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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Phone Rob at Coastal Aviation Caloundra they may still make them
  2. 64 and yep there is a midpoint opening first but normal is to have pull full; it's not a progressive butterfly like most carb setups.
  3. Your correct, skippy is 1,000% incorrect and needs to read up about them. Therefore one peg will not be 1/2 choke; it'll be zero.
  4. Agree with throttle stops to look after carbs. Also if I don't fly for a couple of weeks I put battery on charge while I do the DI and this peps up the battery with a bit of charge. No good starting with an under voltage battery; strains things electrically. Re enricher position, my comment was also to get them closer so operate with one hand. One option is to move the alt / Batt switch and place them away or something else. Yes; bit of extra work but as not considered by builder (either Skip or original) then it needs enhancing. Pegs can only be considered as temporary one or two flight thing not permanent. What is the setup in his factory builds that he sells, should have copied that. Cheers.
  5. What readings did you get?
  6. I reckon the Coroner will not be impressed that ATSB have not provided an investigation as an expert opinion report containing information will not be available to him. Just my opinion from experience.
  7. My comment is directed at the builder, yourself and it is an easy fix if you want to do it. I would not accept the use of pegs like you have. It's not good in my opinion. Even change out the enricher device. I have seen setups where the enricher is pull to 'ON' and a 90 degree turn locks the position. After starting it is turned 90 degrees opposite and it springs to fully off. You should consider such / similar. You have asked assistance / comment with many things for your build and this is my comment to help. Its not a direction just a comment.
  8. Agree, needs rearrangement. Pegs stupid. I would have had the start button and enricher (Choke) closer, from the getgo. Moving the Alt / Battery switch unit will also allow them to be closer.
  9. Just would have done a tidy up to allow finding later and make unique for searches
  10. Being that close you need to consider the precision of accuracy, refresh times and pilot scanning timings.
  11. I feel sorry for you not being an adaptable all rounder:)
  12. Maybe if a standard item. Looking at the manual onetrack sent link for looks like just need to slide the upper retainer to have it release. Sometimes tight clips are difficult. I had to remove a yellow clip in my patrol to fit a cruise control to the steering wheel. I pulled hair out a few times. Read forums etc and finally got it to release. I then posted images to assit other on the patrol forum. Sort of adding to helpful info that has helped me in the past. Back to your task looks to me that you just need to slide the slider over fully and then try an prise it out carefully without marking the case or push out. May be a two person thing. Best wishes and look forward to hearing you have it out.
  13. I experienced carb icing on a 912 in a skyfox ca21 and we only just got over the fence onto the strip. Like having carb heat to use if experience rough running at low throttle and descending. A worthwhile option.
  14. You need to buy an assorted pack. At worst will be a waste of money. On plus side you will have sizes either size for other needs.
  15. I thought it may have been a heavy landing by an electric airplane at the charging station.
  16. Yep, being new and an unknown fault occurs it's time to stop and re check everything. For mine we decided to bypass Isolation switch for flight. (Me as builder and my test pilot). Then I purchased another isolation switch later that day. (If the faulty one was not in warranty as it was brand new I would have pulled it apart to identify the fault.)
  17. A guy posted on facebook 'Bush flyers down under' with a video of a flight. You would enjoy it. Cheers.
  18. What volts were in battery; best to recheck electrical wire circuits. I had no voltage at my first test flight; reason faulty isolation switch.
  19. I like the Mr Funnels so much I have two, one in aircraft in a pumkin head cover (for trips away) and one in a box on the wall of hangar with two fuel testers so myself and anyone else can use when refuelling.
  20. I think comment is bit unfair. They are an excellent touring aircraft considering performance, cockpit comfort, cargo capacity etc. For info what will your new aircraft be? similar to usual MTOW500kg empty weigh of about 280kg. Fuel usage is always about the 20 l/hr for the design shape. Mine is similar and I would not get a tighter fit aircraft for faster and better fuel economy ship. To me it's just about enjoying the flight and sharing the experience. I appreciate other aircraft and their respective condition and don't point out faults as I see ones that don't suit my choice of aircraft.
  21. Only if their Russian. Haste makes waste and errors occur:)
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