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Everything posted by winsor68

  1. I know it is streets apart...but I was bloody impressed to watch the arrivals at Birdsville Races when I went (many years ago now). Didn't see a single horse race...but that little airport didn't stop all afternoon.
  2. I take that back... this was a crash....not an accident.
  3. I wonder whether the cameras and data loggers were mounted and running during the accident?
  4. Come on chaps... the Wright Brothers never would have achieved flight with that attitude. This is the future. Maybe not the 3 motor version...but 6 or 8...all this needs is better batteries and it is ready to go as technology it appears.
  5. Would it be the first PPC fatal Graeme? Or is it just the Aerochute claim? Regardless they seem to have a good safety record compared to Powered Paragliders.
  6. Check this out... Shows the twin seater flown from the front and the back seat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjfRt3p080k
  7. They are using them for Chopper mustering in Australia? That is great. It was only a matter of time I guess.
  8. The facts about the NT road toll in the Minister for Transports own words... http://www.alicespringsnews.com.au/2014/01/31/open-speed-limit-starts-tomorrow/
  9. You need to find some better "friends" Charmaine.
  10. I wonder how the wool is so easily pulled over a large chunk of the Australian publics eyes time and time again... http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/may/27/story-of-australian-jihadis-overseas-and-on-the-dole-turns-out-to-be-a-furphy?CMP=soc_568
  11. Reports were they were going to attack Police so yes.... In their eyes no doubt they were planning to attack bigots.
  12. No one here has defended ISIS. How dishonest of you.
  13. I applaud the sentiment....but have to point out...we aren't free to use hate speech and in fact many of the actions a very small minority have come to see as normal could be construed as on the border line of participating in hate crimes when it comes to the comments I hear about Islam and Muslims... And there have been several recent plots uncovered by young Muslim men to chop the heads of Australians who they consider bigots.
  14. You are a sick bigot John. I don't like extremists from either side. Why don't you go back to somewhere...anywhere..just not here eh?
  15. I am truly honestly surprised to see anyone defending this psychopaths actions. He drowned the dog because it was annoying him... he snapped and lost his xxxt... causing him to hold a sentient creature under the water for an extended period until it was dead. I can't defend that whatsoever. And I am not some softy bleeding heart when it comes to killing animals.
  16. I thought you would be travelling in the surrounding air mass...so no forward speed as such...despite ground speed. Unless the recovery canopy is set up to be steered as in square chutes?
  17. That is bloody beautiful nick...
  18. I'm not claiming that pilots are bored and sit there doing nothing... or anything of the sort. Sorry fact hunter if the "creative" disturbs you but I do disagree with your thinking in regard to this issue. That is all. This doesn't discount your experience in the past. I just see a different future.
  19. Not too many I would imagine and only of the exotic x series types at the moment... BUT... Compare this to 10 years ago where there were none... and you can see that things can easily and quickly change dramatically...
  20. Yes. It would have the potential to make sure the only way an airliner could crash is by a deliberate action...completely the opposite of the most common cause of crashes now which is pilot error.
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