lot in this range even at a constant rpm. We checked the bus voltage with two different multimeters and the voltmeter seems to be indicating correctly. It was delivered with a lithium ion battery with does have a higher max voltage. Regulator was changed out on advice from Tecnam agents. This did not fix the problem. Aircraft went back to the NZ agents to have some warranty issues sorted including this problem. The agents changed the battery to a sealed lead acid. No change. They then isolated the aircraft electrical system and ran just the alternator, regulator and battery as a separate circuit. Voltage was normal (13.8v). They then contacted Tecnam and were told that they were aware of the issue and it was happening with all new aircraft off the assembly line. Tecnam indicated that they will release a directive re the issue shortly. I just want to see if anyone else has seen this issue with new Tecnams?
  3. Can understand the corelation. NZ RPL and motorcyclist. Normally fly a Tecnam Sierra and ride a Yamaha XV750 v twin.
  4. Profile pic explanation - Whenuapai air force base, Auckland circa 1987. A RNZAF Boeing 727 doing a high speed pass.
  5. Hehe. No they had moved on by then...
  6. Have been three times thanks to work nearby. Last trip was 2005 and I stayed in Milwaukee and drove up each day. Was about 90 mins each way via freeway 41N. Another option is Fond Du Lac for closer accomodation to Oshkosh. Some great tips by others on this thread. I would reiterate not trying to see everything. Plan and list the things that interest you most. Have fun
  7. Can anyone shine light on the official line with opening the canopy in flight in a Tecnam P2002 ? I did it for the first time today due to the summer weather. Yes NZ gets warm too What a buzz! My daughter had a grin from ear to ear as well. Noticed a bit of extra drag however no adverse effects. Was doing about 95 knots and it wasn't too difficult to close the canopy prior to landing. Tecnams official line seems to be its OK however after a bit of googling I have found some information that says no way and if you do, there should be a 10cm restraining strap attached. I would like to do this again but would like to read others experiences.
  8. Took a 4WD to Fraser in July and loved the place. I have just looked at the park map and can't find Orchard Beach. Do you mean Orchid Beach near Waddy Point?
  9. Looked at your website Scotty. Your Air Camper project looks really interesting and I will monitor your progress. Have been in the Pietenpol hanger at Oshkosh during Airventure in the mid nineties. There are a few hangers like that at the northern side of the airfield and they had workshops in them teaching people basic wood and metalworking techniques. I have been a bit slack on my website so will get it up to date with the latest pics and post it on my profile. I don't know Ron but will ask my wife and mother if they know him. I still see David occasionally when he drops into our engineering workshop. Regards Kev.
  10. Thanks everyone for the welcomes. Small world Scotty. My mother used to work for the opposition David Dew :) I will post some pics soon. To HH - yes, I commute on the big bird with the kangaroo on the tail via Perth and Sydney/Melbourne to Wellington. Getting to know the crews pretty well now. One of the regular captains flys recreationally out of Masterton.
  11. Hi My name is Kevin and call home Masterton, New Zealand. I was an avionics technician in the RNZAF for eight years until 1991. Eventually got my PPL in 1999 with most of my time in Cessna, 150, 152 and 172's. Currently scratch building a Zenith CH701. Early days and attaching the rudder skin at the moment. Its a slow process as I only get to work on it for a few days every three weeks due to my current FIFO job in Newman, Western Australia (13 days on, 8 off) Looking forward to learning and meeting others here. Safe and enjoyable flying.
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