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Lake Hume Crash

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Why are we still looking for an excuse?The guy's actions in two locations were deliberate, the beat up and turn around the boat clearly shown in the phone photos.


Sometimes you just have to face up to reality.

My reply to all moderated out. No further comment, let Darwin not CASA be the final arbitrator



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Personally I dont think that is a harsh enough penalty... Despite losing his plane, he couldve caused several families to lose loved ones. Even though no one was injured, it still shouldnt have happened. He shouldnt be allowed to pilot a plane again - it is fair considering the number of laws he broke, even a 6 month jail sentence would be fair on top of no more piloting. Breaking laws and endangering the public in that way is not on and should not be considered lightly. Some embarassment, losing a fairly cheap plane, and 2 years no flying is a slap on the wrist in this case; As Ahlo found earlier in this thread, the Cairns pilot unlicensed & unregistered, got $17,500 fine after flying into Cairns Airport; his actions were hardly life threatening compared to what this Sapphire pilot did, willingly swooping close to members of the public on a boat. Things like this are not on and should be punished appropriately; more so when the public is involved. ( He should be glad I'm not the judge making the decision... 054_no_no_no.gif.950345b863e0f6a5a1b13784a465a8c4.gif )



We have murderers and rapists out there that get to me very lenient sentences, even pissed drivers killing there mates in motor vehicles that get slaps on the wrist.


This old snoozer has done wrong by his actions as yes should get something but I don't think a custodial sentence would be fair.


The only guarenteed way of jail these days is defrauding the government or the taxman, of kill someone of prominence.


Fly past a boat illegally and crash without hurting anyone other than himself and his plane, na bit harsh me thinks, had of killed someone, hell yeah chuck the old boy in the 3 feeds a day and as much sex as he likes whether he wants it or not.





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Some of you guys who want really harsh penalties scare me a bit. We can talk of a deterrent, rehabilitation, punishment, but why the extreme strength of the response. Often some idiot in a car turns in front of me when I'm on my motorcycle, and looks me in the eye as he does it. Recently when four of us were out on bikes all four were deliberately run off the road by a psychopath in a four wheel drive. w We were not riding in close formation, at the time.. It was only after we stopped later and discussed it that we found out he had done it to the four of us, Myself my wife and two of my sons, laughing at the time. No one got the number but I doubt anything would have been done if it was reported, anyhow.


As far as I'm concerned that was much worse than this escapade which is more stupid than malicious. Nev



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Some of you guys who want really harsh penalties scare me a bit. We can talk of a deterrent, rehabilitation, punishment, but why the extreme strength of the response. Often some idiot in a car turns in front of me when I'm on my motorcycle, and looks me in the eye as he does it. Recently when four of us were out on bikes all four were deliberately run off the road by a psychopath in a four wheel drive. w We were not riding in close formation, at the time.. It was only after we stopped later and discussed it that we found out he had done it to the four of us, Myself my wife and two of my sons, laughing at the time. No one got the number but I doubt anything would have been done if it was reported, anyhow.As far as I'm concerned that was much worse than this escapade which is more stupid than malicious. Nev

I'm with you Nev



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Just a quick comment. If the guy and I say if has done what is alledged by witnesse's then I would say he does not deserve a ticket to fly. It's a priveledge to be able to do what we do. And rest assured if we do not play by the rules CASA will (I personally think it's in the works now) take us over and we will not have the freedoms we now have.


PS. There are not that many countries that you can say,"I want to fly a plane" and they let you!!!!





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Why the big storm? Low flying. Nothing new. Unlicensed? Half of India's airline pilots have been found to be unlicensed


It's not an RAAus issue, it's a human issue. just give him a fine, suspend his licence, and get on with our lives. To put it in perspective, just look at the body count resulting from boat owners who have caused collisions while drunk in overloaded boats in Sydney harbor alone.


I've lost count of the number of GA registered aircraft I have seen flying stupidly low in my time, many in the training area over the dam west of Sydney while out logging solo time!



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Why the big storm? Low flying. Nothing new. Unlicensed? Half of India's airline pilots have been found to be unlicensedIt's not an RAAus issue, it's a human issue. just give him a fine, suspend his licence, and get on with our lives. To put it in perspective, just look at the body count resulting from boat owners who have caused collisions while drunk in overloaded boats in Sydney harbor alone.


I've lost count of the number of GA registered aircraft I have seen flying stupidly low in my time, many in the training area over the dam west of Sydney while out logging solo time!

Of all people Ultralights surely you would know the regulations and the penalties. It's only a matter of matching which regulations he's broken and what those penalties are.


We can leave the drunken boat drivers to the water police.


It must be a full moon, everyone's pretending they're judges setting sentences.



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Thanx Jim but no go at the moment. ( I have other computer problems too.)




If the plane was an expired rego GA plane and the pilot was an unlicenced person would GA (or CASA) take the blame and responsibility for it? It is totally outside the jurisduction of the RAAus in this instance, so how could or should the RAAus be penalised.? Nev



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Ignition The driver of the FWD was laughing at the time. We were ALL put into the dirt. I (nor any of my family) were not laughing I assure you. We were just trying to avoid serious injury or worse. Nev



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If he broke the law, he should be prepared to face any penalty the authorities see fit. That's all there is to it. End of discussion.


