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Joy flights at this stage are in charter category. You would need to hold a CPL and the aircraft would need to be in charter, ie VH and not just in pvt or airwork, it must be in charter. Plus it would need to be conducted under an AOC which covers charter, and the pilot would have to conform to the requirements of the operator's ops manual - which could cover all sorts of things like operation of fire extinguishers, ditchings to dangerous goods certification.



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If you find yourself a flying school and have a flying instructors rating your options open up a little. Whilst still not allowed to do "joy flights" pretty much all schools provide TIF's which they charge for without a worry. Even saw one operator in Wanaka NZ who advertises "You fly scenic flights" which skirts around the issue but technically probably falls inside the legality of things. An instructors rating's pretty much the only way you're going to make a dollar out of an RA-Aus licence.



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If you find yourself a flying school and have a flying instructors rating your options open up a little. Whilst still not allowed to do "joy flights" pretty much all schools provide TIF's which they charge for without a worry. Even saw one operator in Wanaka NZ who advertises "You fly scenic flights" which skirts around the issue but technically probably falls inside the legality of things. An instructors rating's pretty much the only way you're going to make a dollar out of an RA-Aus licence.

I thought NZ had a much more simple and practical system for "Joyflights"... I remember in the 80's a family friend took a Joyflight in an Ultralight Aircraft in NZ (a Bantam)... this was before the option was available in Australia I believe.


IMO we should all be worried about flying schools taking the TIF Joyflight scenario too far... this sort of thing is what is bringing CASA attention upon our sport.



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IMO we should all be worried about flying schools taking the TIF Joyflight scenario too far... this sort of thing is what is bringing CASA attention upon our sport.

You mean like the Coastal Qld school taking a young female German Backpacker on a "TIF"? I really believed that she was going to learn to fly during her probably 2 day stay in the town.

All sort of attracts attention when the girl walks into the still running prop as she exits the aircraft. Lucky I was only dreaming otherwise something else might have been swept under the carpet.



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You mean like the Coastal Qld school taking a young female German Backpacker on a "TIF"? I really believed that she was going to learn to fly during her probably 2 day stay in the town.All sort of attracts attention when the girl walks into the still running prop as she exits the aircraft. Lucky I was only dreaming otherwise something else might have been swept under the carpet.

Only an idiot would let an 'untrained' pax exit an aircraft whilst the engine is still running. What was the pilot thinking? Was he on a promise and had other things on his mind perhaps.



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You are so right, I have seen that instructor several times with Sheilas in tow on the beach. Luckily he didn't get into local government at the elections.



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yeaah Sheila's just throw themselves at PILOTS. that's why lots of people dress up as pilots. ( PSSST That's why Andy became an instructor. All the learning isn't one way) Guys. get turned on by femme police too.. Must be the effect of the uniform, or the power...I just wish I'd found a wealthy one, but she would have to be nicer than GINA!! Nev



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Met, That is all well & good but when an organisation operating in such a manner allows said backpacker to walk into a spinning prop it becomes a whole different thing. In this case the young lady was lucky and only spent a few days in hospital and did not loose a life or limb. Yet again the toothless tiger that is RAAus allows this school to continue to operate.



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Guest Andys@coffs

I remember seeing a guy from a distance that was assisting with the ground segment of an F111 launch walk down the back of a pig, both engines running, under the horizontal stab and only stopped walking through the exhaust of both jets when a framie came screaming over and tackled him......


The stab could have planted him had the pilot being doing alpha probe / flight control checks at the time....and the exhaust......man that would have solved his 5 oclock shadow problem!!!


Its just human nature to sometimes not see the big picture because your focusing on something smaller. Its realising that occurs that makes us all focus on things that hurt to try and protect us from ourselves.


That said, the question is a valid one, why on earth was the engine still running? As also said props vs humans...the props continue to win every time, so noone could say "didnt forsee that happening"





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The 'organisation' didn't allow them to do it, any more than the raa aloud the girl in your story to.

Motz, you will not succeed in convincing me that is purely coincidence that operations that bend rules are the places where accidents like this occur. While training I was not allowed anywhere near a spinning prop. I truely believe that is a resposibility of the training organization or at least the pilot in command, especially with a new "european backpacking pilot" on a "TIF".


Many a pilot/ trained ground handler/ engineer have walked into spinning props.

I would expect that in most cases like this complacency would be a major factor which would be the resposibility of the person involved not the organisation.



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