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Agree completely.


Unfortunately, tomorrow we'll all be told "it's your fault, should make Muslims feel more welcome, most of them are fine, if we take more refugees it will be OK".


It'll come to a point (sooner rather than later) there will be either a massive shift in our political system (voting power) or a civil war.


As it is we are loosing the civilised world to 6th century savages.



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Yip and some of those 300,000 are already posting on facebrick that it is the Western nation's fault. Couple of them focussed on a fellow named Drumpf, who last I checked was only a candidate for one of the US political parties, but why let the truth get in the way of an anti-semetic rant?



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Remember when Abbott was in charge? Every time the LNP started getting mired in some screw up made of their own doing, Tones would find some terrorist attack to talk up.


Miss the good old days.


And now Turnbull is handed his "Tampa Bay", a golden opportunity to whip up the racists and bigots into a frenzy of fear and loathing in the lead up to an election.


Just useless



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I fort that "Orf Topic" was the place to post the anti muslim terrorism stuff ?. . . . . . .


Mate of mine was injured in that. . .so his Wife told me this afternoon,. . . I'll let you know after I've spoken to him.



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Probably needs to be in the "off-topic" forum.


I'm sick of Islamic terrorism too, but it's not a matter of being told to "make Muslims more welcome".


It's a matter of having the intellect and the common decency, which seems to be totally absent in some people, to be able to accept that there are two sides here. The Muslim community is a sadly divided one these days. There's the majority side which just wants to be left alone to pursue a better life and survive, and the minority radicals who want to go out and terrorise and destroy everything, including mostly their own people, and who don't care much whether they live or die. It's a simple, plain, empirical fact that IS mostly brutalise and murder their own people, but their own people do not have the weapons or support to be able to fight back. This is quite obviously why people are fleeing that region in very large numbers, which was not the case before the Iraq and Afghan wars and the rise of ISIS.


It's about perspective though. Islamic terror is a big problem today in terms of world stability and it needs to stomped on. "Crushed", if you like. But mouthing off or spitting at a woman in a hijab buying groceries with her kid in the local shopping centre, as generally happens following these events, is not the way to do it, and only demonstrates how to be an a***hole. So too does a lot of the commentary on social media following it.


IS are lashing out with dramatic effect because they are losing ground big-time in the middle east. A number of their strongholds there have fallen recently and their military power has been severely depleted. This effort from the West needs to be strengthened not weakened, but in the meantime we may well unfortunately see more of these terror attacks from localised cells involving fairly small, but occasionally effective, numbers of terrorists.



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you will never stop people who like to kill. And they are all sorts of colours and so called faiths. All these types are scum. We all remember Martin Bryant. He was very white but I don't remember people saying let's stop white people coming to Australia.



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The problem I see is the people who want to target an entire large community as a result of these terror attacks, but in doing so, those people distract and dilute the attention from actually targeting the radicals within.



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The average Muslim may well be a peace loving, law abiding citizen, but I havn't heard him or her complaining about the atrocities being committed. I am still even handed enough to think that they are not like IS, but it would do them and us a world of good if they could speak up and give us their opinion on what is happening. I am afraid that if they don't they will eventually all be tarred with the same brush and become the enemy.



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If you don't have the chance to mix with them Yenn, you're not going to hear their opinions.


I have three Muslim friends who wouldn't hurt a fly, and are disgusted with these people.



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If you don't have the chance to mix with them Yenn, you're not going to hear their opinions.I have three Muslim friends who wouldn't hurt a fly, and are disgusted with these people.

I work in a rural community that has around 7,000 people from the predominantly Muslim countries of Central and Northern Africa, Turkey, Albania, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan. In our city of 60,000, we have 5 mosques and a Sikh temple. We just celebrated Diversity Week last week and I saw large numbers from these communities, our Aboriginal community and Anglos sitting together at Kids Town sharing the pleasure of food and entertainment for the children.


