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A chance to say thanks.


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It occurred to me tonight, that there must be many here, that would like the opportunity to say a quick "thank you" to someone.


Over the years, many a kindness has been shown, help given, and many an instance where we would like to express the appreciation to others on these forums.


To start, I would like to say "thank you" for the pleasure i've derived from the early NES'rs" BigPete, Captain, Ahlocks,Turbo, Jeff, Slari-hotplate, Ultralights, Redair, Pale X and many, many more, some of whom we don't hear of much these days.


I'd like a dollar for all the laughs i've had here, and what i've learned.


Ultralights and Flightygirl gave my Princess an I a ride in their new toy at The Oaks recently,which was so very much appreciated, and there must be just so many out there, that would like say thanks to someone.


Don't hold back, here's your opportunity to say thanks, which you should have probably done before---------------------but we won't hold that against you.


I reckon this will be a long running post.



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Thanks Ian for a Great Site


Thanks YFT for the great experiences over the years


Thanks Slarti


Thanks to the guys at Loxton who helped with the running repairs on my brakes


Thanks to the local pilot at Kadina who managed to dig up a can of water dispersant spray



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hey Alan,it was a pleasure to meet with your and your princess and to give you a fly in our pride and joy.

and a big thanks to all those who have supported and cheered me on during my flying training.



That was our pleasure. we'd always want to cheer on a realistic, raving, realising-a dream, rootin-tootin, go-getter, and thats you for sure.


Congratulations on a fantastic achievement Rach.011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


You did it girl, and left a lot of guys behind in your wake. you should feel justly proud of your achievement.







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Thanks to...


All participants on this forum with good intent. I won't try to make any kind of comprehensive list because It would be large & I would certainly omit somebody, unintentionally.


A special thanks to two who are not here. Tony Hayes ( TOSG) and Decca' (Derek Cooper) two people who I got to know before their passing.


Thanks B.R........ Nev



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I`m going to go back 25 years and say thanks to a few of those guys who helped me get it all going up here in Nth QLD.


A great big thanks, to:


Gary Theodore...Ultralight pilot and founding member and treasurer of,'The Far North Queensland Ultralight Association' and responsible for setting the passion in me to fly.


Lee wakeland...AUF CFI, responsible for AUF instructors from Townsville north, instructors were, Pat McGrath, Bill Stark, Carlo Prette and myself, without Lee???


Pat McGrath...Who was kind enough to come from Townsville to Deeral with his Thruster and Lee Wakeland, to take the many guys that wanted to become Ultralight pilots, for introductory flights, before we had our own AC.


Rod Birrell...Who was AUF operations manager at that time and very patient and understanding, that as an instructor, I was just begining.


John Friswell...A very qualified pilot of many forms of flying, and CASA sports aviation inspector for Queensland at that time and responsible for inspecting my FTF for approval, once I reached CFI standard.


There are many people out there who would also say thank you to these guys for having been able to enjoy the experience of Ultralight flight with me, I do so on their behalf.


To all those who said no, on my journey to this point, I say thank you, you made me do it myself and more determined.





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Wow, where would one start? At the beginning i suppose. Thanks to Ron Wheeler and Steve Cohen. Plus the man who worked for the Department who signed off the original ANO95:10 who ever you are.





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Geez Planey - you really got the ball rollin'regards

Amazing product WD40, not only good for freeing-up the old memory box, it's supposed to be good for Arthur Rightus on the joints too, but has done stuff all for me so far:gerg:, Think I need to change my name.


I'm sure there be plenty more out there, that need to say thanks to someone for something thats appreciated.


It just seemed a good idea to give them the opportunity.


Thanks Ian for the bikky's at Narromine last year that BigPete missed, geeze they were good! and I have to confess that I picked up two a time 087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif.


PS Sent you a PM Pete hope you got it.



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Geezz, I've never been involved in such a huge group hug before! :heart:018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif069_boring.gif.9cee54db3616ee9ac1231638d365dc2c.gif


I'd like to say thanks to the dreamers that brought aviation to us all.011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


And especially thanks to the those forum members who have helped, encouraged, taken flying & just been great people to meet - thanks to you all 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif


Thanks to this forum for allowing us to all flock together, allowing us to make more & more friendships with like minded people & thanks to all those forum members who pass on so much good advice aiding us fledging pilots.016_ecstatic.gif.156a811a440b493b0c2bea54e43be5cc.gif


And a special thanks to the scribes of NES who keep hammering away with humour that varies from wicked, pathetic to juvenile - I love it all.. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Now I'm all teary...051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



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A big Thanks to Ian and this site - it was this place that made RAA known to me, and opened up many many doors. Ian I appreciate what you do, and what you put up with for us all.


