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Malaysian Airlines MH370

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Why the military didn't question an unidentified aircraft flying over Malaysia has one baffled. Nev

They probrably did question, got no answer, non-communicat, then shot it down, as you would. In the days that followed they would have enjoyed one OH SH1T moment after another.



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They probrably did question, got no answer, non-communicat, then shot it down, as you would. In the days that followed they would have enjoyed one OH SH1T moment after another.

That's one of the more realistic conspiracy theories out there.



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On the TV news some days ago it was reported MH 370 is no longer thought to be in the Indian Ocean and the so called pings were not believed to be connected to the missing aircraft.



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They need to send a ship's navigator and a mathematician along with that Kiwi to the oil rig and work out where it went down.


That is of course presuming they want it found .....



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Its very easy to prove Inmarsat`s projected arcs.Its very cheap to prove if they are right.They should do a trial and error method by sending an aircraft with similar performance characteristics up in the air and make it to fly exactly the same route they have predicted and note how the satellite will be pinging that aircraft.This is a cheap to prove if they are right than keeping on scanning the sea bed in an area which is not 100% is right.The fishermen reported a low flying big aircraft with landing lights on, meaning the aircraft was in Landing Configuration thereby flying slow maybe around 250knts.If it was flying slow then the aircraft is not far from Malaysia itself.That route has been made with assumption of aircraft in cruise speed 450knts or more.I strongly believe the aircraft is more north maybe in Indonesian waters or land.



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On the TV news some days ago it was reported MH 370 is no longer thought to be in the Indian Ocean and the so called pings were not believed to be connected to the missing aircraft.

I understand they still believe it's in the southern Indian Ocean (the southern arc), just that the initial signals they picked up in the water were not from the black box. It was a confused message in the media, but then that would be normal... the intent is get get attention, sell some stuff.



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I understand they still believe it's in the southern Indian Ocean (the southern arc), just that the initial signals they picked up in the water were not from the black box. It was a confused message in the media, but then that would be normal... the intent is get get attention, sell some stuff.

It's incredulous that you could consider Tony Abbot, an expert in these matters, to be wrong!!





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Well he was 'very confident' based on what the experts told him at the time. Just like the left are 'very confident' about the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming hoax based on BS experts. Both turned out to be dud claims in reality. How you react when you discover you have it all wrong is the critical part. Sure you would know about 'saving face' and all...



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Sure you would know about 'saving face' and all...

You mean when the Chinese blatantly cheat anyone any chance they get and when they get caught they ask the persecuting person to "Give them Face" trying to weasle out of it, same for a worker who stuffs up something who begs his Boss for the same etc, ... disgusting concept.



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In the spirit of Pin the Tail on the Donkey we should use Google Maps to pick a point on the earth where each person thinks it might be and if or when it's found we could then see who is the closest. Maybe Ian could set it up like the Airstrips list page.



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...Just like the left are 'very confident' about the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming hoax based on BS experts...

Oh dear, GG. you really must open your mind. If you are so convinced that we can go on as we have been, then perhaps you should invest everything you have in a house at sea level.



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Hey you selling waterfront cheap O-K? Then like Flannery I'm buying for sure. The irony is that not only is the extra CO2 not causing catastrophic global warming or significant seal level rise but it is beneficial to flora (and thus fauna also).... no-one likes to be conned, open your mind to the reality. No warming in 17 years, every computer climate model shown to be wildly wrong. 020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gif


On topic PA may be about right, it seems there isn't even a single item of debris washed up. Sad for the families to disappear without a trace, but then I guess it happens to a lot of people each year although not in such a dramatic way.



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Err, I have been holidaying in Canada for the past 3 weeks and 1 week in Alaska . There is a big problem here with pine trees dying from being infected by the pine beetle . Natures way of keeping it in check has been cold winters . Actually they need around 5 weeks of minus 40/50 c to kill the pine beetle. Over the last few winters the temperatures haven't been getting any where near that low temp so the beetle is spreading. Global warming ? I'm not sure since temps run in cycles but it is a concern.



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Global warming ? I'm not sure since temps run in cycles but it is a concern.

I don't believe in GW, not from the current Chicken Little POV anyway, because of clear evidence from deep ice drilling showing the temp cycles of the last 680,000 years and clearly shows we are in a warming cycle right on cue.