It's nothing more than that, people break the law all the time, it's not a regulator issue, or RAAus issue, or training issue, everyone has an adrenaline system, everyone has some level of ego, and as long as theses are a part of human physiology, people will do stupid thing. It can't be legislated against.


Take an example in Melbourne a while ago, road speed limit is 100kpm, some idiot kills himself at 200kph on that road, so the response is to lower the speed limit to 80kmph. So next time so idiot drives like that he will only do it at 180kph..


My point is, no amount of laws, or tarring an organization with some brush. Discussions, retraining etc etc etc etc will prevent such things occurring.


All we can do is minimize risk, but the urge still remains, me included, only instead of driving stupidly fast Or flying low, (though I will do it on private land in an sweet mx5) I choose to get my fix tearing down snow covered mountains which as others have discovered, can also be fatal.



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I doubt that he will go to Jail.Jails are full of other wankers.He will get fined a ship load though.As JM has said.Not licenced and not registered.Its out of RAA hands.CASA will throw the book at him.But jails around the country are already full of dickheads.



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Thanx Jim but no go at the moment. ( I have other computer problems too.)Question...

If the plane was an expired rego GA plane and the pilot was an unlicenced person would GA (or CASA) take the blame and responsibility for it? It is totally outside the jurisduction of the RAAus in this instance, so how could or should the RAAus be penalised.? Nev

Splinters are extremely difficult to handle these days. RAA has reacted by stepping away from the person, and legally that might work.


However the guy is doing damage to all light aircraft, so you'd have to ask yourself who has been responsible for activities out of the Holbrook airfield in terms of an obvious weak point in safety culture.


Or is what appears about to happen - that an unlicensed, unregistered, operation faces CASA Regulations and Penalties, as any of us would from within RAA?


I might have been ever so slightly premature in saying we would never hear of this one again!



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Ignition The driver of the FWD was laughing at the time. We were ALL put into the dirt. I (nor any of my family) were not laughing I assure you. We were just trying to avoid serious injury or worse. Nev

I had a bus driver laughing at me one day when he cut me off while i was riding my motor bike, wasn't laughing when i booted his off side mirror off it.


I'm with you Dazza 38





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Ignition The driver of the FWD was laughing at the time. We were ALL put into the dirt. I (nor any of my family) were not laughing I assure you. We were just trying to avoid serious injury or worse. Nev

Been there on motor bikes.Been riding on the road for 20 odd years.Australia is full of dickhead drivers.I hate to say that because Im Australian, and 1/8 Abbo.



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You're really pulling rank on me there, Dazza. I'm only a 3rd generation import . 1865 boat person unloaded at Kingston SA. My mob are from Scotland. Don't have any convicts (for prestige) or extra melanin to help me tolerate the sun either. Life's tough mate. LOL. Nev



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Guys I dont get it.I would never be unlicenced or have a unregistered a/c. But if i did.I would play the "grey man" Thats SF talk.That means never do anything that draws attention to ones self.This guys has failed in that.He has drawn attention to himself by his little antics.What goes around comes around.



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You're really pulling rank on me there, Dazza. I'm only a 3rd generation import . 1865 boat person unloaded at Kingston SA. My mob are from Scotland. Don't have any convicts (for prestige) or extra melanin to help me tolerate the sun either. Life's tough mate. LOL. Nev

Thats OK Nev, Its my mothers side.My fathers side is english.His father was a WW1 Vet then came here and as a older Gent.In ww2, as a aussie, rode a motor bike as a courier.He died at 87 in 1976.Top bloke from memory, I was only 6 when he passed away.



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I agree... Only other country I have been to is NZ and its a whole different world in some aspects... Despite the slightly funny Aussie accent, and a similar culture, they are so much better drivers, I can honestly say, if we drove more like them, the roads would be far more enjoyable to be on... drive.gif.1181dd90fe7c8032bdf2550324f37d56.gif

I found english drivers good as well.When I was there for 4 months.Kiwi drivers where good as well.The bad drivers are in Saudi Arabia.I saw crashes every day for 2 years.Some Yanks rode bikes.Bigger balls than me.



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Hey Iggy....I have had another think and can see merit in throwing him in the slammer. I have done 6 years inside, dressed in blue though. Did you know inmates get paid to be in Gaol? Did you know they get 3 meals a day designed by a dietician so they are kept healthy? Did you know the Gaols that cant receive free to air TV provide Austar for these folk? Did you know that if they dont want to work in Gaol they dont have too? Did you know they can receive $80 a week in to their Gaol account to buy luxuries that a lot of us cant afford? Did you know that most Gaols have fully equipped gyms for their use and enjoyment? Did you know condoms and lubricants are provided so they can use the lube as hair gel to get spoofed up for the misses and 12 kids that come and spend the weekend with them in visits? Did you know they can be given Guitars and art supplies and if you claim to be Aboriginal, you get a shite load more. Then the Govt cant understand why there is supposedly a high Aboriginal population in Gaol?


Now which part of that is punishment mate? oh... is it the fact they have had their freedom revoked? Most of them enjoy the holiday on us so they dont have to put up with the screaming misses and kids. See them on the weekend and hand them back. Return to cell and play cards and watch TV with Bubba. If you think Gaol is a punishment and and will solve the worlds crime problem.....think again! Oh and the old "R" word was thrown in for feel good, good measure. Gaols do not rehabilitate. The Govt wants you to think they do so you dont feel so bad about paying all that Tax.


"Ultralights summed it up in post #170 above.





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