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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. pathfinder is where i did the majority of my training, great instructors (DOUG) and and got me through , picked up my weaknesses and they are very easy to deal with,and flying out of Archerfield certainly makes you aware , also tower is very helpful when you do male a mistake
  2. Andy, your damned if you dont and damned if you do , always a problem with some members in any organisation, i was soccer club president for seven years and generally the people on thye committee didwell financially and for the clubs benifit BUT there were always one or two who did not lilke all our decisions , Andy you and the team are working well ,and as mostly volunteers you are all doing a great job under trying circumstances , personally i give you all a big thumbs up thank you for getting on with job and making it better for ALL members
  3. I have put it on youtube look for cobra 130 test flight cheers gareth
  4. Hi Mark will have it up tonight ,if i can down load ok its a gopro 3 and the card needs an adapter will get 1 today, i have a taxing vid i will try and load it , but she fly,s what and awsome feeling seeing it take off, ,landing was smooth and the engine sounds sweet ,sorry i rambleLOL
  5. Hi Vince we hanger at Boonah i have a teaser vid but having trouble loading it ,i will try again cheers gareth
  6. HI Vince have a look at ours in the morgan area ,just about to start flying the 25 hrs off
  7. I hope i look that good at 70! LOL seriously, it is great that you still can fly a 70 year old plane AND have a great history, and still a low hr plane
  8. i put my hands in the air ,i give up, that dictionary must nearly be worn out !
  9. don,t have mates (neverneededany) ah,Qld Gods own country, southerners are sooo jealous i think i will go and have another martini whilst looking at the best sea and coast line in the greater oz
  10. Ooops , i seem to have hijacked this threaad
  11. highly paid "yes" busy "no " taking a break yes and enjoying the banter cheers gareth
  12. it seems to get in the way of interesting stuff that is posted , as you say i don,t get it , but then i don,t have that much time to spare cheers gareth
  13. Probably need to spell correctly first !! cheers
  14. Lol , no I am on my 30th wedding anniversary honeymoon oops I mean holiday
  15. hi ian,i z am in perth till mon 28th i did reserve 1 will do the transfer then cheers gareth
  16. ave8rr NDT (non destructive testing) can be done but it is expensive you could do some simple testing (die penetrant check) this will give you indication of cracking ,but wall thickness testing and welding testing is radiography , you could ring up N.A.T.A they are the authority for ndt companies cheers Gareth
  17. Love the meaning of life joke LOL cheers gareth PS have,nt heard :The Black Country (the Midlands ) for years
  18. "I" have done well , and the "needs of the few" have reaped the rewards, ie community has , old peoples home a big carport for their bus, skate park for the kids a shelter and seating, driving pensioners in the community bus for medical/shopping , my wife and i gave in time and money, what i believe is that we hand out too readily to the "so called under privelaged " and not to the real needy ,and are we a better place? this is still a great place to live BUT it is far too easy to ride the freebie bus for people who rort the system, my family look after each other ,mum lives comfortably , but not on the pittance the government hands out, we subsidise her because we can and we all feel that it is the right and moral thing to do , i do not feel that i must forgo because some do not get off their axxses we will never be a socialist country thank God , look what has happened to the UK , and we as a country cannot sustain mass immagration , their is not enough usable land and resources . its great that we can ALL have a view right or wrong (i do sense a little bit of US and THem here) cheers Gareth
  19. maybe , but my experience in 45 years of living in this great country is that i always did well under a Liberal flag, and Under labor did very badly, see loss of work (see confidence) loss of income , laying people off work(not a nice feeling) all politicians all persuasions are out for there own trip/glory, i survived 4 runs of labor, but under Liberal have prospered and grown, as did my employees at the time , i do not support any labor in any form they only look after people who are after the handouts. religion,politics we can argue about it but as individuals we have the right to differ cheers gareth
  20. Gillard successful, you must be dreaming, she spent all the money on the schools project ,( our school at the time had no use for it but needed new classrooms,hall sat for 5 years before being used and only twice to three times monthly while the kids had to share classrooms gave me $900 as a successful business (thanks very much) and every other person who lodged a tax return, DID not spend taxpayers money very wisely, as said on another page Labor cannot manage money , for all there faults Liberal will get us in the black again, Labor should be banned from ever holding office again! my rant , my reasoning ,my view. cheers Gareth
  21. Hi Ian n i will take 1 watch cheers gareth
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