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has anyone got a Sennheiser S1 headset?


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My first headset was a sennheiser PNR (not sure of model number) 300 odd dollars and I was very happy with it, I had never tried ANR. The quality of voice transmition and receiving was very good. It was only recently when I got to the point of needing a second headset that I looked at ANR and eventually went with the lightspeed Zulu which I haven't used for all that long but find it very very nice.


I think judging from my 'cheap' sennheiser that you would not be disappointed with them but if you are going to spend that sort of money look at all the alternatives



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yeah, I need to check this carefully: it's a lot of money. But as another poster said, you can't wind back the clock with hearing loss. I know my hearing is not as good as it was 20yrs ago and a jabiru cockpit is a noisy place.



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I have 2 Zulu Lightspeeds in my aircraft....just fantastic...light to wear and the anr is fantastic....at $960 each they would want to be too but I am very pleased with then

The biggest short coming with Zulu's is that their passive performance is fairly ordinary if you forget to turn them on, or the battery fails. I still bought a pair ready to put in my plane, spare batteries don't weigh much. I have noticed a lot of career pilots fly with Bose headsets though, they might be worth a look if you really want to smash the budget.



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I went to Oshkosh last year and tried all the display headsets. They were all really good.Finally bought the Zulu 2 and wow,,,, comapaired to what I was flying before,,, I will never fly with a cheap anr headest again. I now feel sorry for my passengers with my old anr unit :)



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Yes I have the S1. Try before you buy is my advice as they all work best on differebt shape jrads.


The S1 os hood of you feel squashed eats on long trips. Most comfortable I have had bit meant for a larger head. The way they adjust the clamping for a smaller head just breaks the seal.


The ANR is crap compared to the Zulu or EQ1's. I wish I still had the Zulu's now I don't fly so far so much. I mean really crap.


But try them on and forget the reviews, way too subjective.



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I went to Oshkosh last year and tried all the display headsets. They were all really good.Finally bought the Zulu 2 and wow,,,, comapaired to what I was flying before,,, I will never fly with a cheap anr headest again. I now feel sorry for my passengers with my old anr unit :)

what were you flying with before, can I ask?



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Tina's Pilot Shop in Texas used to sell a hybrid built by Lightspeed (with the Lightspeed warranty and service back-up!) that had the earlier Lightspeed - pre-Zulu - hardware with Zulu 1 electronics. I'm not sure whether this one is the same deal: https://ssl.perfora.net/www.tinaspilotshop.com/sess/utn;jsessionid=154fb467b4992b2/shopdata/index.shopscript I bought a set for just over $300 posted here, when the exchange rate was better; very comfortable and great electronics ( my brother has used it and reckons it's as good in comfort and noise reduction as the Bose's he usually flies with, and it doesn't set his hearing-aid buzzing as most ANR headsets do) with BUT: it doesn't like the Microair intercom! (or vice-versa). The Coms function was great but the intercom was really difficult to handle.


You may be wise to check your potential choice in your aircraft before laying down the $$ to ensure there are no incompatibility problems.



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ah, that's good to know, that the Zulu 2 is much better than the Altronics ANR. What I really need to do is head off to Oshkosh myself.

Yeah I had a ball in Oshkosh. Getting to see all the latest gizmo's and planes was all worth it. I only went for 3 days and that was my biggest mistake. Toured through a number of places while I was over in America, but I didn't realise how much I'd under planned for the air show till I was there.



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