The friends I've made on here is incredible, the doors it has opened, the experiences I've gained from it.


People like Nev (facthunter) I take as my role model.


Thanks to everyone else, you have all helped a lot. I'd like to mention you all, but there's just too many that I may miss you.



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Gee Guy's


would like to say Thank You to everyone who has ever been involved with flight, the fella's who first flew, the man in the VS 300, what a dood! The people who built the Machine I presently fly (AT502) Etsa for repairing my mishaps. A really special dood who I don't think is on here (FK) he taught me lots, twin IFR etc. and presently holds ATPL IFR ATO and a comand on a Hars DC3. A very special teacher and Mentor in my flying career.


What about the man at Evergreen aviation (he has the Sprose Goose in his Hangar) sorry i did not meet him while we were there! What an amazing museum! SR71 etc just cool


How long am I aloud to dribble for?


This flying world is an amazing place to be, would like to say thanks to all I have met and all those I will meet. just Fantasic!


Thanks Guy's I treasure You All!


Cheers Guy we will meet again!



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I would like to Thank everybody, who has contributed to this site, via Posts and Advice that i have received, whether they have just 1 hour or 20 000 hours plus in their log books.I would like to specialy thank Major Ross Millard for , ringing up a gent who was selling a Tw lightwing for me,Long distance and giving me advice on that aircraft (unfortunatly sold before i got the cash together last year). I would also like to specialy thank David Issac, for giving me advice, (and making me do it lol) when i decided to hop my backside back into a T/W after twenty years.


I would like to thank all the senior folks here, who know alot more than me, i learn everyday.


Thankyou to Ian and Corrine Baker for making this happen.Thank you All.



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Guest Maj Millard

Thanks Dazza, and thanks of course Ian for putting up with my occasional indiscressional rantings, and for your great forum. I have made many new friends on the forum, and renewed a couple of great friendships from the past ( OZZIE, DIESELTON to name a couple ) My good mate FARRI (Frank Arri) who I have known for a few years now, only lives about 2 hours flying away, but like many other destinations, I just don't get up that way enough. I highly value Franks frienship, and he certainly represents the salt of the earth in our sport, being a true and proud pioneer. Franks place is a highly recommended destination for anyone travelling up this way (NQ), I always enjoy his imput on the forum. I've made many other good friends through this forum and have actually managed to personally catch up with a couple inc TOMO (two visits now) Mr H (who looked me up), and Pylon 500 (Arthur Armour) who I met at Taree recently, and my old mate Ozzie who I saw again after 30 years on the same trip, plus Watto and his wife who dropped into my home field for a visit in the Jab.....invaluable stuff made possible by this site !.


I also feel I have made many other friends by interacting with the exchange of info and stories. Too many to mention, but I'll try, please excuse me if I miss you, but you all know who you are !... Slarti, Motzartmerv,ahlocks, turboplanner, Windsor, Pud, Darksarcasm, Dazza 38, bones, pud, Mr H, dunlopdangler, metalman, Querty, Pud, watto, bec m, blueshed, cameron 93, mazda,djcapro and Pud, to name but a few.


I look foward to continuing the usual fruitfull exchange of valuable information, and news, with all of you for some time to come, and I also look foward to meeting more of you, and making many more new friends on line...WELL DONE IAN and CORINNE !!!!.............................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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I`m going to have another go at this show of appreciation , because in going back 25 years,in my original post, I overlooked the present.


I`d like to sincearly thank Ian and everyone else who work at keeping this forum functional.


Thanks to everyone who bother to write the threads and posts,because a blank screen wouldn`t be much fun, also to all those who choose to just view the posts.


A very very special thanks to David Issac and Maj,Ross Millard, they said what I like to hear. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Cheers and thanks to you all,




Ps, As Ross has said,anyone is welcom at my place.



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Thanks to all the Forum Lurkers


Firstly a big thank you to Ian and Corinne for setting up and maintaining the Rec Flying site.


Secondly, a big thank you to all those who contribute to the Forum. I have learned a lot from others and I continue to enjoy the many contributions.



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