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Everything posted by djpacro

  1. Seems like a common mount https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/lordenginemountscessna_07-01131.php You could email Lord for the dimensions.
  2. A lot of aeroplanes on the ground today with the gusty wind. Let us know next time you visit.
  3. CASA really has nothing to do with ASICs.
  4. Yep, Jim is hard work to follow but he has much info available. "In pilot school, you might have been taught to “hold the nose up” during a turn. If so, did you ever consider that advice could kill you? Consider the fundamental fact that certified airplanes do not stall; pilots cause airplanes to stall." http://www.dylanaviation.com/stick-and-rudder-what-does-that-mean/ http://www.dylanaviation.com/avoid-loss-of-control-use-the-tape/ http://www.dylanaviation.com/bad-habits-and-improper-turns-can-be-deadly/ http://www.dylanaviation.com/dont-stall/
  5. Yep. http://www.dylanaviation.com/the-ailerons-and-airmanship/
  6. The rule has changed, for one thing it refers to populous areas now.
  7. Taken to be approved, eh? CASA approvals are very specific. Many years ago I tracked through and found a definition of “built-up area” wrt aviation and it was, from memory, places which had street lights. Who knows what it is these days.
  8. Back when Australia had its own certification requirements: http://services.casa.gov.au/airworth/airwd/ADfiles/under/pa-28/PA-28-058.pdf The PA-28 and others with initial certification many years ago (CAR 3 with a smattering of FAR 23 tossed in for later models) in the USA were not required to have any fatigue life assessment. An aluminium structure will suffer metal fatigue just a matter of when and if inspection picks it up. I like my FAR 23 certified aerobatic airplane with its lifed items.
  9. I don’t understand the question? If you get a Class 1 medical then you also get a Class 2 with a later (normally) expiry date. So, just let the Class 1 expire and until then just state that you are exercising the privileges of your licence with the Class 2 medical. I was one of those who renewed early this year when we knew the new rule was coming in but no idea when in 2019. As it turned out I had just completed my Class 1 tests so when CASA suddenly announced the new rule would take effect a week later I simply asked my DAME to withdraw my application for a Class 1 and proceed with just the Class 2.
  10. Nope, see http://www.cfidarren.com/r-mccabe.htm
  11. Part 61: AFR and endorsements don't go in logbooks - everything is on the licence.
  12. yes. https://www.facebook.com/dhsquirrell
  13. Lunch at Colac, Vic. Hot day, up near 39, but fairly pleasant flying. iPad shutdown on the way home due to heat. Recovered at The Naked Racer.
  14. Any tread on the sole will catch on the rudder pedals - usually round tubes. Often not a lot of space for big feet so I look for a profile similar to my foot. Joggers or cycling shoes have been my choices in recent years but at Oshkosh last year I bought https://liftaviationusa.com/collections/shoes - works very well in a Pitts or similar but no good for walking. For my “day” job as an aerobatic pilot I wear https://workscene.com.au/mongrel-derby-safety-shoe-black.html
  15. Someone asked that of CASA on Facebook a while back and the answer was that CASA didn't want pilots to be hanging on to out of date documents so they decided the only options would be looking at the website or buying a paper document. I don't think that CASA could see that their answer was nonsensical - the paper VFR Guide is more likely to be the one not to be updated; every other CASA document is available as a pdf!
  16. I like to have a good written reference such as https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/airplane_handbook/media/06_afh_ch4.pdf "Maintaining Aircraft Control: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training" supported by short videos as appropriate. I've done a lot of tight base/final turns at Moorabbin, this one is quite mild with a bit of a xwind. Legal since the minimum distance for a final approach was removed from the regs some years ago. Of course, at Moorabbin it depends on other traffic however the Tower is generally very helpful. PittsApproachMB0515.mp4 PittsApproachMB0515.mp4
  17. "At about 200 ft agl, the aircraft pitched suddenly and significantly nose down before descending in a left turn from which it did not recover before striking the surface of a crop field. The reason for this final manoeuvre was not determined." There are many instances of stall/spin accidents in Tiger Moths, often following an engine failure. I note the comment about "benign stall characteristics at between 45-49 mph IAS, adopting a high angle of attack and rate of descent with the stick held full back and no tendency to drop a wing" - well, that depends on where the ball is.
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