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CASA 292/14 - Conditions and direction about Jabiru engines


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A Jab owner when asked the latest news on this global debacle last week indicated that he had heard "SFA" that is to say NIL.


Therefore one can only assume that there is hopefully some "GOOD NEWS" in the wind,& if no "GOOD NEWS" is forthcoming within the near future , then it appears that the opposite will be the end result.028_whisper.gif.c42ab2fd36dd10ba7a7ea829182acdc1.gif



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I read ( say: reed) with interest the report from Jabiru about their take on the CASA instrument. Whilst admitting that there have been shortcomings with the earlier motors, they claim that the new products with recent updates are A OK. I can believe that that may well be the case. However no mention was made of helping / assisting those owners of the 3 or 4 thousand engines already sold that need help and assistance.........


What about me, it isn't fair


I've had enough now i want my share


Can't you see i wanna live


But you just take more than you give



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Those 3 or 4 thousand engines would include mine, and it goes just fine thank you. It doesn't have any requirements to change the flywheel bolts, for example. I did put on the through-bolt 12 point nuts ( which were supplied free ) so as to not be left out of all the excitement.


In the 14 years of operating this engine, the factory has been great to deal with, not that much has needed doing. The engine plus prop plus instruments cost me $11,500 at the time and so there wasn't much left over in that sum for the factory to provide an unlimited warranty, which is what is being asked for.


On another topic... there has just been a Volkswagen engine fail on its maiden flight at Gawler. I know of another such occurrence some years ago , where the builder never flew it again. I suspect that these Volkswagen engines have less reliability than the Jabiru ones. Does anybody have the statistics on this?



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Ive seen one where the front part of the crank and prop separated in flight. It's a known weakness. Some versions have new billett cranks. You can even get new manufactured crankcases. You get what you pay for. Nev



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I read ( say: reed) with interest the report from Jabiru about their take on the CASA instrument. Whilst admitting that there have been shortcomings with the earlier motors, they claim that the new products with recent updates are A OK. I can believe that that may well be the case. However no mention was made of helping / assisting those owners of the 3 or 4 thousand engines already sold that need help and assistance.........

What about me, it isn't fair


I've had enough now i want my share


Can't you see i wanna live


But you just take more than you give

Is this Jabiru Report somewhere on the internet where it can be accessed, & if so could you please advise where it can be located?



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we don't know the cause of the engine failure at Gawler. The pilot report is now on this site, but it makes me wonder about what could have caused the events described... Running out of oil would be a posibility I guess, although it seems too have happened too fast for this to be the cause. The prop was still on the plane after the crash, so it wasn't a separation.


Valves impacting the pistons? You would think this would be even more sudden and not associated with a CHT rise first.



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The report is in the new Sport Pilot. ...............Plus:- .......................Dear Bruce. I envy you your good fortune, You have indeed had a good run out of what can be a terrific engine. .... You must feel like one of the fortunate people in Sierra Leone that were passed over by the Ebola virus and wondering what all the fuss was about.......It appears that the series of improvements that have recently been made by Jabiru are having a significant effect on the Engine on, happy/ Engine off,unhappy ratio



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The report is in the new Sport Pilot. ...............Plus:- .......................Dear Bruce. I envy you your good fortune, You have indeed had a good run out of what can be a terrific engine. .... You must feel like one of the fortunate people in Sierra Leone that were passed over by the Ebola virus and wondering what all the fuss was about.......It appears that the series of improvements that have recently been made by Jabiru are having a significant effect on the Engine on, happy/ Engine off,unhappy ratio

For those interested aviation minded people who are not privy to receiving the RAA Magazine, since it also not sold in Newsagents now, would it be possible for it to be uploaded on this Thread site for all inteersted people to read(reed)



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Nope Geoffrey, I don't feel like a Sierra Leony guy, I'm not black enough for starters. I feel more like the guy who has never had a road crash and who thinks this is because he is a smart-ass compared with those who have.



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Id bet the world would prefer if ebola only effected 25 people in 90'000 and none of them were injured

Sorry jet I have too much time on my hands. Just working on some figures I googled from the World health organisation which were a little confusing so I added them all together and worked on a world population of 6bil (which was right when I was at school (years ago) and done some sums and came up with this rate.

Ebola infections by my rough (gotta be missing something) calculations is 1 infection per 120,000


All of which is totally irrelevant to the discussion topic but everyone else is diverging and I want to be irrelevant too:peep wall:



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Well the death rate of Ebola works out (working on CDC.gov figures and a 7 bil world population) to roughly 1 in 750,000


I like pointless conversations, actually wifey says Everything I say is pointless :-)



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Received a call today, mate with a Camit engine received mail from Camit stating Camit engines are exempt from all this hoo haa.


Grapevine tells me, more good news to come. ??



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I tried to order a Camit Engine in mid Jan. They were waiting on parts from an overseas supplier. Last I hear was that they could not provide a delivery date but would be in touch when they could. Obviously the parts haven't come in as I haven't heard anything since 22 Jan.



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Jabiru's newsletter Jaba chat has made a statement about the impact of CASA's actions on aviation, I believe this problem to be very real, I wrote try to get supporting facts but got more ridiculous statements, if you agree with what has been stated by Jabiru please do not stay silent and write to the relevant government departments, CASA, transport minister etc. nothing will change if people stay silent, the registration debacle for RAA was a result of CASA's actions and I know of other things CASA have done which are almost impossible to believe but are real. Recreation aviation will cease to exist if CASA keeps up their ridiculous games run by amateurs and it will not just be about Jabiru as they have hurt many others already !


Jaba chat statement.


CASA has stated on their website that there will be a review of the restrictions early in the New Year however they have not communicated to us when this review will take place. We will continue to work with the regulator to address issues however the unilateral action taken that was not backed up by robust and/or well analysed evidence is a concern for the aviation industry as a whole. Restrictions based on incomplete data, deficient analysis and possibly misleading claims have the potential to set a worrying precedent.



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Hi Lindy Lou , All pretty upbeat for Jab . Aircraft and engines selling well ....... Bob

Hey Bobby!


Of course everything is good. Jab will have the last laugh my friend. Need to catch up with you and Sals. All well this way. The "S" is singing like a bird. Hope all good your way.


Miss our chats.


-Linda :)



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