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Everything posted by eightyknots

  1. The Big Bang Theory (BBT) seems very far fetched. When I grew up, stories all tended to start with "Once Upon A Time..." I think the BBT fits that category of Tales.
  2. All they need to do is carry a high definition miniaturised camera to a trouble spot. This will give an enormous advantage over the enemy. Information is power. It is interesting how frequently biomimicry is used in science and technology. Creation has been wonderfully designed!
  3. Hi FIL, I'm dreaming of building my Sav. But first I have to build a shed (aircraft factory). Then my dream can start to become reality. When do you think you'll start?
  4. Hi Ian, I hope you go well in the interview tomorrow!! Cancel the steam cleaners
  5. That's really bad. Is a review of the 1,000 feet separation on the cards?
  6. Haha, there was method in Ian's seeming madness. It's all working out!!
  7. Hi Trooper, welcome! What kind of "ceiling fan craft" are you thinking of flying?
  8. Welcome, welcome! Enjoy the flying category.
  9. G'day flyingmoose, welcome to this wonderful forum. PS: You can't fly much of a family in an RA-Aus aircraft.
  10. Onya, Neophyte. Keep it up. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Department for Human Services? What services do other government departments provide? (Inhuman?)
  12. Hi QS, and welcome. It is never too late to start flying, in my opinion. Enjoy flying and enjoy the forum.
  13. Hi Frank, and welkom to the forum. Every cloud has a silver lining" It is great to see you are flying again.
  14. Nice to see you join Recreational Flying, Barney. Do you fly cross-country or mainly in and around the Central Coast?
  15. to the forum Mzungu. Tell us a bit about your flying! Have you done many hours?
  16. Hello wishardjefrey, Good to see you have joined this awesome forum. What are you flying/building/planning to fly/planning to build?
  17. The FA-18 Hornets are not considered "recreational" aircraft, with them bristling with all kinds of equipment. I think you'll enjoy the AAK Hornet though. Welcome to the Forum Webby !
  18. Peter. Don't give up on the dream. Perhaps you could join an aero club or get into a syndicate? ...then, get airborne again?
  19. Hello BFU, Nice to see you have joined Rec Flying. I was entirely unaware that there was such as thing as a "flying season" in Germany. Is this government mandated or self-imposed by the flying community?
  20. Hi Highplanesdrifter, Welcome to the forum. We would like to hear more about your experiences after reading what you have written as a "taster".
  21. A few weeks ago, I lifted up a Savannah S fuselage frame from a builder on the South Island and I was very impressed with how light but at the same time how rigid and strong this was. And this is before there are any skins attached which will strengthen it a lot more.
  22. The Savannah really sounds like a giant jig saw puzzle!
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