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It's only a magazine cover Maj.. It's to sell magazines. and there IS more involved than the cover. I wouldn't read anymore into it than that. Something had to be done. The sales figures were bad . See how it goes..


Incidently re your post 81, the Board members DON'T get any wages. They do it for free. Nev



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Guest Maj Millard

Your right facthunter, they don't get paid, I'd forgotten that............................geez I'd like to see Bob Katter as PM........there would certainly be a lot of BS go in the bin overnight, they'd be flat out carting it away !


A good country friend of mine who flys an Xair has known Bob personally for years. he said he's a lunatic, ..but a very likable Lunatic !!................................................................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

I once overnighted in Charters Towers whilst delivering a Storch SS4 out West. I stayed overnight at Dennis Beehans place, and spent a very enjoyable evening listening to Drifter stories, as Dennis delivered quite a few for the factory at Boonah back then.


Dennis's house was on a small hill overlooking the airport, and right opposite Bob Katters' house, literally right across the road.


Before retiring I asked Dennis to set the alarm for 4am, as I wanted to be the first out of Charters Towers next morning heading West. His reply was 'You won't beat Bob !.'


I was in the shower just after 4am watching the first rays of sunrise appear out the window, when I heard the unmistakable sound of a Baron taking off at the airport nearby. Katter the hatter had indeed beat me again !!.......................................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif





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Does Bob fly his own plane? Joe bjelke Petersen did. A Citabria.. How about that. I've seen the actual aircraft. I can see where Bob is coming from . The further you get from the Cities the more life becomes real.


I recall a full blood eminent Aborigine that some polly took up into one of the tall buildings in Sydney. ( might have been the one that rotates) and the polly waved his hand across the mass of buildings, and said "What do you think of that?" and the aborigine took his head in both his hands and said' bloody terrible".. Think I agree..Nev



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Guest Maj Millard

I really don't know if Bob flies at all. He generally gets around his very large Kennedy elecorate in a Baron, with a young pilot up front, and him way in the back seat with his hat on.


He maintains offices in Cloncurry, Innisfail and Charters Towers but is also often seen in Townsville or Ingham.


If you look at the distances between say Cloncurry and Innisfail, you'll understand why we the Australian taxpayer no doubt pay for the Baron fuel !....He is always very approachable though, and always happy to have a chat, which is quite different to many other pollies I have encountered in the past.....................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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A nice thing about Bob is he seems to stand for something...our current PM and Government don't seem to stand for anything that can't be changed if the tea leaves do not line up!


Don't get me wrong...Whitlam stood for something...and I disagreeded with what he stood for even more. (than Bob)



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Didn't WA secede? We had your President on TV here a few days ago.

Well that explains it turbo!!


The seceding question does raise its ugly head from time to time;)


I just know my magazine will be here today - too late for all the bargains in the classifieds. Just as well I checked them out on the website a couple of weeks ago



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Guest ozzie
OK we lost 'ultralight', now we have lost 'recreational'...so what do we go to,when we loose 'sport' ?????.......................GA !!????

And in case you haven't noticed, with every 'upgrade' our 'Sport' just attracts more regulation, and more CASA control and attention. Are we are simply conforming to somebodys' grand plan for us ????? !! ,..................................................Maj...

Ahh this would have to be Middo's grand plan of "tomorrow the world" that he wrote about in one of his editorials several years ago.



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Still have not received my copy (email sent to editor on subject) however it attracted my eye on newsagents rack today thus that has been a success.


Had a slow flick and my general view was a good first effort at least at the standard of the previous offering EXCEPT for Members Market photos...also in email to the editor.


I do hope the members who have expressed their views here have sent them also to someone who may take some action?



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I do hope the members who have expressed their views here have sent them also to someone who may take some action?


Like who? Board Members don't seem to care about us and the printers answer to the Board. Where does that leave us?



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Hi All,


I don't have time at present for a long-winded all encompassing response to all the comments, so don't pick my words to pieces too much. I'll only cover a few points.


The Cover


Step 1. Take a copy of your old magazine into your local newsagents and place it beside the new one.


Step 2. Take 10 steps back (if you can)


Step 3. See which magazine name you can read and which cover catches your attention.


Remember, as mentioned by someone earlier this is how we get new members. By the way, even after looking at it for months, I still can't decide if I love or hate the propellor.


The Name


Step 1. Try to pick a good name that is short and sweet refer above, that nobody has already taken (it's impossible so give up).


Step 2. Have a competition and ask the members.


Step 3. Short list a couple of dozen names and ask the members to decide.


Step 4. Find out that since publishing the list, all the names have been copyrighted and any web address remotely similar has been taken (but can obviously be bought for a price, the members won't like that too much 'though).


The Adverts


Step 1. Pick any RAAus magazine from the last 12 months and count how many pages of adverts, not including the Members Market there are and no cheating (it'll be in the region of 29 to 30 pages).


Step 2. Do the same with the new magazine.


Step 3. Ask yourself if you prefer to have an article continued on page x and then again on page y etc, etc. Then you may have the answer as to why there appears to be lots of ads.


Step 4. The magazine needs advertising revenue to help subsidise the costs - fact. Ask yourself why there was such a variation in the rates certain advertisers (one in particular comes to mind) have previously paid for a spot in OUR magazine (with these rates inherited by the new publisher). No I will not elaborate.


