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Byron problems

Guest ozzie

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Some here may have seen the photos on facebook of the damage done to the skydivers Caravan by some crazy neighbour. Sprayed with graffiti damaged windows and wing tanks punctured. So heads up if you operate in the area or plan to visit. Be vigilant about security for your aircraft. Obviously if you have info that can locate the nutter responsible please contact the local police.



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By chance I was down at Tyagarah on Thursday visiting another forum member so I took a few pics and had a look at the damage.


Some of the pics below, there was more than the pics show but there may be kids reading the posts ...


It wasn't just the spraypainted rant and the silver paintbombs but the idiot(s) also punctured both fuel tanks by spiking them with a steel rod as can be seen in a couple of the pics.


There was a bit of irony involved, apparently the plane wasn't even the skydivers, I was told this one was on hire for a few days while theirs was being serviced.


My thoughts are that people don't do this sort of thing to a $2-3m plane without there having been some considerable history of dispute so it would be logical that quite a few folks would have a good idea who did it. It'd have to be someone very close to the field because C208s are very quiet and they usually depart and climb over the ocean. The plane's owner reckoned that advice he'd received indicated that a successful prosecution for tampering/endangering lives would result in something like a two year holiday at HM's pleasure ...











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Hmmmmm, judging by the swastika, my bet goes on the Greenies........ I'm probably biased though, given their history with the WRC round.........

Hmmmmm, judging by the swastika, my bet goes on the Hindus, Buddhists, Jainists, and/or Odinists.008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif




The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures.


Greenies are Nazis or Nazi sympathizers??? Never heard that connection, and I really have trouble seeing a link between Greenies in the late 20th century, and the supposed environmental credentials of the 1930 German Nazi party. All relevant accurate details will be gratefully acknowledged.



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I am wondering how they could be so savvy as to know they should puncture the fuel tanks as and where they did?

Agree - it might be pure luck to hit one tank, but to specifically damage both tanks? Someone has to have some aircraft knowledge



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Do some research, they are closely aligned. Hitler was an art loving vegetarian environmentalist (prior to blowing stuff up). Both Nazi and Greens are totalitarian (extreme left) groups.

Really? You believe Hitler was a Lefty?

That's the funniest thing I've heard in years!


Actually, it's the second funniest thing. The funniest thing was that the Greens are a totalitarian group!


That's got to have come from the likes of Alan Jones, Ray Hadlee or that other great thinker Larry Pickering....



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Crezzi I don't know the guy at all but can you dispute or disprove what he wrote? Don't like him? Then use the other link I included, a book by Franz-Josef Brueggemeier "How green were the Nazis?" - a professor of history at the university of Freiburg, Germany. "The Nazis created nature preserves, contemplated sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature."


On topic I think that aircraft could be repaired fairly inexpensively. On a positive note the (Green or Nazi 058_what_the.gif.7624c875a1b9fa78348ad40493faf23c.gif) vandals could have done a lot worse things to it.



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Crezzi I don't know the guy at all but can you dispute or disprove what he wrote? Don't like him? Then use the other link I included, a book by Franz-Josef Brueggemeier "How green were the Nazis?" - a professor of history at the university of Freiburg, Germany. "The Nazis created nature preserves, contemplated sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature."On topic I think that aircraft could be repaired fairly inexpensively. On a positive note the (Green or Nazi 058_what_the.gif.7624c875a1b9fa78348ad40493faf23c.gif) vandals could have done a lot worse things to it.


Arguing that Greens are Nazis, because Nazis were Green is the kind of false equivalence that people like Durkin use to trick gullible people.


Here's another false equivalence: all stupid people vote Conservative, so all Conservative voters are stupid people. Like I said, it's a false equivalence, but if your purpose is to get someone riled up and to predjudice them in a certain way, this trick works a treat. However, it only works on people who are not inclined to think critcally about what they're told.


John: thanks heaps for the Rationalwiki link. That's a new one for me and no doubt, a site I will be searching through in the future...



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Gnarly:Arguing that Greens are Nazis, because Nazis Green is the kind of false equivalence that people like Durkin use to trick gullible people...

Crikey, I find myself defending GG! (Only a little bit.) He has a point about the Nazis. Some of Hitler's ideas would make him right at home with today's Green movement. He loved animals and children (but only proper Aryan ones) and had a healthy-sounding vego diet.


The reality ends about there. The majority of Nazi policies are anathema to the Greens. Today's greens are a broad church (I am a proud supporter, but disagree with several Green policies).



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Today's greens are a broad church (I am a proud supporter, but disagree with several Green policies).

Agreed, on all counts: broad church, a supporter but disagree with some of their sillier policies. But disagree that people who make statements of the sort that GG made need defending. I think they need enlightening.



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Byron is too expensive for greenies, more likely National Party members.

Oh Dear! I'm biting at FT's provocations again. Greenies are not all unwashed, long-haired tripod-dwellers, just as not all NP members are wealthy.

In fact you might find more wealth among Green supporters.



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The majority of Nazi policies are anathema to the Greens.

Well only a few of them really. Like for example the Nazis built autobahns & pursued nukes while the Greens want to see everyone on bicycles with the countryside covered in bird killing windmills, so overall more regressive leaning. The big picture is that both groups are totalitarian, rabidly anti-Semitic and make a big noise about the environment whilst destroying it. The environment being a useful front for another agenda.


Greenies are not all unwashed, long-haired tripod-dwellers, just as not all NP members are wealthy. In fact you might find more wealth among Green supporters.

This is very true.



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Crezzi I don't know the guy at all but can you dispute or disprove what he wrote? Don't like him?

I'm not in the habit of believing the contents of random internet blogs without some knowledge of the authors background & credentials GG so I was simply following your wise counsel to "do some research". This soon unearthed some strong opinions about the author.


I don't believe I published my personal position on the topic much less an opinion of the author. I'm confident that most people who follow your advice will be able to reach their own conclusions about the credibility of the article.


Back on topic - is it not possible that the vandals painted swastikas because that's their opinion of the operators behaviour rather than as a statement of their own politics. And before anyone else adds 2 + 2 to make 15, I am not suggesting that the operators are facists nor that this behaviour is acceptable .



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I am not interested in ANYONES political views, I have strong ones of my own which I'll keep to myself. My suggestion is to keep the posts in the intent of RECREATIONAL FLYING, and not turn this site into a "twitter" or other related dribble forum. Surely we have seen enough of the Rotax/Jabiru personal fighting in the last week to prove this. Constructive input is of interest to everyone but trying to force an individual's view down someone's throat chases people (with valuable knowledge) away.


Over the last 12 to 18 months I have observed (with a couple of exceptions) an increase of personal bias as opposed to useful information. (We all have personal opinions).


Maybe it is me that is out of step but from an informative site which I started following in 2008 to now I have observed a downward spiral.


If it is only me then keep going and I will end up joining the others (which I believed contributed useful information) and disappear.



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