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Everything posted by eightyknots

  1. How is all the "in-field ground testing" going?
  2. These are the contact details: Address: Via Rigolfo 73, 10028 Trofarello TO, Italy Phone: +39 011 649 3111. I couldn't find an email address but the www.albesiano.com website redirects to this: Von Roll Markets and products
  3. T There is also a spring operated chute on the market. There was a guy in Victoria selling these a few years ago but I am not sure what the name of the chute was. Someone else may know?
  4. Even though the width is the same, it seems that Zenith 701/750/Savannah VG and Savannah XL/S are not going to be interchangeable? The reason why I am asking this is that I am still considering fitting a Viking 130 to the Savannah I want to build. The problem is that the Viking mob only sell Zenith 750 firewall forward kits (well, also SeaRey, etc but that's another story). The engine would come point forward at the wrong angle presumably?
  5. Did you ever have success with the negative flap idea?
  6. Hi Rich Tee, It's been a couple of years since we heard from you. Any more pictures?
  7. Heat can be uncomfortable but ultra-violet will burn (and eventually cause death if one is susceptible to melanoma, etc.). It is very difficult to get automotive tinting that is successful in attenuating both. I know someone in Australia that wanted such film for their people mover to protect their kids and it seems to be one or the other. The silvery reflective stuff repels heat but is almost transparent to UV. You say that your film works well for both UV and heat. So, Yes! let us know the brand when you rediscover the material.
  8. eightyknots

    Speedy Build

    Thanks JG, I have taken the liberty to post it on this thread, straight from your blog: Nice looking aeroplane!
  9. eightyknots

    Speedy Build

    33 months have gone by. Any pictures of the finished product?
  10. That's a nice clear picture and illustrates what is needed well. Thanks Guy.
  11. Unlike many car engines, the Fit/Jazz engine that is the basis of the Viking 130 is designed to run flat out for lengthy periods ...in Honda outboard motors. This makes me feel more comfortable than with other auto conversions.
  12. When I was there last, there was a bit pebble there. It is big enough to be a flight hazard.
  13. The true meaning of composite is "made of two or more materials" ...so glass fibre and polyester resin would easily qualify as a composite. It doesn't necessarily have to be "many materials". I still would like to hear of a better-than-aluminium aeroplane (with a composite streamlined cowl) that I can build in a backyard shed with relative ease that will be durable, and have a wide flight envelope as well; additionally, I would like a history of many such planes to be flying with proven reliability ...I am not interested in one-off flights of fancy. If such examples can be given, I will mend my way as well. BTW: Nowhere can I see how many ATEC Faeta aircraft are flying.
  14. It has been a long time. I have asked direct questions from Viking and have never gotten a straight answer about the weight of the Viking 130. Now we know. How does this compare to a 100 hp Row-Tax? I guess the Viking 130 is about 15 kg heavier.
  15. It is very cleverly done: kudos to John (JG3)! Here is the link and the origin of the above pictures from that link: StolSpeed Aerodynamics - Performance Enhancement for Light Aircraft
  16. Does anyone happen to know how much space is left of the extended luggage compartment when an ICP ballistic parachute is fitted?
  17. I suppose every gram counts in keeping the aircraft at 300kg. There does seem to be a large weight difference between one wing tip and another. And I can see why there is a weight concern with the cowl. A fibreglassed cowl may add kilograms (not grams) to the overall finished Savannah weight.
  18. Hi Bob, I hope that this difficult part ultimately 'falls into place' with ease.
  19. I will have an open mind when I start my build but the Viking 130 is a contender.
  20. Well done uh1h ...keep it up.
  21. Hi Guy. My son lives in Grafton and he sent me a picture of the Lismore Subway outlet half under water. My brother's in laws also live in Lismore but on higher ground. That flooding is pretty devastating. I am so glad that your Savannah didn't come to grief!
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