Not surprisingly, the Scientists who claim GW and seek millions for further research never mention the drilling - oh cynical me.


The downside is I do believe in children's rights to grow up breathing clean air and the Global Warming protagonists can and do do damage to the work that should be done there. They really should take a different approach and could still be self serving at the same time.



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The CSIRO scientists who did the drilling concluded differently from isotopes analysis, and didn't need the millions for future research because they were paid to do the job, and they have a satellite positioned to give them continuing data on the Antacrtic Ice melt, where a piece the size of the Bellarine Peninsula fell off about six years ago, and they were not the "scientists" who tried to spin a story acceleratng the degree of warming.



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I understand they still believe it's in the southern Indian Ocean (the southern arc), just that the initial signals they picked up in the water were not from the black box. It was a confused message in the media, but then that would be normal... the intent is get get attention, sell some stuff.

On good old channel 7 they said it was not thought to be in the Indian Ocean any more because of no debris being found and the situation was back to the starting point. On the same station last night was a story on the Sunday Night program about the 210 that went missing in the Barrington Tops in 1981. As usual the media slant was silly it was called Australia's great aviation mystery, to me I was mystified why an experienced pilot would make attempt to make that flight with a faulty vacuum pump and how they managed to stay in the air as long as they did.



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It's a bit like a debate on religion. Despite overwhelming evidence of rapid warming and that we are a major cause, people grasp at scraps of evidence to support our old way of life. I'd rather believe the vast number of responsible climate scientists than the minority who are funded by the fossil fuel industry. Like a coal train gathering speed down a steep grade, the melting of permafrost and release of collossal quantities of greenhouse gases will seal our fate. It may already be too late to stop the momentum, but our government could at least continue with the small but successful changes made by the previous one. But no, their idealogical zealoutry will make us a pariah in the international community. When hundreds of millions are displaced from their low-lying countries and come ashore here, we will be on our own.





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Quite a thread drift here but what is new? 'Climate Change' another silly one, of course the climate will change, what else would you expect? should it just stay the same? The name itself is stupid, at the very least it should be called 'suspected human caused climate change'. There will always be warm and cold weather cycles and there will always be some BS reason proposed for a new tax.



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True, Tech, the climate always goes thru cycles. The current trends are unprecedented and there is plenty of evidence that we are the main cause. People were willing to make enormous sacrifices for past wars, some of them pointless; most of us would be happy to foregoe a few luxuries to ensure a future for our kids. The carbon tax was helping to create new industries.



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most of us would be happy to foregoe a few luxuries to ensure a future for our kids

. Really? were you going to stop eating beef? driving your car? flying your plane? using electricity?


The carbon tax was helping to create new industries.

All the carbon tax was going to do is stifle the economy and create poverty.

What is our estimated carbon emission, 1% of the world emissions? And what about the scientists who say man made carbon is minuscule compared to other natural events such as volcanoes?



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Give up OK. They select their facts. Admittedly it is hard to get the real ones, but they are there if you look. There is BIG money trying to stop renewables. . They won't let go of their rivers of gold easily, even if we all suffer.. It's a pity that this sort of discussion pops up all the time, because it IS off topic . I though I should support your point of view on this occasion . IF all the deniers can be so absolutely sure of what they say. I would welcome that outcome. Increasingly those who specialise in these things are becoming more concerned that things are getting to a point of no return. Something like 98% or more of the experts, can't be wrong, can they?. Nev



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The current trends are unprecedented .

Veritably not true on every level from micro to macro.


They won't let go of their rivers of gold easily, even if we all suffer..

At the end of the day the rivers of gold are offered but it takes a buyer to make the deal complete.


Maybe I enjoy using my engines too much to want to become a Pro-GW and therefore a hypocrite in the very same instant?



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Increasingly those who specialise in these things are becoming more concerned that things are getting to a point of no return. Something like 98% or more of the experts, can't be wrong, can they?. Nev

If that is true then cause of the problem needs to be addressed, places like China, the US, I can't see how imposing a tax on Australians would have any effect on the climate.



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Something like 98% or more of the experts, can't be wrong, can they?. Nev

Can't they Nev? Rewind five or six hundred years and 98% of the experts were still predicting that the earth is flat, and that you sailed off into the sunset, straight over the edge!!!



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