If you share food with them, as I have, during Ramadan or at the Sikh temple after prayers, then you get to know that they are almost all very law-abiding and welcoming people. Interestingly for me, I seldom see people from those communities appearing in Court and those I do see are almost always youngsters who have strayed from the culture and beliefs of their parents as they begin to embrace the ways of the West including ice and alcohol.





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Aiee those evil Westeners - leading people astray again. There should be a law against it!


Yenn, I see things in much the same way. If we're going to play trumps though, (no not that idiot) the game, there are 5 people in my circle of friends who happen to be Muslim and this discussion has been had more than once. I don't pretend to understand the cultural imperative, however they seem extraordinarily reticent about condemning their fellow Muslim and I have a problem with that, mostly because us evil Westerners have no compunction about distancing ourselves from our own kind that act in ways we find abhorrent, however there is no parallel call for the Edmund Burke position amongst our peers who are of another faith. Frankly I find it inherently racist to expect less of others than I do of my own. Our difference in viewpoint won't stop us being friends, but I'm not going to adopt the usual whitefella cringe because I differ with them on this point.



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Of course most Muslims are nice ordinary people. The problem is how populations work. If you teach the Koran to a thousand boys, most will take it with a grain of salt and the one in a thousand will become a jihadist.


Notice how Japan has not been attacked? I wonder why that is.



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Bruce, Japan's post war defense doctrine embraces pacifism


Terrorism as a form of economic warfare and it works, before 9/11 the US debt was $5.8T since 9/11 their debt has gone up to $18.9T. Soon the US taxpayer will be spending all their tax revenue on just servicing the debt.



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The average Muslim may well be a peace loving, law abiding citizen, but I havn't heard him or her complaining about the atrocities being committed. I am still even handed enough to think that they are not like IS, but it would do them and us a world of good if they could speak up and give us their opinion on what is happening. I am afraid that if they don't they will eventually all be tarred with the same brush and become the enemy.

The main issue is that they have nothing to apologise for, so why should they? You don't see Christians, Catholics etc in the street apologising for the sexual abuse of children or terrorist murders committed by the IRA.


The other issue is that they get very little media coverage even if they do speak out (in the UK at least).


I do feel that Islam is quite backwards compared to other cultures (treatment of homosexuals, women etc) but it is going through a transition and definitely modernising. Those wanting to cause trouble are a minority.


I've mentioned before that if most Muslims wanted a Holy War there'd be far more death and destruction than we've seen. Let's face it, how hard is it to collect/assemble explosives and set them off in a terminal before security checks? It doesn't take a genius to do that, and it'd happen far more often if many wanted to do the same thing.



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Of course most Muslims are nice ordinary people. The problem is how populations work. If you teach the Koran to a thousand boys, most will take it with a grain of salt and the one in a thousand will become a jihadist.Notice how Japan has not been attacked? I wonder why that is.

I have a friend who was born a Muslim and came to Australia around 20 years ago. Having read through the Koran since moving to Australia, he's since left the religion, as he stated it wasn't compatible with the new way of life he had moved to here. He confirmed to me the translations such as "strike off the unbelievers heads" and "kill the Infidel wherever they stand" are statements which are echoed throughout the Koran. If you look back at Muslim history, Mohamed raged a war across the Middle East where many peaceful cities and all their people were destroyed or enslaved. Mohamed also married a nine year old girl.


Japan is an interesting one to note, so far they are the only country who have not been affected by Islamism, as they do not allow the practice of Islam anywhere within their country. According to reports many years ago their research determined Muslim culture wasn't compatible with modern culture.


The answer here is very simple. Ask all Muslims to confirm they place their allegiance to their country ahead of that to their religion. If they cannot do this, they cannot comply with one of the most basic



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I'm not sure how to quote someone here, but Spooks just made a very valid statement about the modernization of the Islamic faith. There are those within the faith that don't want it modernized and feels it is the westerners that are the ones responsible for it and are doing all the terror related things. As a Christian, I don't really care about other faiths on this planet. We're very watchful over here in Canada and US about what is happening in Europe. But, eventually, it is like a viral plague that is trying to be contained. It escapes the containment. It is a dangerous world.



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