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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Some of the airlines are offering training to approved candidates. My opinion of university training nowadays is that it is all geared to the university making lots of money. I have no experience with uni. graduates in aviation, but I have seen a lot of useless graduates in other fields.
  2. Registration if it is GA is nothing per year. I am not sure if a 7A would be registerable with RAAus
  3. Taken 20 miles South East of Gladstone from the Corby
  4. Flying dog says it is reported to have nose dived from a high altitude. How would that square with others speculating about engine failures? It sounds more like a mechanical failure of controls, or possibly medical, but I doubt that.
  5. Make me an offer. I can supply you with 50 of 3/32, not sure how many of 1/8 I have. I am in central Qld near Gladstone. Ph 0749750209
  6. Old licence numbers are not the same as the ARN. It is not difficult to get an ARN, just go to CASA site and apply. I am getting a class 2 Basic medical, quite easy on line except that I do not have a mobile number registered with them. I followed the checklist and did what the site required, but came unstuck when I couldn't fill in the SMS number. A phone call to CASA and they gave me the number and I managed to do the download of the questionnaire. Now I wait for my medical appointment.
  7. Yes I was and I only speak as I find. Tony didn't impress me and had some funny ideas. He reckoned you couldn't 3 point the Thruster, something I have done hundreds of times, in fact I only tried to fly it on once and decided it was dangerous. You are right, we do need sites like that.
  8. The most common tank engine I came across was the Rolls Meteor, which is an un supercharged Merlin. Churchills had a Bedford and the Yank stuff had Chev V8s, but they were LVTs mainly The Bren carriers had a flat head Ford V8.
  9. I doubt that it exists. The self proclaimed expert who instigated it died years ago.
  10. I meant to type 8 instead of 6. A no 8 will screw into a 10 easily and feel correct until it gets a bit of torque applied, when nit will just pull through. It would jiggle a bit when inserted showing that it is too small.
  11. I am wondering about those air cooled tanks. I was a tank mechanic in the army in the fifties and the only air cooled engines I came across were LVTs made in America. they had a radial engine with a wire shroud to keep garbage out of the fan. I have not attempted to keep up with tank engineering since those days, so maybe I am missing something.
  12. You could also try a number 6 screw to se if it screws in correctly. from memory the diameter difference between 8 and 10 should be .006" It should screw in easily and still be sloppy when tight, with a touch more torque it should pull out. Does the nutplate have its number stamped on it?
  13. They are designed to be tight to restrain the screw. I have had some which seemed excessively tight an put a tap part way through just to ease them up. If you put the tap too far through they will be loose.
  14. Who would have allowed the build. As far as I can recollect, the strip is owned by the house builder. He has the rights to allow or disallow. Are we expecting everything to be allowed or not by some faceless bureaucrat?
  15. I reckon I qualify as an older pilot and age has affected me. I have no wish to die, nor am I afraid of dieing, I just hope it is not painfull. I find it easier to cancel a flight or to turn back, but the greatest effect old age has on me is that it reduces my confidence. There are things that I know I can do quite safely, but I bother about them until I actually get into doing them. Flying is one of those things, but sometimes I just have that feeling that it is a bit beyond me. A long distance flight can be viewed with trepidation, until I say to myself, just start it and if I still feel uncomfortable, then turn back. I haven't turned back yet and usually have a very enjoyable trip. Just thinking back, I have turned back, due to weather and I feel I made the correct decision. Someone mentioned the red DH. That was one of my turn back days. I was at Monto ready to leave because I didn't like the forecast weather when he arrived. I as safely hoe when he crashed due to flying into cloud.
  16. I would like to think that I fit on the right hand side of the graph. I have made the decision not to fly, or to turn back a few times and it seems to get easier every time. I want to be the pilot who nobody notices, Not sure if I am achieving that aim.
  17. This is what I started this page for. As I see it we have these incident reports, but they tell us little. As far as RAAus re writing for clarity, it doesn't work. I put in a report about a brake lock up causing a ground loop on landing in the Corby. That resulted in the timber block that the tailwheel spring is attached to cracking. All described in the report. What they printed said that I failed to check the tailwheel attachment during my pre flight. Just an absolute load of rubbish and not worth reading as it had no bearing on what happened.
  18. Modern pilots seem to think that because GPS works so well, that they should not have to have any knowledge of DR navigation. That works well while there GPS keeps working. Than what?
  19. Boeing said originally that crews changing from earlier models to the Max would not need simulator training. The have changed their tune now after playing with the computer program and doing all sort of other things, they say simulator time will be necessary. It just looks like anything else coming out of USA, a means to make money and who cares what happens to those paying.
  20. What does that report tell us? Absolutely nothing as far as incident reports go. Just a waste of space and it shows how little those who publish the reports know why we need reports.
  21. I wonder how we managed to fly years ago, before the time of GPS and without VOR capabilities. I managed to fly from Rocky to Archerfield, using just a DG. I also flew fairly extensively in Vic and SA without missing my destination, usually in good VFR weather, but occasionally I had to divert because of poor weather. I really think that to rely on anything that requires connections to a computer means that the old alternative should be learnt. I have had failures of GPS equipment resulting in being given incorrect headings to fly. I have at this time one GPS which has completely failed, luckily I use it for bushwalking not flying, but that can have serious consequences if I had to rely on it.
  22. I cannot understand criticism of the Iranians for a wrong decision without even greater criticism of the Captain pf the Vincennes. The Yanks had all the time in the world to decide to attack and they were not under any threat of enemy action, unlike the Iranians which had had one of their generals murdered and were expecting to be attacked again in retaliation for their strike on US bases in Iraq. It seems very quiet from the Tweeter, maybe he is exercising some better judgement at last, but that would be too much to expect.
  23. If I remember correctly, the airliner took on extra fuel and also offloaded freight before its last leg. there was also an NDB which was inoperative and they would normally have used it for navigation. The pilot had been one of the Korean air forces top pilots, before joining the airline. It was most likely that the airliner was used to track off its correct flight path to get the Russian radars working, so that the yanks could work out what frequencies they were on.
  24. I built mine 20 years ago for $10000. Very basic and no doubt would cost a lot more now. That was not including labour. If I had built in Gladstone it would have been about six times that amount, then there would have been rent to the airport. I don't know what it costs to rent a hangar, but to recover costs it would be much more than I could recover considering that there are a lot less aircraft around nowadays.
  25. The last jet downed from Tehran that I remember was an Iranian, shot down by the Yanks. Could that be why they are very quiet?
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