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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. Just had a look at your website. I like the layout of the air park with the two roads/taxiways down the side of the runway. Just looking the through the " operation and safety procedures manual" what is the thinking behind limiting it to recreational aircraft only? It is an insurance thing? Or a council restriction? Seems a bit strange to prohibit GA registered aircraft.
  2. T True, Unless the new owner has previously built a similar aircraft.
  3. That was a "feature" of the early airfoil chosen for the canard. The airfoil had good lift and drag properties when the flow was laminar but when the rain was on the surface it caused the flow to trip to turbulent. In the turbulent regime the foil had a lot less lift. The "Roncz" canard was developed to maintain lift in the turbulent flow and avoid this issue. Almost all Long EZE's would be the new foil shape.
  4. Cool idea with the build method. looks great. I know you are just doing these videos for show but when you go on to build a flying part work on your drilling technique. You will likely have left little dint/nicks on the inside of the far side of the extrusions. This may be a stress concentration in the future. A drill press would help prevent that but be a little bit slower.
  5. Insurance companies usually make rational decisions based on statistics, no room for emotion and politics as they would loose too much money. Their data is often better than CASA or the ATSB as if it is insured there will be a claim whereas it might not get reported to the authorities. If they have stopped offering coverage to Jabiru owners and to workshops repairing Jabiru engines then things are bad.
  6. Looking good!!! I like the construction methodology. Just make sure that your fatigue design takes into account the laser cut edge condition, but I am sure you now that.
  7. Or you could use a solid rivet with its higher strength....
  8. Oscar, How do you reconcile your request earlier for authenticated and reliable statistics and with the statement above. You are basing your opinion of the Cirrus on the discussions in this forum.
  9. A quick google turns up: What The Frederick Crash Reveals About Cirrus Accident Trends - AVweb Insider Article and: Cirrus Accident Rates - Safety pages - Safety and Training Programs - Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association This image clearly shows the decline in fatal accidents after 2011. Note that this is the total fatalities and not a rate hence the lower numbers in 2003 to 2005 when there were fewer Cirrus aircraft flying.
  10. Cost wise it depends. The airfare, accommodation and the show entry are cheap, its the new kit you bring back that hurts the bank balance.
  11. Yes, a light file say about 5-10 strokes with medium pressure, then about the same number of strokes with a coarse emery paper, then run the part over the wheel in the bench grinder or for small areas the die grinder with the 1 inch wheel. After a while it actually doesn't take very long at all. Here are the links to the wheels on the cleveland tools website but I got a box of the little ones locally for a lot better price. You will go through quite a few of them 3M EXL Unitized Wheel - 1" 3MW2S1 - Cleaveland Aircraft Tool 3M Light Deburring Wheel - 6" 3MW77S6 - Cleaveland Aircraft Tool
  12. Ibob, If the savannah kit is similar to the RV series i suggest that you get a deburring wheel in a bench grinder. They come in different densities and you want the soft one. The smaller wheels in a die grinder or drill press are also useful in getting into the lightening holes. A light go with a file, a quick sand then then a once over with the deburing wheel and all the punch marks are gone and the surface is smooth ready to rivet.
  13. I am not sure what kind of pneumatic rivet puller you have but I found that mine worked a lot better after I followed the instructions regarding adjustment. You remove the front silver cone and adjust the position of the grips to align with a mark on a spanner. It wasn't correctly aligned from new but worked ok. After adjustment a lot better.
  14. Please have a read of the petition here about CASA and the regulations and sign if you agree: The Parliament of Australia : Save Australia's General Aviation from bureaucratic disaster.
  15. The full NOTAM is available at the link below, page 28 has the no radio arrival bit. As for not being garunteed they are very accommodating and will almost always say yes. The other option is to find a radio equipped aircraft of similar performance and come as a flight of two. The main point is that no one is banned or excluded, everyone is welcome. If it is going to copy the name then hopefully Ozkosh will copy this attitude too. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh NOTAM | EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
  16. The original question asked if ozkosh should be radio only, not the virtue of radio in general. While I think that a radio is a great thing to have and in general would encourage everyone to have one, it would be disappointing if people didn't come to an event because they didn't have a radio. When I go there I want to be able to see vintage aircraft and basic ultralights that are not much more than a folding chair with a sail and engine for which a radio is just too impractical. Surely the great aviation minds of australia can work out a way for non radio aircraft to come to a flyin, they do at Oshkosh. If we want an event for all facets of aviation we need to find a way to make it happen.
  17. 601 man I think you have a few things mixed up. Natfly was an RAAus event that stopped some years ago. Ausfly was the SAAA event that ran up until last year at narronine. It missed 2014 due to the internal issues in SAAA at that time. Last years Ausfly was billed as an event for all types and forms of aviation but there was a feeling by the organizers that some saw it as an SAAA event even though there was a large formal RAAus presence. They also felt that there is still some die hard annimosity between the two groups and hence why some RAAus pilots didn't come. To make the event more independent from any one body a separate committee are now running it. Many of the past organizers are involved with some new blood. These are probably good changes but I think they could have shown more imagination with the name.
  18. If Oshkosh can have no radio arrival and departures why can't Ozkosh?
  19. As I understand the situation from the rumours: 1. It is no longer being run by the SAAA. It is being run by a comittee that includes a many of the previous organizers. It is thought that this is a way to encourage greater partiipation from the other avaition bodies, hence the name change. 2. The event will not have a commercial/formal airshow. This limited the opportunities for more grassroots flying. Time will tell if these changes are for the better I am a little diapointed that this close to the event there still isnt a web page.
  20. The thing is that as the aircraft has higher and higher performance the "little" things become more significant. Consider the example below, Say you have a motorglider that is 500kg TOW and has a best LD of 25. If you as a designer have the choice of adding a tail wheel fairing that will reduce the drag force by 2kg, it will improve the best LD to 28. It's hardly worth doing. If on the other hand the glider has a best LD of 45, and you could reduce the drag by 2kg by adding a tailwheel faring then the best LD increases to 55!!!! Certainly worth doing. Leaving the engine where it is and faring it in is ok if your target performance is relatively low but it is a significant hindrance if the performance target is high.
  21. Looking back through past airshows here is another from the Perth Red Bull Airrace a few years ago.
  22. The USA are implementing a dual frequency system. They are using the same as us (1090ES)and another system (UAT). UAT can carry more data and that is how they can get the in flight weather. They use ground stations to rebroadcast the traffic information from 1 system on the other so no one misses out on traffic. For flight at high altitude in the USA you need the 1090es system and if you have the UAT system you will still need a mode C transponder. This means that a lot of the system development in the USA is compatible with what we need in Australia.
  23. Jakej, I very much agree that a bigger picture approach needs to be taken. CASA reversing their decision on ADS-B won't fix things in the long term. The same people, using the same system, will make the same bonehead decisions. The only way to fix these problems properly is to put a clear and logical framework together about how these sorts of decisions should be made. Thanks for going and sharing your thoughts.
  24. Here is an MX2 from a small county airshow in the USA. What I like about this one is that that image is the full frame not a crop. On the full res version when you zoom in, you can just about make out the sequence notes in the cockpit.
  25. Red, Yes I have seen the media gallery but not used it. I will try to work out how to use it. In the mean time here is one of a Mustang rolling out after landing from Airventure 2013.
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