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Everything posted by djpacro

  1. Here are the rules https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2005B00836 The Royal Victorian Aero Club had a device to eject ashes through the small window in a Warrior, they should still have it. A device like this is essential otherwise you will remain mostly inside the aeroplane.
  2. It just needs its spinner back on https://abpic.co.uk/pictures/view/1152579
  3. Yep, spin and aerobatic endorsements may be granted to an RPL.
  4. Certainly a consideration. Submitting a CAIR to ATSB will get info to CASA without identifying yourself. My experience is that mentioning anything individually has nil effect.
  5. Nope, defamation laws here expose them to legal action which is costly. Nought to do with anyone’s version of the truth. ....... One of my friends was criticised by a coroner in court. He had witnessed unsafe behaviour by someone on a number of occasions and had words with the pilot. Didn’t stop the guy killing himself and a young passenger. If he had told CASA it may have changed things.
  6. Adding an elevator tab where there was no tab in the design adds significantly to the elevator weight far behind the hinge. Elevator mass balance must be considered.
  7. Go here and follow the links to see the differences between an RPL with nav endorsement and a PPL https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/flight-crew-licensing-information-sheets It also explains the transition from RPC to RPL. The flight radio endorsement requires the English language assessment. Have fun in the Citabria!
  8. RAA is an optional registration. Types you are discussing can have VH registrations and its just normal life with your RPL.
  9. I see elsewhere on the internet that some ex-students have made statements explaining how they were allegedly ripped off.
  10. Plexus or vuplex plastic cleaners. I prefer vuplex from Bunnings. Certainly don’t use glass cleaners as they are too abrasive. I used to use Mr Sheen on fabric dope.
  11. Not ambiguous at all. The website is clear that graduating students get a CPL. Licence test for a CPL is very clear - to be eligible for that test means having passes in the theory exams plus achieving the competency and experience requirements of CASA to do a test.
  12. I visited Soar recently to have a look around and chatted to some instructors there. I also know some past students. Having got an RPC then fill in a form to get an RPL from CASA - standard procedure. Gain experience? Well, there is a syllabus to get to CPL per their website https://soar.edu.au/commercial-pilot-licence/# they'd been doing CPL in one variant of the Bristell which apparently conforms to CASA requirements however as I was told, and per the website, from next year CPL in the twin Tecnam.
  13. You should get the quote correct! It states: "You'll also be eligible to undertake the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) licence tests for Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)." Not that hard to read and get the info correct (I hope). That price is the annual fee so you can double it for 2 years. That is 2 years study at BHI plus flight training to get to where one is eligible for a CPL test. Get an RPC with nav endorsement along the way - gotta do that otherwise CASA's onerous regs make it virtually impossible for a student to do a solo CPL nav under training.
  14. Somewhere in the CARs you will find a reg which states that private operations must also follow those rules for Air Service Operations. It won't be long before Part 91 comes into force - these rules apply to all. Check out the draft plain english guide on CASA's website - the regs have been published so you could go there instead. "Manipulating flight controls (91.155) A person must not, and you must not allow a person to, manipulate the flight controls of the aircraft unless the person is authorised or qualified to pilot the aircraft."
  15. A local Decathlon recently had its ailerons jammed by the clip from a Bose headset. Pilot managed to fly it to the airport and fortunately it unjammed on final approach. Holes in the floor of a Decathlon so easy for pens, phones etc to get to where they can jam the ailerons or elevator.
  16. When I bought the airplane it was using tacho so I continued with that for a short while until I bought a flight switch. The flight switch was U/S for a short while so I used time on my wristwatch from take-off to landing.
  17. google found this https://members.raa.asn.au/storage/cta-faqs.pdf which, as I expected, states that it requires more than just an RPL.
  18. The original question was simply “What aircraft had three decks?” I don’t know much of the German language but it seems to me that Driedecker is “three decks”?
  19. What landing gear did the S-1 have? Lockable tailwheel keeps it straight whereas the standard Maule with vague steering allowed the tail to swing. Spring main landing gear instead of bungees tamed the bouncing.
  20. "If the pilot had selected some or full flap prior to or during the left turn, he would have been able to extend his glide distance further and reduce the aircraft’s stall speed, and potentially the aircraft’s speed at impact." He is not saying that the glide angle is better with flaps down. "However, given the location of the aircraft when he commenced the left turn, and the nature of the surrounding terrain, it is very unlikely that a collision with terrain could have been avoided." So extending the glide is insignificant compared to stalling and hitting the ground hard. "The aircraft was at about 60 ft (see GPS information) and had a groundspeed of about 124 kt (about 230 km/h)." .... "If full flap had been selected, the stall speeds would have been reduced by about 10 mph (9 kt) for the same bank angle." ... "Given the stall warning was intermittently sounding for the last 7 seconds, and the indicated airspeed decreased from 65 kt to 60 kt, it is very likely that the aircraft was close to the stall speed during this period. In the last 1–2 seconds, as the bank angle increased to about 60° and the indicated airspeed was about 60 kt, the aircraft may have entered the stall. The pilot’s use of left rudder in this period increased the potential to stall." "All of the options were likely to result in at least some level of damage and/or injury. However, with the benefit of hindsight and a detailed consideration of all the available information, the option likely to result in the least damage or injury was to land the aircraft ahead on the remainder of the beach (heading north)." Hindsight is for us to learn from. "Regardless of whether the aircraft stalled, the aircraft impacted terrain with little or no control and a significant descent rate." That is the thing to avoid. Interesting that camera and camera memory disappeared.
  21. Polyfiber agent here http://www.pilotshopwa.com.au/store/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=68 and Spruce agent here with with the catalogue online https://www.skyshop.com.au/COVERING.pdf The Spruce catalogue is free, you just need to pay postage https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/stpages/sprucecatalog.php
  22. Suggest that you fix the spelling of the hotshot star aerobatic pilots - Jock Folan and Gerard. I can't make it as I have a birthday party to go to. I was in Narromine last weekend however so caught up with other hotshot aerobatic pilots.
  23. Good start! I didn't see your qualifying statement about "flying straight ahead" and stall. Anyway, my comment is pretty much the same. The objective with the use of rudder in a stall is NOT to keep the wings level, particularly not to return the wings to level after an entry to an incipient spin.
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