The Articles


I agree, not enough due to limited space. Too many cheap ads equals not enough revenue, therefore not enough space for articles. I don't think it will be better next month either, with who knows how many pages of election statements but definately many, many more than last time. Although this is a good thing for the organisation and about time, so I for one am not too annoyed about the upcoming lack of articles. (I'll tell you, it bloody annoying to go to the trouble of writing what I thought was a good election statement and have nobody run against you, if I was running next time maybe I could use the same one).


If you can give the new editor another couple of editions to get through the problems I think we'll all end up with a better read and a lower cost than under the previous arrangements. By the same token if you're not happy with something get onto his case. The office has his number but remember to add (02) to the number.


That's it for now,




PS I did suggest the name "Fly Paper" but it didn't stick. I use it for my FTF newsletter but was more than happy to hand it over.



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Thanks Nick...didn't think about that i.e. if we asked the members for input to the name that the undesirables out there would quickly register it...good point as we have just had to pay $1,300 to get our own name RecreationalAviationAustralia.com.au and another $1,300 for .net.au because a piece of scum who lives in Ballarat wanted to make money on us, and he is or was an RAAus member as well, and it is OUR bloody name...same guy has been trying to take the Recreational Flying name for years as well...We also now have the Natfly.com.au name which is good for the event so I can understand now that if we did come up with a short list of names to put to the members we would have had to spend the money to register the names first which would be dead money...it's a pity though



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Guest davidh10
The Name

Step 1. Try to pick a good name that is short and sweet refer above, that nobody has already taken (it's impossible so give up).


Step 2. Have a competition and ask the members.


Step 3. Short list a couple of dozen names and ask the members to decide.


Step 4. Find out that since publishing the list, all the names have been copyrighted and any web address remotely similar has been taken (but can obviously be bought for a price, the members won't like that too much 'though).



Ok. I thought I'd look at the sites at the end of the chosen name...

http://www.sportpilot.com/ - American site. Registered to TangoOne Aviation.


www.sportpilot.com.au - No site. Registered to a sole trader since 2007.


www.sportpilot.org.au - Site is "parked". Registered to Recreational Aviation Australia.


www.sportpilot.org - EAA web site.


www.sportpilot .net.au - Empty site. Registered to Recreational Aviation Australia.


www.sportpilot .net - No site. Registered to EAA.


In fact the only domain name ending for SportPilot which would be suitable, but which is still up for grabs is www.sportpilot.asn.au


Interesting... Does this foreshadow an on-line publication in the future? ... or indeed a proposal for a change of association name?


Certainly confusing from a brand perspective and I would think the EAA could challenge RAA's use of alternate endings to its brand for a similar product. looking more closely, RAA has shadowed EAA with ".au" endings. It makes RAA look like the Australian Chapter of EAA!... now there's a rumour and a half.



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Guest aussie carl

Got mine just now.


New name and look should make them easy sellers in the Newsagencys.


Well done to those involved in the mags new look and name.



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Picked mine up this afternoon and have just finished reading it. Geez girls, we have turned into a bunch of whingers or is it just that it has become fashionable to bash anything RA-Aus do? Aside from a few examples of clumsy cropping in the member's market, I couldn't see anything that was noticeably different from the way it used to be done, except for the masthead and here I'll agree with Nick and others; a non-member is far more likely to pick this up off the shelf and really that is all that matters.



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Guest Andys@coffs
Thanks Nick...didn't think about that i.e. if we asked the members for input to the name that the undesirables out there would quickly register it...good point as we have just had to pay $1,300 to get our own name RecreationalAviationAustralia.com.au and another $1,300 for .net.au because a piece of scum who lives in Ballarat wanted to make money on us, and he is or was an RAAus member as well, and it is OUR bloody name...same guy has been trying to take the Recreational Flying name for years as well...We also now have the Natfly.com.au name which is good for the event so I can understand now that if we did come up with a short list of names to put to the members we would have had to spend the money to register the names first which would be dead money...it's a pity though

I seem to recall in an IT legal course at uni that there is a well understood and practised way of having people who have squatted on a domain moved on so to speak. As I recall ( and I may well be hazy) it doesnt cost anything and gets the registry to do the work for you. In Australia I think that Melbourne IT is the registry of the au versions of .com, org .net .biz, info .name .travel .cat and .mobi but no mention of .asn and it is subserviant to ICANN (the grand poohbah of all domain registries in the USA) and must conform to the USA "Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy" or UDRP which I think in effect says if your organisation would reasonably be expected to have the domain you are seeking, and the current holder of the domain has no obvious reason to have it then standby for a quick change and I think some damages agaisnt the clown who holds it at present....


Still it was a while ago and isnt an area I have anything much to do with at work, with most of our domains being internal facing.





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I got both RAA's new Sport Pilot and Plane and Pilot in the post today. Not opened them yet, saving them for an after dinner treat, but I much prefer the cover on the new Sport Pilot.



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Got mine today, it's different, but can't see any problems with it. The classifieds photos are cropped fairly differently, obviously due to space, but it still works and gives you an idea what you're looking at - better than none at all.


To be honest I think it looks cleaner and simpler than the old mag.



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