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Everything posted by Cosmick

  1. They will be reminiscing the old days of 'Super'
  2. OK, lodged electronically via Pulse (RAA confirmed received 4/6) rego expired 18/6 19 days ago, guess I have to ring tomorrow to follow up which unfortunatly will take up someones time which will add to the processing time of everyone else's rego, but it appears from previous posts that the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
  3. I reckon he deserves his own "Smilie" what would it look like ?
  4. What about WX/Notam from oz-runways, screen shot in photo album on iPad or AirPrint.
  5. Lodged rego on Pulse 04/06, received follow up overdue letter 26/06 and rang to confirm received 04/06. 24 days and counting, rego was due 18/06. Lovely flying weather outside, Ho Hum, La De DAh, Hmmmmm ................... might go mow the grass.
  6. She could use a two pronged rectal thermometer to bridge the gap
  7. How does the float configuration effect stall, I thought MTOW was set within structural limits to keep stall below I think its 45knts. ????
  8. Three Thripenny Bungers taped together with a bit of mosquito coil for a timed fuse saw a few letterboxes demolished, A Roman Candle made a great mortar during cracker fights. A Thunder would fit nicely into a bike pump, replace fuse through small hole and a Stonker (big marble) in the top was deadly. (surprisingly in hindsight I am surprised the tube never exploded) Used to cover ThreePenny Bungers with glue and roll in pebbles, back yard grenades. Don't remember anyone getting hurt, just was never game to go back to the letterbox to see if the mosquito coil had gone out.
  9. I like their Bar Stool (www.motoart.com), bit harder to fall out of that one
  10. Corner shop, 8 Licorice Bullets for a penny, latter 2 battleships for a cent, cobbers were 1 cent each and ohh remember the lollie counter changed to crackers one month of the year.
  11. Hi Bruce, Paragliders (no motor), Powered Paragliders (motor on back) and trikes (a powered Paraglider Trike) do require licensing and are obtained in that order through the Hang Gliding Federation of Australia HGFA. Google Powered Paragliding to find further information. RAA controls Powered Parachutes PPC which are a heavier trike.
  12. Many happy returns Ian, I hope your enjoying our Queensland Winter. Re above the dates for Northern Hemisphere would be in December ....... yes ?
  13. Another Theory, apologies if already covered, I havnt read the whole thread If it wasn’t such a tragic event we could all freely laugh with great gusto at the mainstream media regarding the disappearance of Malaysian flight 370. Every single source, substantiated or not, was taken as a great revelation. It was and continues to be a sad circus of events. If those following the serious clues left available there is only one question to ask. Why does no one mention the Indian Oceans most advanced and secure air base, the stationary Aircraft Carrier located south of the southern tip of India called Diego Garcia? Not a peep. Not even an indication of a US managed military installation that monitors everything in this war region. In fact the best old metaphor regarding the lack of reference to this location is “The Silence Is Deafening.” So here it is. As CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CBC, BBC, CTV and all the rest are prepared to spout off theories without any solid confirmation, here is one from a source who wishes to remain unidentified from Northwest BC Canada. This individual comes from a three decade long background of exposing the secrets the one percent and the military forces would rather have remained secret. He has recently revealed what happened to flight 370. ‘Film at Eleven’. Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah prepared and practised with his home flight simulator and had determined the maximum speed and angle of decent the Boeing 777 could withstand. As soon as the flight reached the extent of the Malaysian radar capability, when he knew they would no longer expect to see his radar signal, he wished the ground crews good night. He then turned off one tracking device, waited to see if anyone responded or raised alarm for 15 minutes, then turned off all communication devices. He locked the cabin door to prevent anyone from entering after asking his co-pilot to get him a drink or check on a system outside of the cockpit. The Captain then immediately turned the plane southwest into a know flight path and climbed to over 40,000 ft. the maximum structural capability of the Boeing 777. He put on the pilot supplied air mask and kept the plane at over 40,000 ft until he was certain all the passengers and crew, including his co-pilot, were asphyxiated. >From his flight simulator experimentation he had already determined the precise coordinates where he would initiate his next action. To bring the plane down at the maximum speed and maximum angle of decent to make a direct hit on the fuel storage tanks at Diego Garcia. As he initiated this direct course of action the American Military had not been concerned with the radar blip of this flight at 40,000 plus feet. They monitor vessels and flights which appear to be a threat or are invading their space. However they were suddenly brought into complete attention as their warning systems set off alarms. The base at Diego Garcia attempted to make radio contact and immediately dispatching interceptors. Knowing full well this was an imminent threat, having no time to debate the issue and recognizing the aircraft was operating in what was basically ‘stealth’ mode, uncommunicative, the plane was shot out of the sky. Becoming aware of which flight it was with the political and potential military repercussions, the US military ordered a complete lock down on all communications regarding the event and began dispatching crews to locate and pick up all the debris. When the rest of the world became aware the flight was missing the US Navy offered all their resource to help them look for it in the South China Sea, then the Gulf of Thailand, Bay of Bengal and the Strait of Malacca. This kept the worlds attention focused away from the location they were cleaning up. US 7th Fleet Commander William Marks told CNN “We wait for the Malaysians to tell us where to search and we go there.” This is the most telling statement of all. Since when does the US take directions from Malaysia unless they are simply providing the rope to let them hang themselves. The most powerful radar systems in the region are at Diego Garcia. A perfect target for such an attack, one the USA stopped and one they simply cannot reveal to the world due to the nationality of the passengers on board. They will continue to assist in the search while doing everything to ensure no one even mentions Diego Garcia in the mainstream media.
  14. Remember JG's guide to "Airstrips near Pub and Food"
  15. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Minicraft-11634-Hovercraft-Cessna-172-/400658287592?pt=Altro_Giocattoli_e_Modellismo&hash=item5d49184be8
  16. How come we are reverting back to Latin or Greek or whatever. i.e. CV - curriculum vitae. When I last went for a Job I had a RESUME. Oh and SDQDI is right, spelling is one thing but what about Grammar/Comprehension, example - Me and Fred went to the shop. Ugggg - Hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't start me on Maths ...............................
  17. Lucky the Banks family didn't live within 4klm's of an Airport http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-18/kite-causes-concern-at-broome-airport/5533138
  18. Have to get a "NO SMOKING" sign
  19. Looks like something they could carry you away on after a bad landing
  20. Hi Jwh, I see Hedlow YHEW is 11.9nm from YBRK, bit of a pain but pick up pax there or have aircraft ferried there. Times are lean and the School may be flexible. If just for an hour or two, arrange a nice lunch for the CFI at Yeppoon in the sun (your vehicle from Emu Park to sunny Beach)
  21. was doing a few knots over where the fence would have been
  22. Some chatter on GoPro forum re this issue http://goprouser.freeforums.org/external-miicrophone-sound-problem-t13369.html
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