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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. I have always found them good to deal with and very pleasant. My grouse with CASA is that the top is too heavy. Far too many chiefs who are airy fairy and too few Indians who can make it happen. But that is the story of bureaucracy.
  2. I did talk to someone who had fitted them and later removed them, saying they were no improvement. Sadly we cannot talk to him about it as he is no longer with and that is not due to engine failure.
  3. Watching that video clip reminded me of a similar landing at Old Station. He only did 3 bounces before it all fell apart. At the end the prop had a 90 deg bend at 50mm from the tip and another at 150mm. Plenty of damage to front of fuse. The video clip just shows how it should not b done and I wonder how that pilot ever got to get a licence.
  4. Onetrack says that local build quality fell below imported build quality. That was what Holden wanted. My first job in Australia was as a motor mechanic at Pagewood factory in Sydney. We were turning out a Holden about every minute or so. We had a batch with faulty ring gears. I could replace one in 45 mins, but was only allowed to do 3 per day, because that was the allotted time. The ring gear had a steel ball enbedded in it to be used for timing the ignition. WEE found that the ball could be as much as two inches out of position, so what chance was there of getting timing correct. The manager used to take a car home every night at knock off. Next day it came back with a fault list. The one on Monday morning was several pages long. That would be the car to buy. I had one with a noise in the motor. A nut had been dropped through the carbie, resulting in bent valve, damaged piston and valve guide. I was allowed to replace the valve. Someone got a Holden which had a damaged piston and it probably failed fairly quickly, before the warranty ended I hope.
  5. Letting it burn through the under 65s without health issues may be OK but how many are there. From what I see of the population we have a large number of under 65s who don't look healthy to me. How many in the 50 to 65 age bracket are not on medication of some sort. When I go the doctors I see the majority of those in the waiting room are less than 65 and there are only a few over 65. Don't know what it is like at the moment as If I go to the Dr, I ring up, get an appointment and then phone when I get there and tell them where I am parked. Supposedly going for a flu jab on Friday, it was Tuesday, but they ran out.
  6. I would categorically say that a 3 pointer is not good in a nosewheel aircraft. I am assuming those who say it is OK are only referring to taildraggers.
  7. Bunnings are busier now than they were before the virus epidemic.
  8. Sweden is a relatively small population, in a cold climate. Our population is much less per hectare and we live an open air life.
  9. Cope is the word when conditions are not so good. I have been in bad conditions a few times and luckily I have coped, but I have looked back at them and thought, why on earth did I do or not do something or other. When conditions are bad we revert to handling one thing at a time and other things get left out. A couple of times I have looked back and realised that I completely ignored radio procedures and it could have been dangerous. I am not talking about weather caused conditions necessarily, you can be stressed in perfect VFR weather.
  10. Jack. Will they have two firies, now that they have to have a blue card?
  11. Do RAAus planes have a type certificate?
  12. It was part of a hilarious talk. Plenty of other things like that.
  13. A friend of mine has a car on special plates I am not sure if they are historic. He has to keep a logbook, filled out for every day he takes it on the road. He also has a camping bus and a motorbike for transport. I cannot see that if he used the car, because maybe it was too wet to ride the bike and a bit silly to take out a camping bus, that he would be contributing to the spread of covid19.
  14. I have weighed both my aircraft. The Corby with bathroom scales and the RV with calibrated scales. In both cases I made a ramp to roll the wheels on to either the scales or a packer to get the height correct. With a taildragger you need to have the tail up at just about flying attitude. One thing not well known is the effect wind can have on your weighing. I tried to weigh the RV with the hangar door only 1 of the four sections open, I could not get a steady reading, close the door and reading was good. I use at least 3 weighings to ensure I get consistent results.
  15. My experience has been that PC680 and the Full River replacement for it are better not trickle charged. Since I stopped trickle solar charging I have got better life from both types.
  16. Jab 7252. The well known effect is known to most people who take a learning interest in things aviation. CASA has talked about it and it has come up at their safety seminars. I have seen it mentioned in several aviation how to books. I consider it is so well known, that if you didn't know it, you are not actively trying to educate yourself in aviation matters. The other thing I mentioned was green being because you are low and the light is filtered by the grass. That comes from a talk given to a group of bankers by a pilot, who also told them that if they were still in the plane after he had told them to evacuate, then they should assume they were pilot in command. A very funny and educating recording, which I seem to have lost. Bugger!
  17. If there is only half a knot difference between a wheeler and a 3 pointer, then that wheeler is very much a 3 pointer that didn't quite make it. I can assume an attitude that lets me wheel it on and continue down the runway for a long way, pulling back on the stick and slowing. The thing that frightens me is flying with a nose wheel pilot, as they all seem to be going way too fast when they put the wheels on the ground.
  18. The rules we have to comply with were made with good intentions and are probably OK for 90% of cases. The problem is that we are run by bureaucrats who have no idea of what is really happening. If we break the rules we may get pulled up by a copper who has common sense and can see that we were doing nothing against the meaning of the rule. He may even do nothing, or then again he may throw the book at us. I just wonder what will happen in the courts, if it gets that far. Magistrates are rather like police.
  19. The only people who are going to sell their planes are those who have big commitments, such as mortgages to keep paying. For those who are cashed up, with no debt it would be a buyers market. But how many of them are there. As I see it recreational pilots are mostly around retiree age and that looks like the least disadvantaged group in our society. I think most of the pilots I know actually own their planes outright. I consider myself very lucky to have sold my RV4 at the end of Feb. I wouldn't have a chance of selling it now.
  20. Partial power failures can be worse than complete failures. There is the temptation to continue on, trying to nurse your way round a circuit. There is also the possibility of the engine running for a short time, cutting out, then running again. It all comes down to making the correct decisions. The best situation is to say to yourself at the first sign of a problem " the insurance company owns the plane" and act accordingly.
  21. Oh I thought it was the TVasis light filtering through the green grass because you were too low.
  22. That should be good. Paul Bennet puts on a terrific airshow.
  23. That Qld health directive is certainly not being observed. As I see it the government wants us all to spend money to keep the economy moving, but the directive does not allow us to go out to buy anything except essentials. On the one hand we are being told to hide away and on the other hand we are being told to go out and spend, in fact I think pensioners are supposedly getting a lump sum to do just that. It will be interesting to see if anyone is taken to court and also what transpires. I am all for controls to keep us safe, but as usual they are not thought through and are poorly worded.
  24. This sounds as if you are saying that the propeller can produce airflow over the wings and the plane will fly, even if there is no forward motion in relation to the surrounding air mass. I don't think that has ever been achieved in practice.
  25. Re post 487That must be a first for the ABC. Our local ABC has had nothing except Covid 19 news for ages. There has been no mention that the Ebola outbreak in one African state has been contained, nor have we heard about weather damage in the USA. We did yesterday hear that some Yankie singer songwriter had died at 80 odd years old, but that didn't mention a virus. They seem to only want to scare the population.
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