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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Great airfield, good to see things going ahead there
  2. Of course God has a sense of humour, how else would you explain the pressure release valve making such a ridiculous noise!
  3. Are the vids worth getting, I've watched all his utube stuff?
  4. Well Dazza you are a sneaky racist, the last thing we need is the truth no matter how offensive
  5. I love the stuff the yanks do in their planes, I reckon prop strikes would be pretty common but the buggers really get into putting them down in the hardest places.
  6. Well I have no opinion about the 777 stack ,but I'd have to say its wonderful to finally hear from you Mr Nobody, I actually doubted you even existed ,,,my kids have been blaming you for stuff for years and here you are! In fact I'm going to forgive you for all the sh1t you did around my house simply because I feel bad for punishing my kids so much! Welcome and cheers Matty
  7. Hi all, I'm after a Bluetooth unit so I can use my iPhone in the plane, I have a DC13.4 headset and I've seen units that plug into the system, I need to be able to make and receive phone calls through the headset without loosing the VHF radio transmissions , does anyone know a brand name or supplier that sells such a device? Thanks Matty
  8. Would've been nice if they'd put 100% effect into just getting the regs right and running the damn thing properly, I used to be all for RAAus getting CTA ,now I would just prefer that we would do the right thing ,follow the regs as we are meant to, and enjoy our aviating as we supposedly say we do rather than bitch about what the PPL holders can do
  9. Not that I have any interest in defending CASA, but the only reason you can fly you jab without a pilots licence is because of the exemptions to the regulations, this discussion crops up pretty regularly and really it's simple to live with , just fly what your allowed to fly ,where you allowed to fly it , when your allowed to fly it and remember its a priveledge not a right. If anyone wants all the priveledges that come with having a pilots licence then spend the time and money and get one, on another point as a group ,we ultralighters, have not shown the regulator that we can play by the rules, let alone be lobbying for more concessions.
  10. Interesting, I have a " the one that got away" story, although mines a drifter, did about 4 hours in one and just couldn't get it, the plane got sold and I never got to beat it! I went away thinking the taildragger thing just wasn't for me ,,,,,ended up getting my feet to work and now fly a few different taildraggers,,,but I have never got into a drifter again,,,,I would live to see if I could master the bugger , maybe one day. That could be a whole new thread, AIRCRAFT I NEVER MASTERED! Matty
  11. We're planning on next year ,my Dad lives in Detroit and suggested a couple of Motorhomes and a bit of a tour ending at Oshkosh at the right time, any advice from the regulars on motorhome parking in the area
  12. I kinda like the magazine, since CASA dropped the paper edition of Flight Safety I've never bothered to go on line for it, it was always a good one to have beside the throne
  13. I like the quote amateurs built the ark, experts built the Titanic! We just have to look at the experimental scene with the advances in glass panels, even the big names like Garmin are getting in on the act with great top end gear at bottom end prices,
  14. some of the things I would consider necessary in a "training" type, must have a degree of adverse yaw, so we all learn what our feet are for must have a good airframe indication of an immanent stall, along with a definite nose drop( I dislike the way some aircraft just mush down ,doesn't really teach anything as the attitude can look similar to slow flight ) four hour endurance at least 15knot crosswind ability spin recoverable with the ability to handle the G loading's of a over anxious pull up( even if RAAus doesn't allow it our aircraft cant read the regs and will stall/spin regardless) and at least 45 inches wide at shoulder height( this ones a bit selfish, I'm a big bugger) Matty
  15. Perhaps ,like me, most are just over the whole thing!
  16. A question kinda off topic, has anyone thought of picking up where Wayne left off with building fishers and repairing drifters?
  17. Mmmm bird dog , been looking at them with green eyes lately. And what does flying like a tit mean,,,,,do the other guys like watching you jiggle down the runway,,,,or do you always travel in pairs?
  18. I would think an instructor would make the call taking into account currency , maybe theory and attitude around the field if going dual wasn't viable. For me I like to do something different , an endorsement or like last time a D class entry exit into C class , cost a bit but it was a good day out. Next time I'd like to do a formation endo or a float endo.
  19. What about sailing and flying, I reckon there would be a lot of pilots into sailing as well,
  20. Had bikes from about 10-11 yo, last one , GSXR1100 , gave me three months off work, really dumb accident , still like em but just don't have the desire like I used to, planes are a bigger buzz I reckon!
  21. Wasn't there a couple of guys killed in an aero chute crash in NSW recently, can't remember what it was exactly, an instructor perhaps?
  22. And after spending a couple of months getting to know mine I believe it's a damn shame they went bust, they're a really great plane!
  23. I've got a bit of TW time from a wide range of aircraft( wide in different behaviours) I've got about thirty hours in my Skyfox/Kitfox type and totally love it, I've had a few learning moments but I guess as long as I keep learning I won't be going backwards down the runway :-) There is nothing like the feeling of a perfect wheeler ,do it in a short coupled taildragger,,,,even better,,,,,do it in a short coupled taildragger with a nasty reputation and you'll be grinning like an idiot every time you think about the little bugger! I was chatting with a guy who had about 300 hours in his C185 , he asked another 185 pilot how long before he could relax a bit on final,,,,the answer NEVER, the moment you do the bastard will bite you real hard, taildraggers are great fun and super challenging ,even the well behaved ones, so go for it you will be a better pilot no matter what type you end up in!
  24. It's amazing that having a tailwheel on a "Gazelle " has an entirely different reputation. I've never flown a gazelle, but I'd have to say the C172 is pretty forgiving , and it can be thrown at the runway from a remarkable height without breaking anything ;-) Apart from a tailwheel I would say the citabria 7GCBC and its hairy stablemate the 8KCAB would be the nicest all rounders I've flown
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