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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Bound to be out of balance tyres. Apply the brake. If this doesn't fix it could be the front tyre. Test by lifting the front in the hanger and notice if the wheel wants to settle in the same place at the bottom. There is a recent post about this and remedies Phil By the way, regards your gps installation query in another post, I made the bracket on photo from a part from the kit supplied with my unit. The very great advantage of this positioning is that you don't look down when using and does not interfere with visibility. My panel has the gps cutout, but not good for the above reasons. Cheers Phil.
  2. I stayed at a motel opposite the rsl club, which has great meals. Wish I knew the name of the motel as they picked up and delivered to airport. Bitumen strip has a hump in the centre by memory and can't see any aircraft below this. Great place to visit. Refuelled at Walget enroute. Phil.
  3. Rosco, Fortunately I had an headset adaptor in the flight bag. Changing frequencies caused a bit of concern. I had to dig out the hand held instructions booklet as the memory freq were not the ones I needed. Couldn't have happened at a worse time, just as Tyndall opened. I had to change to three different frequencies to get away, which took some time. Definite much lower power and distance performance and sitting on lap is not the best place to carry, I remember that I inadvertently moved the freq knob a couple of times. Reception with adaptor and headsets in range was great. Phil.
  4. I had dual micro airs fitted after two failures whilst a very long way from home and had to rely on a hand held. Well worth the extra expense if travelling interstate, long xc etc. They were factory fitted as an option when built so don't know all the installation details. I do know that you mustn't have both radios on the same frequency when transmitting, seems to stuff up the spare. Phil.
  5. Nullabor road house. Taxi to the units. Eucla. Forrest have accommodation also. Phil.
  6. Can't say that I have had ANY likes, dislikes etc for a while now as I still have no icons on my posted pages. Perhaps there is a way to resurrect? Phil.
  7. How about "Raw water"? Seriously, I have done this a couple of times to get out of trouble. The water doesn't seem to damage any components in the short term. Phil.
  8. Sorry, not good enough due to only copying the page on screen. I have an app (good reader) which copies the full wx pages including notams. Legal from Casa with iPad I was told. Phil.
  9. A bit off topic, but if stuck just use plain water. Worked for me for a few times in the bush years ago after damaging brake lines. Phil.
  10. Can help with some of the route. Port Pirie, Ceduna, Forest, Kalgoolie. If you can't make Pirie, phone Renmark. Likewise Kalgoolie, Nullabor or Eucla. Phil.
  11. Sorry, wrong incident. Should have read further on. Phil.
  12. I saw that clip too. Well executed model plane and real Eagle. Phil
  13. Stoney I gave you a bum steer re the Dynon 10A being able to be configured to take cht and egt probes. They can only be fitted with the Dynon 180. Refer Dynon site. Sorry about my misinformation Hope your trip was uneventful What is the brand of your cht system? Phil
  14. Good to hear from you Mike May catch up at Pirie in August, if not before. Regards to all Phil.
  15. An Andy. I found the new 230 prop from Jab to be near perfect for vibration. Also once bolted in, there is no adjustment needed. Plus many other advantages Phil
  16. Garmin make a slide in and rotational adapter. Mounted mine on the dash as pictured. Swivels on ratchet base which is very handy in sunlight. Yet to tidy up the wiring now that I am happy with the location. Phil
  17. Saw this cloud Sunday, looked a bit dangerous at the bottom. Phil
  18. Image that if you had a wheel drive aircraft, you could land anywhere and just toddle off!
  19. Just my experience. I have one ( card compass) mounted on the dash, most objects temporarily stored anywhere nearby swings the needle, be it sunnies, pens, phone etc. However, as you rightly suggest, the adjustment screws are for swinging at installation. So if say you leave your mini iPad home one day, the compass error could be significant. Phil.
  20. Isn't the saying something like, "Three for show, two for go"
  21. Great compass but pretty useless too near other items, metal, electrics etc. Phil
  22. VSI ? Easier to read than the Dynon
  23. Leak down tests should be done when the engine is warm. Phil
  24. Yes, the good old days. The cop cars were black FX holdens with the siren mounted on the mudguard, stood out like dogs ...... 83 MPH max. Going back a bit further in time, our local force were on push bikes with a whistle. you didnt need a straight out exhaust to not here it. I remember driving on the Port Rooad once, speeding in the inside lane, when I was waved over by a cop on the outside curb. I got such a shock that I waved back.
  25. In the 50's in SA the law was that the police had to time you over 3/10th of a mile. Gave you some leaway to pass safely with out incuring a ticket. Dont know when it changed from that, probably when radar guns were introduced. Phil.
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